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Scientists are normal people just like us all. They do the same things and act just like us. Most of them speak foreign languages. Scientists aren't always.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientists are normal people just like us all. They do the same things and act just like us. Most of them speak foreign languages. Scientists aren't always."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientists are normal people just like us all. They do the same things and act just like us. Most of them speak foreign languages. Scientists aren't always stuck in their offices. They have lives outside of the labs too. Some like to do outdoor activities; others like to read or do things inside. To me, a scientist is bald and has hair coming out of the sides of his head.... Scientists live in their own world and the rest of society puts them there.

2 Sound into Light Sonoluminescence


4 Applications of Ultrasound Enhancement of chemical reactions (sonocatalysis and sonochemistry) Cleaning Medical procedures Treatment of industrial liquid waste Possible nuclear aspects?

5 Heterogeneous Sonochemistry Particle size reduction Titanium foil after sonication (true color)

6 MBSL versus SBSL System of many bubbles Light emission correlates to bubble collapse Multibubble systems drive heterogeneous sonochemistry System of one bubble driven by a resonant frequency Light emission correlates to minimum resonant bubble size More difficult to obtain

7 nolum.luminol.horn.jpg ons/vectors/apr97/bubble.gif Light emission of MB and SB systems is different MBSLSBSL

8 MBSL Emission Spectra

9 Frequency dependence of SL intensity in aqueous solutions

10 The SL emission intensity is directly proportional to the atomic number of the noble gas saturated in the solution.

11 Other factors affect SL intensity pH of solutions doped with alkyl acids or akylamines Temperature of solutions (20-25° C most research data) Vapor pressure (SL intensity α 1/vapor pressure)

12 Model of bond cleavage/temperature due to cavitational “hot-Spot” Energy release during cavitational collapse causes the chemical bonds to dissociate. Triply-bonded molecules such as N 2 require higher temperatures for bond cleavage.

13 TESC Sonicators Frequencies of about 20-40kHz Horn external to bath Not sealed Large container Frequencies of up to 1MHz Horn Immersed in bath Sealed Small container Sonochemistry Equipment


15 The End

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