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ELearning Committee Strategic Plan, 2007-2008. A Brief History of the ELC Committee Developed and Charged (2004) CMS Evaluation and RFP Process (2004)

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Presentation on theme: "ELearning Committee Strategic Plan, 2007-2008. A Brief History of the ELC Committee Developed and Charged (2004) CMS Evaluation and RFP Process (2004)"— Presentation transcript:

1 eLearning Committee Strategic Plan, 2007-2008

2 A Brief History of the ELC Committee Developed and Charged (2004) CMS Evaluation and RFP Process (2004) CMS Transition and Datatel Integration (2005) eLearning Definitions (INET, TNET, CNET) and Additional Support Services (COS, IDT) (2006) Course Development Guideline & Rubric (2006) eLearning Strategic Plan (2007) Plan Process and Implementation (2007/08)

3 Delta College eLearning It’s not a short term trend... Blended and Online growth will continue... (Sloan Reports) Quality Matters! (Students have more choices for online learning!) Quality Matters! (Best Practices & Course Assessment Rubric) We need additional capacity (online courses) to meet student and community demand. We need to develop online programs. (Gap Analysis) We will need additional resources. (Financial Stability) Interactive Communication and Mobile Learning

4 Student Support Initiative: Implement a student success model within the eLearning program. AP: Organize all eLearning services into a single point of contact (on campus) for eLearning students. AP: Coordinate all on- campus services to accommodate eLearning students.

5 Student Support Initiative: Implement a student success model which reflects a commitment to accessibility while maintaining course and program integrity AP: Evaluate INET, CNET and TNET course offerings for viability (in terms of student success) in a distance setting.

6 Program and Service Excellence Initiative: Implement a comprehensive eLearning effectiveness program, supported by sustained, evidence-based and participatory inquiry as to whether eLearning programs and courses are achieving outcomes and use these findings to guide curriculum design and delivery, pedagogy and educational processes. AP: Conduct needs assessment to determine appropriate program and course offerings. AP: Assess student learning and satisfaction with eLearning courses, programs and services.

7 Program and Service Excellence Initiative: Implement a comprehensive eLearning effectiveness program, supported by sustained, evidence-based and participatory inquiry as to whether eLearning programs and courses are achieving outcomes and use these findings to guide curriculum design and delivery, pedagogy and educational processes. AP: Assess the extent to which our eLearning program makes education accessible to students not previously served. AP: Annually review action plans and identify prioritized plans for the next year.

8 People Focus Initiative: Create an organizational structure that provides students, faculty, staff, and the community with easy access to quality learning environments, quality support services and comprehensive information about eLearning. AP: Collaborate with the eLearning Office to create a comprehensive eLearning Marketing Plan. AP: Organize all eLearning services into a single point of contact for all stakeholders: Faculty, Staff, Students, and Community.

9 People Focus Initiative: Create an organizational culture in eLearning that promotes proactive leadership and team building with key stakeholders. AP: Institute regular, formal contact between the eLearning Committee and eLearning office and representatives from student, faculty and community support services to identify stakeholder needs and ensure effective coordination of all services.

10 Community Relationships Initiative: Enhance the community’s perception of eLearning at Delta College and make them aware of eLearning opportunities. AP: Collaborate with the eLearning office in the development of a comprehensive eLearning marketing plan.

11 Financial Stability Initiative: Proactively increase the efficiency of resource utilization to financially support the achievement of our mission. AP: Explore alternative delivery modes (i.e. CNET courses) and schedules to meet student needs and create efficient enrollment patterns.

12 Financial Stability Initiative: Maintain fiscal responsibility and stability. Initiative: Implement an entrepreneurial fiscal philosophy based on value added. AP: Identify options to control or reduce costs through program review. AP: Explore relationships with external partners for the purpose of generating value- added revenue streams.

13 And beyond…. Explore options related to an evaluation/placement instrument so that students are appropriately placed in E- learning environments. Review accessibility of the CMS and other eLearning tools with assistance of the Disability Services office.

14 And beyonder… Develop funding plans for new distance technology initiatives. Create an eLearning course orientation process to include all possible stakeholders and all modes of instruction delivery. Develop a comprehensive eLearning instructor certification process.

15 And beyonderer… Implement a coordinated effort to make eLearning accessible to students not previously served. Meet with representatives of all on-campus student support services 3-4 times each year in order to accommodate needs of e- Learning students.

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