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₮Review usage and ways that are being used ₮Discuss newest features and tricks ₮Talk about future goals ₮Talk about future requirements ‘summative’ ₮People.

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Presentation on theme: "₮Review usage and ways that are being used ₮Discuss newest features and tricks ₮Talk about future goals ₮Talk about future requirements ‘summative’ ₮People."— Presentation transcript:

1 ₮Review usage and ways that are being used ₮Discuss newest features and tricks ₮Talk about future goals ₮Talk about future requirements ‘summative’ ₮People rarely buy what they need. The buy what they want. – Seth Godin

2 % Student Fees TextbooksParent- Teacher Intrvws Report Cards DisciplineE- folders *excl REP *Bus Routing Grade Book Web Forms Bulletin Board Parent Connect 50+ Active SD72 16213221791000210526 DELTA 23 68231926??23100 94 SD83 325036100 No18100950 SD22 321101009589Yes26113763 SDML 0057100 N/A1000 57 SOSD 270641005977Yes551859 % based on number of regular schools using not including DL, Alternate or Continuing Education SDML: 430 courses/subjects using units SD72: 400 courses, Largely not unit based (using Term1,Term2..) SD22: 500 courses, mostly cumulative and largely not units SD37: 1700 courses, not unit based

3 Assignment Dates: ₮Copy all assignments from previous year or semester.. New increment all dates by XXX days (365=1yr) ₮Ability to edit dates from main screen *Are teachers utilizing these dates (assigned date, due, display PC)

4 Reporting Summaries/View ₮Show overall mark in assignment marking view(s) ₮Enhancements to grid to allow for ‘adding by hand’ ₮REMINDER: Email students and/or guardians all Missing Assignments!

5 ₮In Comment on any assignment if you indicate Course incomplete.. That will appear at the bottom of the profile in place of the final mark. ₮Woods/Tec courses where students complete their project anytime ₮Turn on, display to parents ₮Mass file Exclude to all students ₮… as they complete take their exclude off ₮Using ‘0’ weight on an assignment … Allows you to mark it and see that without it counting at all in the overall mark percentage.


7 ₮Creating that eFile copy and overwriting every week or ‘x’ weeks means great visual profile for parents/students WAAAY better than just seeing completed assignments!

8 Two great reports to assist at different levels ₮TCH.566 to look for all students with failures (interim RepC) ₮TCH.567 for summaries on courses/assignments Teacher Course Sec BL #Enrl #Asg Avg #Fail #Inc #E-Filed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G. BEROL BEROL AUTO SYS 20S AT20S 2 E 16 47 62.28 64 113 S. BETTS BETTS CHASSIS 30S AT30SB 2 A 10 47 68.34 32 97 S. BETTS BETTS DRIVE 30S AT30SC 1 C 16 57 67.52 70 149 Name Student# Course Sec Tchr #Fail Course Mark ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABELBODY-SMITHES, AUTUMN 403697 CHORAL 20G CHO20G 1 1 72.93 ABELBODY-SMITHES, AUTUMN 403697 PHYS ED 20F PE20F 6 1 74.18 ABELBODY-SMITHES, AUTUMN 403697 SCIENCE 20F SCI20F 4 2 71.11 BUSKELMONSTEREY, WAKAN 400932 INT MATH 20S MAI20S 3 21 38.25

9 ₮Use to separate chapters, sections of the course ₮Use when multiple teachers teach one subject (Gr8 options) ₮Doubles the visual for students ₮How am I doing on tests versus assignments ₮What subject matter do I need to work on?

10 ₮Add formative assessment piece (Next session) ₮Students to browse/attach completed assignments ₮Ability to attach/overwrite until ??? ₮Attach more than one thing? ₮Size restrictions? ₮Problems with junk/viruses?

11 ₮Allow teachers to setup their own unit types ₮SDML = 37 types ₮SD72 = 31 types ₮SD22 = 23 types ₮DELTA = 34 types

12 ₮Student is presented with 100+ multi-subject (Math,Science, English) competencies and all the teachers associated with you across multiple years work to ensure you have achieved them all. ₮Allow access to all teachers for *Core student ₮Add 100’s of competencies and as they are achieved ‘check’ ₮Minor changes in the program to ₮Carryforward assignments AND all student details for students still enrolled in that course/section

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