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Day DateReadingTopic Th11/28no class – Thanksgiving Break T12/3Ch. 12more on Neurogenesis Th12/5Ch. 9 The Saga of the Germ Line T12/10more on Reproduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Day DateReadingTopic Th11/28no class – Thanksgiving Break T12/3Ch. 12more on Neurogenesis Th12/5Ch. 9 The Saga of the Germ Line T12/10more on Reproduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day DateReadingTopic Th11/28no class – Thanksgiving Break T12/3Ch. 12more on Neurogenesis Th12/5Ch. 9 The Saga of the Germ Line T12/10more on Reproduction Th12/12 parts of Ch. 13Growth The Final Exam will be in our regular classroom on Friday, Dec. 20 th, 8:00 – 10:00 AM. The exam will cover all the material in the course. Also remember there are two, short writing assignments, each worth 20 points. Pick any topic in developmental biology (except your term paper topic) and learn more about it. Then write a two page paper and include all the sources you used (those can include any sources including web sites, newspapers, TV, etc). These are due anytime.

2 When you hand in your term paper also hand in a copy of the primary research article you wrote about. Your paper is due on Tuesday the 26 th OR If you hand in one of your short writing assignments at the same time, your term paper is due on Tuesday, Dec. 3 rd.


4 Chapter 12: A special organ, The Nervous System Neurons and glia CNS and PNS sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neruons A series of developmental steps: proliferation, specification process elongation (axons and dendrites) “pathfinding” synaptogenesis




8 2.7 fly cell types sliced

9 2.27 D/V slice

10 Fig. 12.2

11 12.5 proneural clusters

12 No longer in our book: vertebrate Notch/Delta

13 12.6 neuroblast mitoses

14 Box 12A fruit fly sensory hairs

15 Box 12A sensory cells in wing

16 Box 12B

17 12.7 inside out CNS development

18 Fig. 12.1

19 12.8 inside out 2

20 12.11 D/V signals in neural tube

21 12.12 Shh morphogen in neural tube

22 12.13 ventral spinal tracts

23 12.15

24 12.14 locations within neural tube

25 12.9 locations within neural tube

26 12.10 locations within neural tube



29 12.18 growth cone guidance

30 12.20 vertebrate interneurons

31 12.21 netrin knock out

32 Made from Fig. 12.25

33 Fruit fly embryonic CNS wild-type robo mutant comm mutant slit mutant (roundabout) (commissureless) (I faked this pic)



36 12.28 synaptogenesis 1

37 12.29 synaptogenesis 2

38 12.31 programmed cell death of neurons

39 12.32 synaptic refinement

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