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“Recent” developments in EPICS-based beamline software 7/24/02 Tim Mooney Beamline Controls & Data Acquisition Group Advanced Photon Source Argonne National.

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Presentation on theme: "“Recent” developments in EPICS-based beamline software 7/24/02 Tim Mooney Beamline Controls & Data Acquisition Group Advanced Photon Source Argonne National."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Recent” developments in EPICS-based beamline software 7/24/02 Tim Mooney Beamline Controls & Data Acquisition Group Advanced Photon Source Argonne National Laboratory

2 Autosave/restore ( PPC compatible Include files Macro substitution Specify restore files Select directories for save files, request files Dated boot backup Reload request files Manual save/restore works Almost backward compatible Request-file excerpt: # comment xxx:m1.DESC # comment file myfile.req P=xxx:,M=m2... Include-file excerpt: $(P)$(M).VAL $(P)$(M).EGU file nested.req P=$(P),Q=abc …

3 saveData v1.13 PPC compatible (EPICS >3.13.5) Misc. bug fixes (stack size, trigger-PV field name, save-every-point fixed, string term.) PC/Mac friendly file names, e.g. xxx_scan2_nnnn.mda

4 transformRecord v5.5 Test for old value failed (calc would never run) if value was NaN. New field IVLA : can disable calc & output while record is in alarm Backward compatible with everything in synApps Scheduled for synApps 4.5

5 scalerRecord v3.12 Hold time before autocount overwrites scaler values is adjustable in st.cmd and in vxWorks console (default is 10 sec.) scaler_wait_time=10 Guaranteed to post VAL after count has finished and all scaler counts have been posted. (So clients know when they’ve received all the monitors they’re going to get.)

6 String calculations see Substring: Replace: Build: Parse: Select field: Concatenate: ‘abcdef’[1,3] => ‘bcd’ ‘abcdef’[‘a’,’f’] => ‘bcde’ ‘abcdef’{‘ab’,’XY’} => ‘XYcdef’ printf(‘abc%.2f’,1.2) => ‘abc1.20’ dbl(‘abc1.20’) => 1.2 @@(0) => 0 th string arg (AA) ‘abc’+’def’ => ‘abcdef’


8 Serial O/I Block Combination of string calc to construct output message, serial record to send and/or receive, and string calc to parse reply Write serial-device support at run time Similar GPIB support

9 Optical table Newport (diffractometer base) geometry PNC geometry

10 Monochromators Dispersive double crystal (nested, in-line) Spherical grating

11 Miscellaneous Sample Wheel (scannable, sample averaging) 4-step measurement (scannable, for dichroism) Run-time table interpolation (``, feedback ctrl) XIA filter/shutter

12 Scans 4 positioners, 4 detector triggers, 70 signals saveData client writes data to NFS-mounted disk Can acquire 1D arrays (e.g., save MCA spectra) Start/end, table, on-the-fly Dedicated scan and parameter sets for 1-D automated alignment

13 Clients, data analysis scanSee (realtime display for 1D, 2D, 3D scans) scanBrowser (offline display of MDA files) NX Scan Browser (offline display of NeXus files) IDL classes, routines for image data (plot, fit, ROI, overlay, etc.) PVMail (send email when PV violates limits) Channel Archiver

14 Python - 1D real-time scan-plot demonstration - read MDA files into a structure from readMDA import * scan = readMDA(“xxx_scan2_0001”) - display images from MDA file from detView import * detView(scan[2].d[1:7])

15 Linux Working…

16 Hardware Paddle board for use with BC-005 OMS VME58 to StepPak transition board Mycom microswitch interface (DIN-rail) Optical isolation board for use with BC-005 Optical limit switch display/inverter Step-Dir / Step-Step converter Acromag 9440 interface NEAT stage interface TTL to RS232 converter Xycom 240 -> QI 2000 adapter Turbo gate valve controller PSS remote shutter interface Servo amplifier for use with BC-005 Nitrogen-distribution controller Picomotor connections Multi purpose IP to Lemo interface (DIN- rail) IP330 ADC interface (DIN-rail) IP-Unidig interface for BC-020 IP-Systran DAC interface for BC-020 B.O.N.E. box, for electronics prototyping IP330 ADC interface for BC-020 IP-Lemo system Xycom 240 - Mad City Labs Nano-Drive Soon: Relay Module Board VME58 front header adapter for BC-005 VME Digital Waveform Generator VME 26-bit histogrammer


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