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All plants start with a seed. Here is a picture of acorns They will eventually turn out to be great big trees.

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3 All plants start with a seed. Here is a picture of acorns They will eventually turn out to be great big trees.

4 When planting a seed or acorn, you only have to plant it about 1 ½ inches underneath the soil. Make sure the soil has fertilizer in it so the seed will grow strong and healthy.

5 Make sure that your plant gets plenty of water. Water your plant daily, or if the soil feels dry when you touch it.


7 After the plant has sprouted, it now has all of its parts. The plant now has roots, a stem. Leaves, and a bud, or flower.

8 The roots are very important parts of a plant. Roots absorb water and nutrients that plants need to grow. Roots help support plants. They keep the plant secure in the soil.

9 A stem is a plants organ. This organ performs a specialized task. It has two important jobs. It carries water and food from the plant’s roots to its leaves and flowers. It also provides support for the plant and holds up the leaves toward the sun. Some plants use their stems for storage. There are some plants that keep their stems underground. Stems come in all shapes and sizes.

10 Leaves come in all shapes and sizes. They are considered to be a plant organ. An organ is a group of tissues that perform a specialized task.

11 The specialized task that leaves perform is photosynthesis. A plant takes water from the soil with its roots. The water travels up the plant through little pipes called xylem. The plant also takes carbon dioxide from the air through tiny openings in the leaves called stomata. Each leaf contains a green chemical, chlorophyll, that takes energy from sunlight and combines it with the water, carbon dioxide, and nutrients from the soil. A chemical reaction in the leaf changes all of this into stored food energy and makes oxygen for us to breath. This whole process is called photosynthesis.

12 The epidermis is the outer layer of cells covering the leaf. People also have an epidermis: their skin. The epidermis is transparent (not green). There is a waterproof coating covering the surface of the epidermis. This covering is called the cuticle. The cuticle is usually thicker on the upper surface of the leaf than on the underside. Cuticles on leaves are usually thicker in dry or windy climates than in wet or calm environments. For example, plants that grow near the ocean often have thicker cuticles to keep the ocean breezes from drying them out.

13 Flowers are the start of food for people and plants. Flowering plants produce fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

14 deo/player/kids/green-kids/plants- kids.html deo/player/kids/green-kids/plants- kids.html

15 People and animals eat the fruits of some plants and the seeds and leaves of others. We also get many different things from plants that we use everyday. These things are fibers, medicine, wood, fuel, paper, and many other useful products.


17 Baby Oak TreeFull Grown Oak Tree

18 In the heart of a seed, Buried deep so deep, A tiny plant Lay fast asleep. “Wake,” said the sunshine, “And creep to the light.” “Wake,” said the voice Of the raindrops bright. The little plant heard And it rose to see, What the wonderful, Outside world might be.

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