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1 11/7/2015 Welcome…. Cub Scout Recruitment …a Pack’s Keys to Success!

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Presentation on theme: "1 11/7/2015 Welcome…. Cub Scout Recruitment …a Pack’s Keys to Success!"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 11/7/2015 Welcome…. Cub Scout Recruitment …a Pack’s Keys to Success!

2 2 11/7/2015  Planning your Pack’s Recruitment  Getting all families involved  Getting the word out (advertising)  Keys to a successful Recruitment event  The importance of Follow up & Summer Activities Overview of Tonight’s Training

3 3 11/7/2015 Why Recruitment is Key  Mission & Vision  To give every boy the opportunity to experience the benefits of Cub Scouts Gaining youth is the best reward Providing Scouting opportunities is like being a millionaire  New families keeps the Pack program strong for years to come  New Boys = New families = New LEADERS

4 4 11/7/2015 Preparing for Recruitment  Discuss Recruitment at Pack Committee / Parent Meeting  Select or assign a Recruitment Coordinator  Set a join Scouting date  Include in Pack schedule 1-2 nights for a “Join Night” Should be in April-May and September-October Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings are best

5 5 11/7/2015 Getting the word out - 4 proven methods  Flyers, Posters, Banners, Yard Signs  “Boy Talks” with stickers (most effective!)  Peer-to-Peer (word of mouth)  Special Events & Activities

6 6 11/7/2015  Flyers: Send home 1-2 weeks prior to Join Night and the week of the join night ***Order at least 1 week prior to distribution*** Order enough for 1/2 the number of students in 1st-5th grade X the number of distributions  Banners: Hang Banners at Schools, churches, homes, any where you are allowed Some cities prohibit banners on fences Banners can be modified, painted, customized to your pack Posters Hang in various local organizations (Just ASK!) Flyers & Banners

7 7 11/7/2015 Material Samples Flyer: Sticker: Postcard “Recruitment Material Order Form” Order Flyers to be distributed at least two weeks prior to your recruitment

8 8 11/7/2015 BOY TALKS-How To’s  When scheduling the join night, ask the principal for some time to talk to the boys a day before to remind them of the meeting  3 ways to address the boys: Classroom Visits - the best method (AKA –walk throughs) 10 minutes per room - visit in Uniform & bring props (Derby Car, birdhouse, etc.) Short energetic plug for Scouting highlighting Archery, Camping, PWD. Give every boy a sticker to wear home with meeting information Have them repeat back the meeting information Assembly Similar to classroom - but can be a little longer Lunch Table or recess Quick talk at each table, handing stickers as you go Bring props to show & get their attention

9 9 11/7/2015 Peer to Peer Recruiting  Encourage boys to invite their friends Recruiter patches can be purchased by the pack for achievement recognition  Have incentives / contest for participation  Use postcards for boys to hand to their friends  Encourage parents to contact parents of boys that are not currently in Cub Scouts (call, email, face to face at church, sports, etc.)

10 10 11/7/2015 Special Events & Activities Scout O Rama – The CARNIVAL of Scouting Get everyone in your Pack to go Get everyone to bring a friend Day Camp Sponsor a special event: Pinewood Derby Bicycle Rodeo

11 11 11/7/2015  Table at Back to School Night or Open House Have display with pictures, slideshow, photo albums of Pack Activities Sign in sheet for interested families & hand out a Pack information sheet Hand out book marks and post card with Join Night information  Posters, Banners & Yard Signs (order from BSA or encourage boys to make their own) - display at school for at least a week prior to the Join Night  Media: Article in School and/or local newspaper, PTA Newsletter Section about Cub Scouts on School website  Websites (PTA or Pack website visit ) Other Methods

12 12 11/7/2015 Time Lines  March-Make Plans Set “join Scouting” date - open house night, a pack meeting, a special activity such as a barbeque or egg hunt Order your pack recruitment materials  April-Get the Ball Rolling Talk to principal Coordinate walk Throughs by designating pack volunteers for walk throughs in uniform (Contact your DE if you need help) Pick up recruitment materials Hang banners Distribute Flyers Do Walk Thoughs  Suggestion: Have boys wear their uniforms to school on the day of your pack ‘join scouting meeting’ Attend your School’s open house night (host a table, have a cub scout activity demonstration) o Have scouts there to personally invite his friends or other boys to scouting meeting o Have a scouting demonstration. Older Scout’s are a great role model for this and troops may want to assist also (See you pack’s commissioner or DE)

13 13 11/7/2015  1 day prior: Confirm room with school - talk to custodian if necessary Confirm help of other leaders/parents Roles should include: Greeter, Helpers with Den organization, Activity coordinator for the boys  1/2 hour prior: Set up the room - tables should be arranged by grade (den) Den roster on each table with pens Set up display table with pictures at entrance The Join Night Getting ready …

14 14 11/7/2015  Welcome families as they arrive, distribute information packet and reference the materials inside (applications, parent guide, Bobcat book)  Opening - formal flag ceremony & introductions Have something fun for the boys to do. If your join night is the same night as your pack meeting-have parents break out to a different area.  Review purpose of meeting: Cub Scouts overview: structure, activities, family role & time commitment To register boys and parents and collect fees To organize dens and select helpers & leaders The Join Night Start the show!

15 15 11/7/2015 (After the opening, introductions & purpose of the meeting):  Briefly explain the structure & a few activities so the boys see how they fit in  Send boys out for an organized activity  Explain to parents the following (keep it brief): Time commitment & activities (highlight the fun & character development) Role of the parent & leadership opportunities Cost of registering (aim to collect only the BSA fees with the application tonight & ask for Pack dues at the next meeting) Uniform - requirements & where to purchase The Join Night The show is on the road …

16 16 11/7/2015  Answer general questions  Give 5-10 minutes for Dens to talk amongst each other - recruit den leaders as needed or have existing den leaders give specifics on their den  Re-group to introduce any new leaders  Announce next meeting (ideally a new parent “Fast Start” orientation in a week)  COLLECT APPLICATIONS & FEES Strongly encourage them to turn application in that night (less follow up for you) The Join Night The final act …

17 17 11/7/2015  Turn all applications in to BSA immediately Contact your District Executive to arrange pick up  Send a welcoming email or phone call to all families in attendance with-in 2 days - remind of next meeting  Follow up with families who attended but did not sign up  Encourage new leaders & parents to attend training  Promote Summer activities, Scout O Rama and Day Camp Follow Up

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