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Labor & Government Regulation. Goal 5.03 Objective TLW assess the impact of labor unions on industry and the lives of workers by acting as an assembly.

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Presentation on theme: "Labor & Government Regulation. Goal 5.03 Objective TLW assess the impact of labor unions on industry and the lives of workers by acting as an assembly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Labor & Government Regulation

2 Goal 5.03 Objective TLW assess the impact of labor unions on industry and the lives of workers by acting as an assembly line worker, writing a journal detailing their experience and completing a flow chart.

3 Preview A craftsman is a skilled worker. Were “New Immigrants” skilled workers?


5 Helmey’s Doll Factory Pretend you are a “New Immigrant” to the United States. You recently arrived in New York City. You are unskilled and illiterate. You have just been hired by the Helmey’s Paper Doll Factory. Your shift is from 7am to 11pm. Your boss will assign you your roll on the assembly line.

6 Helmey’s Assembly Line 1)Head and Hair 2)Eyes, Nose, and Mouth 3)Dress with Pockets 4)Arms and Hands 5)Legs and Feet


8 Pay Day!! 16 hour shift (7am – 11pm) Men – $1.00 Women – $0.75 Boss Pay - $300.00

9 Connect to History... Write a 3 – 5 sentence journal entry Write a 3 – 5 sentence journal entry for a child working in a NC textile mill. for a child working in a NC textile mill. Think about: - hours worked - how your boss treated you - your pay - working conditions

10 List 2 – 4 things that you think factory workers of the early 1900’s experienced. ***** My life

11 Describe what it was like for a factory worker of the Industrial Age: What could the factory workers do to try and get improved working conditions? Labor & Government Regulation Notes

12  Trade Union – union of unskilled workers  Craft Union – union of skilled workers

13 Labor & Government Regulation Knights of Labor – one of the original trade unions (unskilled workers)

14 Labor & Government Regulation American Federation of Labor (AFL) – founded by Samuel Gompers. One of the 1 st craft unions in the U.S.; was instrumental in winning many victories for workers. Samuel Gompers Founder of the AFL

15 Labor & Government Regulation  Eugene Debs – famous member of the AFL who would run as a socialist candidate for President. Eugene Debs

16 Labor & Government Regulations  What tactics do Unions use to try and bring about change?

17 Labor & Government Regulations Collective Bargaining – two sides negotiate and come to a mutually acceptable employment contract.

18 Labor & Government Regulations  Arbitration – settles disputes between employers and employees by each accepting the binding decision of a third party.

19 Labor & Government Regulations Strike –union tactic of walking off the job and trying to shut down a companies operations

20 Labor & Government Regulations  How does Big Business react to Unions?

21 Labor & Government Regulations  Yellow Dog Contract – document that potential employees are required to sign before employment; workers agree to not join a union.

22 Labor & Government Regulations  Blacklists – an unwritten list of workers who former employers would give a bad reputation to making it difficult for the workers to get hired elsewhere.

23 Labor & Government Regulations  Injunction – a court order to stop a strike

24 Labor & Government Regulations  Famous Strikes Haymarket Square Riot – Mob outburst at a labor protest in Chicago where a bomb killed 8 Policemen. *Led many people to distrust unions!


26 Labor & Government Regulations  Pullman Strike – railroad workers strike over cut wages and increased rent. Federal troops were sent in to keep the trains moving and stop the strike  strike was ended by an injunction!


28 Labor & Government Regulations  What could the government do to try and end these violent strikes?

29 Labor & Government Regulation  The government decides to get involved and begins passing laws protecting workers.  Clayton Anti Trust-1914  government used powers to break up monopolies and help workers; courts can’t force workers back to work, legally may strike, picket, or boycott.


31 Compare and contrast 1900 Factory WorkersToday’s Factory Workers Early Unions Today’s Unions

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