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BAM321 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Session 1: Business and Management.

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Presentation on theme: "BAM321 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Session 1: Business and Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 BAM321 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Session 1: Business and Management

2 What do you think this module is about? Your guesses and hunches have value – they might be interesting and they help your colleagues understand you and collaborate with you in learning

3 “Every man student I meet is in some way my superior; and in that I can learn of him.” Emerson

4 “It's more important to do the right thing than to do things right.” - Peter F Drucker

5 If ethics is about the question of how should we live – the right things to do then how should students behave in universities? Snowball. Think of rules of behaviour, problems and ethical dilemmas that might crop up. Aim to have as much to say as possible.

6 “One cannot tell truth from falsity, one cannot tell an adequate answer to a problem from an irrelevant one, one cannot tell good ideas from trite ones, and one cannot evaluate ideas critically – unless they are presented with sufficient clarity.” Karl Popper, “Reason or revolution?” in The Myth of the Framework (1994) pp70-1.

7 Agenda for today Get a feel for what we’re about on this module “How ethical am I?” self-assessment.

8 When you have finished, total the numbers and check your results below. 0 A statue will be erected in your honour. 1-5You rank among the noblest. 6-10You have high ethical standards. 11-15 You have above average ethical standards. 16-25You have average ethical standards. 26-35You might need training in ethics. 36-44 You may find yourself in trouble with your boss. 45Keep it up and you’ll meet the warden

9 Values Where do they come from? Can we establish them by using the “science of morals”?

10 Science Where do they come from? Can we establish them by using the “science of morals”? What is a science? Popper’s open society – “I may be wrong and you may be right, and by an effort, we may get nearer to the truth.”

11 An open society Fallibility is acknowledged. Argument/reasoning is the method by which we identify errors and so make progress. Criticism is valued.

12 Ethical theories Egoism Hedonism Relativism Kantianism Utilitarianism Maybe some more

13 Inter-session tasks Read the module handbook Peruse some books from the reading list Read the article by Albert Carr Read the business media and look for issues with an ethical dimension Begin logging!

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