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Laura Ellenbecker and Susan Woodmansey South Dakota Department of Education Office of Data Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Laura Ellenbecker and Susan Woodmansey South Dakota Department of Education Office of Data Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laura Ellenbecker and Susan Woodmansey South Dakota Department of Education Office of Data Management

2  Infinite Campus is the vendor that South Dakota uses for our Student Information Management System (SIMS)  Student data is entered into Infinite Campus at the District level  Certain student data “syncs” from the District up to the State  The SD Department of Education can then extract that data to use for reporting purposes

3  The SD DOE uses your data throughout the year: o State Aid/Fall Enrollment - Data must be entered into Infinite Campus by Oct. 15 th o Special Education Child Count – December 1 st Federal Reports (Consolidated State Performance Reports, EdFacts Reporting) Assessment Reports NCLB Report Card Attendance/Graduation rates Assessment ID labels Legislative Requests and other general data requests

4  Students must be enrolled on the last Friday in September (this year it was September 24 th )  Student’s enrollment for any percent of day will be included in the count  Open-enrolled students are counted in the district in which they are enrolled and served  Students assigned out of district but for whom the resident district pays a tuition cost are included in the resident district count  Out of state students (except for open enrolled students from ND and MN) are excluded from this count  Home School students are not included in this count  Applicable to public school districts only

5  All of the data used to calculate State Aid comes from information that you put into Infinite Campus


7 Important Fields in Infinite Campus!!

8  It is an unduplicated count of all children with disabilities ages 3-21 receiving special education and related services according to an individualized education program (IEP) on December 1 st of each year.

9 Why the December 1 Special Ed Child Count is Important to You!

10 Level for disability funding calculation Disability Level 1Specific Learning Disabled, Speech/Language Impairment, Other Health Impaired, and Developmentally Delayed Level 2Emotional Disturbance, and Cognitive Disability Level 3Deaf/Blind, Hearing Impairments, Orthopedic Impairments, Visually Impaired, Deafness, and Traumatic Brain Injury Level 4Autism Level 5Multiple Disabilities (must include 2 or more level 2 or 3 disabilities, not including Deaf/Blind) Funding amounts are defined in codified law 13-37-35.1

11 The Primary Disability is used to determine Special Education State Aid Funding.

12  If you have further questions regarding Infinite Campus, please feel free to call me at 605-773-4727 or email me at THANK YOU

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