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UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 UC Santa Barbara Projects & Progress 2010 A brief look at some of the things we’ve been working on this past year.

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1 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 UC Santa Barbara Projects & Progress 2010 A brief look at some of the things we’ve been working on this past year.

2 UCSB Projects & Progress 2010 GauchoSpace Course Management System GauchoSpace - Course Management System 5 years of course management, 3 years branding as GauchoSpace using the Moodle course management system. We are very happy with our decision on Moodle. We are currently running Moodle 1.9.11. We plan to cut over to Moodle 2.x in Fall 2012. Courses using GauchoSpace comprise 55% of all student enrollments. Customer Service has been a priority and it has helped the service grow. We archived 3 years of old course sites for the first time this last summer. GauchoSpace has a 700 picture photo gallery submitted by students of our beautiful campus and community: https://gauchospace.ucsb.edu

3 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 COLLABORATE: L&S Instructional Technologies (1 of 3) Classroom presentation technologies and network access: 30 departmental teaching spaces in 2010-11; 20 more planned for 2011-12. 4 general assignment classroom enhancements plus VOIP instructor support in 5 more; 11 additional GA classrooms in 2011-12, including small rooms for sections. Extended campus wireless into 23 instructional areas in 2010-11; 19 more areas planned for 2011-12.

4 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 COLLABORATE: L&S Instructional Technologies (2 of 3) Worked with Student Affairs to include expanded support for instructional applications in their identity and security infrastructure project (first phase rollout scheduled for June 2012). Deployed a course management support team consisting of one career staff and 6 half time graduate students to provide Moodle application support and training to instructors and TAs, and to develop documentation and research future enhancements. Along with other investments, this supported the ongoing increased use of our campus CMS GauchoSpace.

5 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 COLLABORATE: L&S Instructional Technologies (3 of 3) Consolidated scheduling and management processes for Letters & Sciences and Instructional Computing labs, with a mix of classroom and collaborative learning lab configurations, and funded additional open hours. 2011-12 goals include enhanced support for language instruction, and a conversion of a classroom lab into another collaborative lab. Continued the conversion of Academic Advising information and processes to the web.

6 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 L&S IT Services In May, the Instructional Computing unit was merged into L&S IT Services, in order to leverage resources across the two organizations, and maximize strategic alignment in the areas where IC was the primary provider of Collaborate- funded services. (This was in the spirit of campus Operational Effectiveness efforts, although not a direct part of that process.) Since one effect of the merger is to locate several campus-wide services in a College, processes are being established to ensure effective service delivery using this model.

7 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) (1 of 2) Joint collaboration by CNSI and MRL, plus ‘Affiliated Staff’ from 6 other departments and institutes. Local IT staff can provide best support Computer Science, Earth Research Institute, Economics Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Mathematics and Life Sciences Computing Group

8 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) (2 of 2) Installed new NSF funded cluster of 96 nodes. 1008 MPI cores 4 ‘fat nodes’ of 256/512 GB of RAM 12 M2050 GPUs 60 TB high performance storage

9 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 Operational Effectiveness The following IT proposals are currently under review as part of UCSB’s Operational Effectiveness Initiative. Outsourcing Student Email A campus-wide Collaboration Suite Telephone/VoIP IT Organization Governance For more information:

10 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 IT Vendor Fair In May UCSB had a grass-roots organized IT Vendor Fair featuring 35 different vendors. Over 300 people attended including IT staff from Westmont College and Santa Barbara City College. Since then, there have been 10 follow-up vendor presentations on specific products. 8 more vendor presentations are in the works.

11 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 IT.UCSB.EDU IT.UCSB.EDU is a launch pad to the information technology organizations that provide infrastructure, applications, and services to support academic and business activities at UCSB. It was officially launched in December 2010, and it now has: 400+ active users, 750 posts 17 committees with 350 members 7 active projects For more information:

12 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 Campus Calendaring Work Group (1 of 2) Meeting since October 2010 Campus-Wide IT representation Charged by IT Planning Group to recommend a replacement for Oracle Calendar, soon expanded to include campus-wide Email service Asked, in January 2011, by Operational Effectiveness committee to recommend a product suitable for campus- wide collaboration (expanded beyond email and calendaring)

13 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 Campus Calendaring Work Group (2 of 2) Process: Created a set of Fundamental Requirements Identified 4 possible solutions that met Fundamental Requirements – Google Apps – Microsoft Office 365 – Microsoft Exchange – Locally Hosted – Zimbra – Locally Hosted Evaluation Groups critiqued each solution and shared with entire work group Deliberations in process

14 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 Technology Infrastructure Fee UCSB is proposing an FTE-based Technology Infrastructure Fee (TIF) to replace the existing IP Address recharge and Data Network Surcharge on Business Telephone lines. For more information:

15 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 NEC Telephone Switch Upgrade We are updating the software and cpus of our telephone switch and gaining VoIP functionality. Our goals are: Keep the telephone switch on vendor support. VoIP functionality is available for the use cases where: – It provides a lower cost solution, e.g., copper pairs aren’t available. – It provides a more effective solution, e.g., DTS replacement systems are no longer available; Business telephone functions aren’t available from the switch due to distance limits; and VoIP instruments make moves, adds and changes easier. It allows for evolutionary adoption by departments that want VoIP’s additional features.

16 UCSB Projects & Progress 2011 For further information about any of these items, please email your questions to Thank you!

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