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Higher Academic Standards Vs. Academic Access in the Delta: Arkansas State’s First Year Admissions Program Barbara Doyle Paula Bradberry 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Higher Academic Standards Vs. Academic Access in the Delta: Arkansas State’s First Year Admissions Program Barbara Doyle Paula Bradberry 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher Academic Standards Vs. Academic Access in the Delta: Arkansas State’s First Year Admissions Program Barbara Doyle Paula Bradberry 1

2 Why a Success Program? Admission Standards on Steady Increase Many Students No Longer Admissible Fall 2010 – Regular Admission 17 on ACT and 2.5 GPA; Academic Success Institute (ASI) admission standards – 14 on ACT and 2.3 GPA Fall 2011 – Regular Admission 19 on ACT and 2.5 GPA; ASI – 16 on ACT and 2.3 GPA Fall 2012 – Regular Admission 21 on ACT and 2.5 GPA; Admit First Year Studies (FYS) 18 on ACT and 2.5 GPA Fall 2013 – Regular Admission 21 on ACT and 2.75 GPA; Admit FYS remained the same 2

3 Getting Started Review of Literature and Best Practices Hunter, Boylan. What Works: Research-Based Best Practices in Developmental Education. National Center for Developmental Education. 2002. Casazza, Martha and Sharon Silverman. Learning Assistance and Developmental Education: A Guide for Effective Practice. Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. 1996. 3

4 Academic Success Institute (ASI) Separate Application for ASI – Required a brief statement as to why they wanted to be admitted to the program Separate Orientation – Included information specific to the ASI Program in addition to information given to all students – Registration for classes – Compass testing Contract Signed at Orientation Required C’s or above in all classes each semester in the program or would be suspended 4

5 Academic Success Institute Components Specialized Sections of Making Connections (FYE course required of all first-year students) First Semester – UC 1013 Making Connections (three-credit hour course) Transition to college Understanding policies and resources Personal responsibility Goals and motivation Time and task management Study skills (reading a text, note-taking, study methods, memory, test-taking)

6 ASI Components Cont. 2 nd Semester – UC 1032 ASI Success Strategies (two-credit hour course) Review of time management, study skills Strong focus on career planning Library research Oral Presentations

7 ASI COMPONENTS CONT. Intrusive Advising – Making Connections instructor the advisor – Minimum of three individual sessions with each student – Advisor responsible for identifying problems, developing a plan for success, making referrals and following up with student – Strong working relationship with Learner Support Services to provide additional services to these students 7

8 ASI Components – Cont. Peer Leaders in Connections Sections – Upper class students assigned to each classroom – Served as resource for students – Assisted with group activities – Met with students in small groups Developmental Course Redesign – First redesign of reading and writing courses – Incorporated technology into reading and writing courses – 2011-12 Moved from two reading and writing courses each to one course each 8

9 Assessment and Review = Change Advising and Referrals Extremely difficult for Making Connections instructor/advisor to follow up Addition of Advisor/Counselor for program – Responsible for working with Learner Support – Oversee peer leaders – provide more direction – Hire and supervise tutors for one-on-one in addition to what Learner Support could provide – Monitor Early Alert and notify advisors and students – Assist referred students in developing a success plan – Make referrals to other services on campus and serve as an advocate for our students 9

10 Fall 2012 Change to Admit First Year Studies Growth and Change – Admission requirements for FYS now ACT 18 and 2.3 GPA – No longer required separate application – simply admitted through FYS – 400 students admitted through FYS – Attended same orientations as all other freshmen – Change from C’s or above in all courses to 2.0 GPA with C’s or above required in developmental courses – Continued course redesign w/use of a combined reading and writing course linked to Composition I – Movement of Developmental Math to First Year Studies and change to Emporium model – Changed Advisor/Counselor to FYS Student Services Coordinator and added additional duties – Began providing similar services to first-year international students 10

11 Contract and Appeals Process Admit FYS Contract – Detailed explanation of contract at orientation – Initials for each item and signature required – Reminded of expectations in Connections classes throughout the semester Appeal Process – Committee made up of math chair, SSS director, counselor and FYS Student Services Coordinator – Written appeals that must show extenuating circumstances – If suspended from program, cannot return until completion of 12 or more hours with a 2.0 at another college 11

12 FYS CONTRACT PARTICIPANT REQUIREMENTS FIRST YEAR STUDIES ADMISSIONS (ASI) ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY - JONESBORO Admission through First Year Studies (FYS) provides students who do not meet regular admissions criteria an opportunity to enroll at Arkansas State University-Jonesboro. The program has been developed to enhance student success and expectations of students are high. It is important that you understand, and accept, the program requirements, expectations and structure. Please initial beside each item and sign at the bottom. 1. I understand that I will be in this program for a minimum of two semesters and that I must have a 2.0 grade point average as calculated by the university with a C or better in developmental courses (if any) for each semester that I am in First Year Studies. Failure to complete the program successfully will mean that I will be suspended from the university and will only be able to return as a transfer student. ___________________ 2. I understand that I must successfully complete twelve hours each semester that I am in FYS, unless I’m given special permission to be a part-time student due to full-time employment. ____________________ 3. I understand that class attendance is very important and as such, my absences in any class must not exceed twice the number of times that a class or lab meets per week. ____________________ 4. I understand that my class choices and enrollment hours will be limited until I successfully complete my first two semesters through FYS.________________________ 5. I understand that I will be expected to meet all requirements of admission through FYS including meetings with advisor, instructors, or counselor, participation in tutoring or supplemental instruction as needed and attendance at FYS workshops as needed or required. _______________________ 6. I understand that I may appeal a dismissal through the FYS Appeals Committee and the Dean of the University College, and I understand that I must prove extenuating circumstances which made it impossible for me to meet the requirements of FYS for a dismissal to be reversed. ____________________ I understand that my signature below gives First Year Studies officials permission to request my grades, class attendance record and other information of an academic nature from my professors. Student Name ___________________________________________________ASU ID No.__________________ Please Print Signature______________________________________________________Date________________________ 12

13 DATA 13 Grade Point Average Data 1 st Year 2 nd Year 2010-11 FYS Participants 2.738 2.643 Baseline Group 2.505 2.367 Difference +0.233 +0.276 2011-12 FYS Participants 2.733 Baseline Group 2.601 Difference +0.132 Retention Initial data from first to second year showed lower percentage of students retained as they were suspended after one or two semesters if did not meet requirements. Early data indicates that second to third year retention is slightly higher.

14 Future Considerations Next year admit FYS goes to a 19 ACT composite Possibly allow more hours during first semester Review participant contract for possible changes Peer Leader Role – Continue to expand role and provide more training Evaluate and possibly expand the learner support offered within the program Continued review and where necessary redesign of developmental courses Continue to evaluate and change content and delivery of Making Connections and Success Strategies especially in light of iPad requirements on campus 14

15 Contact Information Paula Bradberry Barbara Doyle 870-972-2080 15

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