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Inventions that use light and optics

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1 Inventions that use light and optics
By Spencer Hay

2 The camera It is a device that records images as a moving or still image like a photograph. They do this by using a single lens reflex to take the picture and you see the picture because of a hinged mirror Invented by Charles and Vincent Chevalier in 1826

3 The light bulb The light bulb is for adding light to a room like back then when they used candles except they last longer and brighter. They do this by using the curved glass shines the light in all directions . Invented by Thomas Alva Edison in

4 The glasses The glasses are for people who have a problem seeing so they put bent piece in the glasses concave or convex so the person can see far away or close objects. glasses date back to 8th century bc but first record by sir mark rennie In the first century ad.

5 The flash light The flash light is a portable light source that you can use to find things when it is dark in a room when the power goes out or in the woods at dark. Do this by shining light through a lens to make it go in a straight beam. It was invented by: Conrad Hubert in 1902

6 telescope The telescope is used for looking great distends like in space they use a convex lenses to do this Invented by: Hans shippershy, Zacharisa Jansse, and Jacob Metius in 1543

7 Reference I got my information from wiki, common sense , and the great idea finder Thanks for watching

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