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Patterns of Nationalism in Post- Soviet States Stage Two. Varieties of Nationalist Experience Marharyta Fabrykant Pushkin 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Patterns of Nationalism in Post- Soviet States Stage Two. Varieties of Nationalist Experience Marharyta Fabrykant Pushkin 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patterns of Nationalism in Post- Soviet States Stage Two. Varieties of Nationalist Experience Marharyta Fabrykant Pushkin 2011

2 Theoretical Background  Friedrich Meinecke: Kulturnation vs. Staatsnation  Hans Kohn: Eastern vs. Western nationalism  Anthony D. Smith: ethnic vs. civic nationalism

3  +V217 (ancestry important for citizenship)  +V218 (birthplace important for citizenship)

4  - V37 (immigrants/foreign workers as undesirable neighbors)  - V45 (preferential employment for conational)  - V124 (restrictive and exclusive immigrant policy)  - V130 (mistrust to people of another nationality)  - V221 (negative attitude towards ethnic diversity)

5  + V75 (seeing oneself as a part of one’s nation)  + V209 (readiness to fight for one’s nation)  + V212 (pride of one’s national identity)

6  + V219 (adopting a country’s customs important for citizenship)  + V220 (abiding by a country’s laws important for citizenship)



9 AgeEducationIncome Social Class Subjective EN0,328-0,397----0,321 MC-0,4720,6780,4740,954 NC0,665---0,1780,437 IN0,934---

10 Interest in Politics Political Self- positioning Estimation of Democracy EN-0,2870,122-0,867 MC0,832-0,2741,227 NC1,1910,3921,566 IN--- 1,405

11 Meaning of LifeHappinessHealthAutonomy(Post)Materialism EN--- -0,393-0,554 MC0,4291,1431,0390,8391,662 NC0,6891,4200,708-0,358-0,569 IN---0,454----0,245-0,553

12 CautiousAscribedDevotedIndifferentXenophobic EN----0,411-0,789-1,167-1,546

13 Country200519952005 rating1990 ratingChange of rating from 1990 to 2005 South Korea0,5427-1,0223231-22 Brazil0,5881-0,2753253-22 Chile0,2684-0,2623184-14 Uruguay0,2274-0,5966152-13 Switzerland0,38850,16052110-11 Spain0,36960,31012015-5 Moldova0,57930,40232420-4 South Africa-0,00670,0396107-3 Sweden-0,047-0,001986-2 USA-0,03360,12498 East Germany1,20540,89542726 West Germany0,98030,950726271 Slovenia0,03080,305511132 India-0,3979-0,2268253 Romania0,33370,496719223 Ukraine0,40380,857522253 Australia0,06920,33712164 China0,15870,342113174 Mexico-0,10250,27447125 Argentina0,25620,489316215 Norway-0,34650,20564117 Bulgaria0,26780,563517247 Turkey-0,42330,1411198 Serbia0,19320,511914239 Georgia-0,35750,306631411 Finland-0,3320,356951813 Poland-0,12130,374761913


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