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European Investment Bank Jorge Diaz Fraga Universidad de Valencia Facultad de Economia.

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1 European Investment Bank Jorge Diaz Fraga Universidad de Valencia Facultad de Economia

2 European Investment Bank European Union’s long-term financing arm. At the service of EU objectives. EIB was created in 1958.

3 EIB-Mission “Our Mission is to further the objectives of the European Union by making long-term finance available for sound investment.” 1

4 EIB-Group EIB Group was established in 2000, and is formed by: EIB : provides long and medium term bank loans. EIF : activity is centred upon two areas, venture capital and guarantees.

5 EIB-Group EIF Is EU specialist financial institution for SMEs. EIF offer guarantees to financial institutions that cover credits to SMEs. (€2040mm) EIF invest on VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS and business incubators that support SMEs,that are focused on technology or are at early stages. (€688mm)

6 EIB-Group The EIF has several shareholders, the EIB being the majority shareholder: EIB: 62% European Commission: 30% Other European Financing Institutions: 8%

7 EIB-Strategy How the EIB achieves its mission? Financing viable capital projects, through borrowing from the capital markets. In which areas does the EIB intervenes?

8 EIB-Strategy The EIB has 6 priority points to follow on its activity Cohesion and Convergence. Support for SMEs entreprises. Environmental sustainability. Implementation of the Innovation 2010 (i2i). Development of Trans-European Networks of transport and energy (TENs). Sustainable, competitive and secure energy.

9 EIB-Structure Independent from other EU entities. Shareholders are EU member countries. Board of Governors – Board of Directors.

10 EIB-Partners EIB has forged relations with a number of groups: Eu institutions. Banking Community. Multilateral Development Banks. Civil Society Organisations. EIB- Universities Research Action. The cooperative ties ensure optimum interaction between its loans and EU budgetary aid through a number of joint initiatives such as: JASPERS. 2 Risk Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF). 3

11 References 1 EIB Mission Statement. URL: 2 JASPERS. URL: 3 RSFF. URL: sff/index.htm sff/index.htm

12 Bibliography URL: whatis_eibgroup_en.pdf whatis_eibgroup_en.pdf URL: URL: RNAL/EXTABOUTUS/PARTNERS/WBE U/0,,contentMDK:20405646~menuPK:58 1219~pagePK:64137114~piPK:6413691 1~theSitePK:380823,00.html RNAL/EXTABOUTUS/PARTNERS/WBE U/0,,contentMDK:20405646~menuPK:58 1219~pagePK:64137114~piPK:6413691 1~theSitePK:380823,00.html

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