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1 1 Tim. 5:24-25 [By Ron Halbrook]. 2 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge 1 Timothy 5:24-25 24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment;

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Tim. 5:24-25 [By Ron Halbrook]. 2 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge 1 Timothy 5:24-25 24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment;"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 Tim. 5:24-25 [By Ron Halbrook]

2 2 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge 1 Timothy 5:24-25 24 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. 25 Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.

3 3 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge Introduction : 1.Text in context: Vv. 17-25 Honor & respect elders Vv. 22-25 Care in appointing elders

4 4 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge Introduction: 1.Text in context 2.Vv. 24-25 Only God renders perfect judgment  “Sins…open beforehand”  “Some…follow after”  “Good works…manifest beforehand”  Some…follow after

5 5 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge Introduction: 1.Text in context 2.Vv. 24-25 Only God renders perfect judgment 3.Great lessons as reflect on God’s perfect judgment Perfect judgment to be rendered to all We must judge with caution & humility

6 6 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge I.“Sins…Open Beforehand” (1 Tim. 5:24) A. Gen. 6:5 Notorious Sins in Noah’s Time B. Gen. 19:4-11 Notorious Sins in Sodom C. Rom. 1:18-32 Notorious Sins of Gentiles D. Notorious Sins Today Some like Noah’s generation Some like Sodom Some like Gentiles

7 7 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge II. “Some…Follow After” the Judgment (1 Tim. 5:24) A. Some Sins Hidden from Our Eyes 1 Tim. 5:25 “Cannot be hid” Num. 32:23 “Be sure your sins will find you out”

8 8 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge II. “Some…Follow After” the Judgment (1 Tim. 5:24) B. God to Reveal Hidden Things of Darkness Ps. 139:11-12 Sees dark as light 1 Cor. 4:5 Judgment Day to reveal all

9 9 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge II. “Some…Follow After” the Judgment (1 Tim. 5:24) C. God to Expose Hidden Sins of His People Rom. 2:5-11 Perfect, impartial Judge Josh. 7:10-11, 19-21 Only God could expose Achan’s sin 1 Tim. 5:19-22 We must expose sin, but only God can expose some cases

10 10 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge II. “Some…Follow After” the Judgment (1 Tim. 5:24) D. Sin Hidden from Man Not From God Sins of tongue Sins of financial dishonesty Sins of sexual immorality Sins in family Sins of addictive behavior

11 11 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge III. “Good Works…Manifest Beforehand” (1 Tim. 5:25) A. Noah’s Life & Preaching Heb. 11:7 Build ark on dry land 2 Pet. 2:5 Preach righteousness Gen. 6:3 Persisted 120 years!

12 12 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge III. “Good Works…Manifest Beforehand” (1 Tim. 5:25) B. Heb. 11:8-19 Life & Journey of Abraham & Sarah Vv. 8-10, 13-16 Live in tents, seek eternal city of God Vv. 11-12 Bore child in old age Vv. 17-19 Offered Isaac

13 13 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge III. “Good Works…Manifest Beforehand” (1 Tim. 5:25) C. Mk. 14:3-9 Woman Who Anointed Jesus D. Faithful Christians Shine as Lights Matt. 5:14-16 Influence of godly life Tit. 2:7-8 Unbelievers observe

14 14 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge IV. Some Follow After the Judgment (1 Tim. 5:25) A. Circumstances & Misunderstanding Put Some in Bad Light— Only God Can Vindicate Good men may wrongly charge the just Changing fortunes of Job  Job 29:1-3, 7-8, 14-16 Honored as just  Job 30:1, 10, 20-21, 25-26 Condemned as rabble

15 15 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge IV. Some Follow After the Judgment (1 Tim. 5:25) B. Men with Wrong Motives Mar Reputation of Righteous Phil. 1:15-16 Envy, strife, undermine Paul 3 Jn. 9-10 Diotrephes prate against John

16 16 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge IV. Some Follow After the Judgment (1 Tim. 5:25) C. Lk. 21:1-4 Good Works of Many Like Widow Known Only to God

17 17 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge V. Great Lessons Learned from Reflecting on God’s Perfect Judgment A. Perfect Judgment to be Rendered to All No case too hard Total confidence in God’s judgment

18 18 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge V. Great Lessons Learned from Reflecting on God’s Perfect Judgment B. Make Our Judgments with Caution, Humility Charge elders, others??? (1 Tim. 5:19-20) Did sin occur, what sin, when, where??? Receive someone in fellowship??? Discipline church member???

19 19 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge V. Great Lessons Learned from Reflecting on God’s Perfect Judgment B. Make Our Judgments with Caution, Humility Know what was done, how remove doubt?? Not able to reach conclusive decision— advise, admonish— God will judge in the end Will make mistakes, but trust God! If victim of wrong judgment, trust God!

20 20 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge Conclusion: 1.Perfect judgment rendered by God, not man 2.Trust God in all cases Sin to be exposed, punished Righteousness to be vindicated, rewarded

21 21 Perfect Judgment – Perfect Judge Conclusion: 3. If living in sin, seek God’s forgiveness: Alien sinner: Believe, repent, confess Christ, be immersed in water (Acts 2:38) Erring saint: Repent, confess sin, pray (Acts 8:22)

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