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1 Adobe CQ5.6 Promotions & Merchandizing Nick Beljaars Seamless User Journey – Digital Services November, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Adobe CQ5.6 Promotions & Merchandizing Nick Beljaars Seamless User Journey – Digital Services November, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Adobe CQ5.6 Promotions & Merchandizing Nick Beljaars Seamless User Journey – Digital Services November, 2014

2 2 Large Site text (CQ) already translated for all countries

3 3 MediumSmall Extra Small

4 4 Promotions & Merchandizing Promotions homepage template Promotions overview Page mastheadFilter menu Promoted product cards Promotion cards Promotions detail page Promoted products page Expired promotions page - In this schema it looks like only the overview page has masthead, filter menu and promotion cards. But also the other 2 homepages have masthead/filter menu. - And Expired promotions page also as promotion cards. - Promotion detail pages has 3 child pages with banners.

5 5 Table of contents 1.Tagging configurations to organize promotions6  Groups and translations7  Events8  Group color configuration10  Event color configuration11 2.Start - adding all necessary promotion templates12 3.Promoted products (PC_05)22 4.Expired promotions26 5.Promotions detail page28 6.Promotion card (PR_01)35 7.Additional banner locations for merchandizing39 8.Site Admin level configurations (go live preparations) 48 9.Image guidelines50

6 6 1. Tagging Each promotion can be assigned to one or more groups and/or events. A promotion can be assigned to e.g. the groups Household and Personal Care and also to the events Christmas or Valentine’s Day. Assigning promotions to these groups and events results in the population of the filter menu on the overview and expired promotions page. Next to that, the first mentioned Group tag is shown as label on the Promotion card. When only event tags are assigned, then the first event tag will be the label.

7 7 Groups and translations 1.Go to Tagging from welcome screen 2.Select ‘global’ underneath – filter – Promotions 3.Double click on the groups and add the correct translation for your country in the localization section 4.Click ok and repeat for all groupings 1 2 3

8 8 Events 1.Go to Tagging from welcome screen 2.Select ‘locale’ underneath – filter – Promotions 3.Select your locale and click + to open the navigation tree 3.1Create a new locale if not available yet by clicking new 4.Add locale code title and name and click ok 1 2 3.1 Is this slide only to create a locale for events (if needed)?

9 9 Create events 1.Select locale in tree navigation 2.Click new 3.Add event title and name 4.Click ok and repeat for other events

10 10 Each Promotion card group label can have its own color. The group color is configured on a global level and therefore always the same for all locales. A template is available, where the color of the groups can be configured. The template is available at this location: /etc/philips/promotionconfig/promocolor- configpage.html/etc/philips/promotionconfig/promocolor- configpage.html Below is a visual of that page. Only a lead author can configure this page on global level. Group color configurations (do not change!!)

11 11 As every country or locale can have its own events, the color configuration for events is on locale level. Each locale can decide for itself which color to use for which event label. Configuration is done in the page properties of the promotion homepage, to be found in this location:../content/B2C/en_GB/promotions.html Event color configuration 1.Click page properties 2.Click Events color configuration 3.Click + to start 4.Select CQ path created in tagging 5.Select color for your event 6.Click ok and repeat for other events 1 2 3 4 5

12 12 2. Start - adding all necessary promotion templates Promotions homepage template Promotions overview Page mastheadFilter menu Promoted product cards Promotion cards Promotions detail page Promoted products page Expired promotions page

13 13 Promotions overview (already created for all SUJ locales!!!) 1.Select locale in tree navigation 2.Click New 3.Select Philips – Promotions HomePage template 4.Add Title and Name according to information shared in CQ fundamentals training 5.Click ok 1 2 3 Some countries still create another one, next to this one you created. You could tell them to change the name of yours instead of creating a new homepage. Nevertheless, better to create a new one, because of recent release of code changes to production There will be only one template visible in the popup now when creating a promotion homepage (improvement point).

14 14 Promotions homepage template Promotions overview Page mastheadFilter menu Promoted product cards Promotion cards Promotions detail page Promoted products page Expired promotions page

15 15 Configure masthead image/title promotions overview 1.Open the properties of the GC30 Rendition Container and select general 2.Add three Items: overview – products – expired (implement like this, no translation!!) 3.Make top rendition (overview in this example) default. This means 2 things: a)the masthead you will maintain for the top rendition will be used for the page promotions.html. b)When products or expired are not mentioned here as renditions, they will be using the same masthead as the top rendition by default. 4.Click ok 2 3 1 4

16 16 Configure masthead image/title promotions overview 1.Add MH01 Sector Masthead to overview, products and expired parsys 2.Right click and click Edit 3.Click the general tab 3 2

17 17 Configure masthead image/title promotions overview 1.Right click on MH01 Sector Masthead and click edit 2.Change the title with the desired title 3.Add a tagline in the body text 1 2 3 1 Already clicked on general tab in previous slide…no use to repeat it here?

18 18 Configure masthead image/title promotions overview 3. Click on the background tab 4. Click full bleed ‘yes’ – click background ‘style image’ - locate the four images from the DAM. Large breakpoint image: 2000px x 380px 5. Scale image if dimensions of the image are not correct. Default is ‘no’. 6. Repeat step 1 -5 for products and expired. 3 4 4 4 5 Is the numbering consequent ?

19 19 Promotions homepage template Promotions overview Page mastheadFilter menu Promoted product cards Promotion cards Promotions detail page Promoted products page Expired promotions page

20 20 Filter menu 1.The filter menu appears automatically when three or more promotions are created 2. Translations will be loaded automatically if configurations on slide #7 are finished 3. No pagination will appear, but all promotions will be visible by scrolling the page. The filter menu items are displayed in alphabetical order. The custom tags (Father’s day, Christmas, etc.) will be mixed (and alphabetically ordered) with the normal product groups in the menu. In S/XS viewpoint the filter menu collapses (same behavior as on decision pages). 1 2

21 21 Promotions homepage template Promotions overview Page mastheadFilter menu Promoted product cards Promotion cards Promotions detail page Promoted products page Expired promotions page Promoted product cards (PR_02) are only visible on the Promotions overview page. On Promoted products page and the promoted products section on the promotion detail page PC_05 cards are visible of promoted products.

22 22 3. Promoted products These are simple product cards of a promoted product that belongs to the CL Product group of the promotion card that is shown just before this promoted product card. In below example a promoted product card is displayed on the right. All promoted products are visible via this link (change locale code in the link):../content/B2C/en_GB/promotions.products.html Banner, title and filter menu are automatically generated.

23 23 Promoted products on promotion detail page If you click ok in the dialog after configuring CTN’s, categories or subcategories product cards will appear on the promotion detail page.

24 24 Promoted products The promoted product cards are shown between the promotion cards (to enable a Pinterest-look grid). The rhythm is two promotions and then one product card (2-1- 2-1 etc.). L viewpoint: Each third card is a promoted product card. The product that is promoted is the hero product of the group displayed in the previous promotion card M viewpoint: The third card is a promoted product card. The product that is promoted is the hero product of the group displayed in the previous promotion card After that each fifth card is a promoted product card. This is to ensure that in Medium not all promoted product cards are clustered together. S/XS viewpoint: all cards are displayed in a list view, where each 3 rd card is a promoted product card. Promoted product cards are not displayed on the expired promotions page.

25 25 Promotions homepage template Promotions overview Page mastheadFilter menu Promoted product cards Promotion cards Promotions detail page Promoted products page Expired promotions page

26 26 4. Expired promotions This is the 3 rd of 3 landing pages of the promotions site. The page has the same functionality and is visually the same as the promotions overview page. There are 2 differences: 1. On this expired promotions page only the promotions that are already expired are visible. 2. Promoted product cards are not displayed on this page All expired promotions are visible via this link (change locale code in the link):../content/B2C/en_GB/promotions.expired.html ‘Expired’ Banner, title and filter menu are automatically generated.

27 27 Promotions homepage template Promotions overview Page mastheadFilter menu Promoted product cards Promotion cards Promotions detail page Promoted products page Expired promotions page

28 28 5. Creating promotion 1.Click Promotion Home Page (see slide #13) in CQ author 2.Click New and add Philips – Promotions Page 3.Add Title and Name according to information shared in CQ fundamentals training 4.Click ok and double click on the new created promotion 1 2 2 3 4 Do this exercise again with the new templates to make new (correct) screenshots for this slide.

29 29 Configure promotions detail page 1.Click page properties in the sidekick 2.Click General tab and select promotion type This will be used to display the appropriate promotion lens on the product cards and banners. 3. Add start date and end date of the promotion A red text (already translated for you) will appear automatically on the masthead title if a Promotion is expired. 2 3

30 30 Configure promotion 1.Click Banner Settings tab 2.If this is an external promotion, then the box should be checked. Please type the URL of the external page. A site website visitor who clicks on the promotion card will be directed to this page, instead of the normal promotional detail page. 3.Each promotion has a large and small banner that can be automatically placed on the Category or Decision page that has a promotion assigned. Please select whether the current promotion also needs to be located on category pages and decision pages. The PDP location is based on the business rule: highest ranked promotion of the product will deliver the promotional banner for the PDP. 2 3

31 31 Configure promotion 1.Click Promotion settings tab 2.Choose promotion details option. For each option that is selected a multi-select field Appears in which 1 or more CTN’s, Subcategories or Category IDs can be added. 3. Select event tag 1 2 3

32 32 4. Locate Promotions tab by clicking on the arrow 5. Select one or more tags by clicking on the grouping or created event underneath locale Assign the group or event to the promotion. This will be used to populate the filter menu and to display as label on the promotion card. The first grouping label overrules the local event name. Personal care in the example underneath. Translations will be loaded automatically if configured according to slide #7. 4 4 5

33 33 Configure masthead image/title promotions detail page 1.Open the properties of the MH01 Sector Masthead and select general 2.Change the title with the desired title 3.Add a tagline in the body text 1 1 2 3

34 34 Configure masthead image/title promotions detail page 3. Click on the background tab 4. Click full bleed ‘yes’ – click background ‘style image’ - locate the four images from the DAM. Large breakpoint image: 2000px x 380px 5. Scale image if dimensions of the image are not correct. Default is ‘no’. 3 4 4 4 5

35 35 6. Promotion cards These are cards that are displayed on the overview and expired promotions page and are representing a promotion. Each Promotion card links either to a promotion detail page within the promotion site or to an external promotion. Promotion cards are visible on the promotions overview page and consist of three parts: background image (for each breakpoint) group/event label (top right) promotional tagline with arrow behind it (call to action)

36 36 Promotion card configuration 1. In CQ author open the banner-overview page of the promotion (these three banner options are automatically generated) 1

37 37 Promotion card configuration 2. Open the page properties of the PR01 component 3. Add a tagline (mandatory) 4. Select inverted yes to have white text if you have a dark background. 3 4 2 The blue text above should be PR01 Promotion Card. If not, it should be corrected.

38 38 Promotion card configuration 5. Select the background Image tab and drag and drop the images from the DAM – These images will be displayed on the promotions overview page and expired page as a promotion card – Image  L & M  220px x 360px  S & XS  155px x 155px (banner displayed as full gradient + left- aligned image) 5

39 39 7. Promotional banners for merchandizing CL Home Product Detail Page

40 40 Category & Decision Page Position of the banner on DEC: - Below the filter panel - Underneath the pagination Position of the banner on CAT page: - Above the footer S/XS L/M

41 41 Large banner Will be displayed on CAT, CAT-DEC, DEC and PDP pages – Image  L & M  approx. 2000px x 380px  S  281px x 281px (banner displayed as full gradient + left-aligned image)  XS  188px x 188px (banner displayed as full gradient + left-aligned image) – Short text for the Promotion title – Very short text for the tagline 1.Open page 2.Configure general tab 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

42 42 Large banner images 3. Click on the background tab 4. Click full bleed ‘yes’ – click background style ‘image’ - locate the four images from the DAM. Image dimensions are provided in slide #41 5. Click ok 3 4 4 5

43 43 Small banner Will be displayed on CAT-DEC and DEC below the filter menu – Image  L & M  220px x 360px  S & XS  155px x 155px (banner displayed as full gradient + left- aligned image) – Short text for the Promotion title 1.Open page 2.Configure general tab 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

44 44 Small banner images 3. Click on the background tab 4. Click full bleed ‘yes’ – click background style ‘image’ - locate the four images from the DAM. Image dimensions are provided in slide #43 5. Click ok 3 4 4 5

45 45 CL Homepage On several pages a banner will be placed to promote a promotion. Placement of the banners will be done partly manual and partly automatic. CL Homepage is manual. Author adds 1 or more large promotional banners via the page properties dialog of CL Homepage. One random banner is visible each time you visit the CL homepage. 1. Open properties cl-home 2. Locate promotions tab and select banner-large from the desired promotion 1 1 1 2 Or refresh the page

46 46 Product detail page 1. Please read slide #30 point 3. Large banner will load always automatically on the related product detail pages underneath the highlight section.

47 47 Category & Decision Page 1. Please read slide #30 point 3. If selected in the properties. Large and small banner will be used automatically.

48 48 8. Go Live preparations Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 countries will create: 1. Overview page on production 2. Transfer all old promotion detail pages via external promotions 3. One or more great looking promotions for the contest Deadline January 23, 2015 Week 5 / Week 6 DS helps countries to Go Live with finished Promotion overview pages Step 1 – Sanity check by DS Step 2 – Add new Promotions link in breadcrumb and activate Step 3 – Add optional submenu: promotions – promoted products – expired Step 4 – Redirect/close old Promotions overview page If a country is not finished before January 23 the DS go live process above can be requested via – Let them create 2 or 3 promotions first and check if it is ok. You can check then if all things are generated well (banners, deal lenses, etc.) After that let them proceed ( to avoid a let of rework later for them).

49 49

50 50 Seamless User Journey Image guidelines for promotion pages Digital Services December 2015

51 51 Banners promotions overview Promotions overview banner Large: 2000px x 380px (<75 kb) Medium: 960px x 380px (<50 kb) Small: “ ” Extra small: “ ” Banner promotion card Large/medium :220px x 360px (<15 kb) Small/extra small: 155px x 155px (<10 kb)

52 52 Banners expired overview Expired overview banner Large: 2000px x 380px (<75 kb) Medium: 960px x 380px (<50 kb) Small: “ ” Extra small: “ ”

53 53 Banners promoted products Promoted products Large: 2000px x 380px (<75 kb) Medium: 960px x 380px (<50 kb) Small: “ ” Extra small: “ ”

54 54 MediumSmall Extra Small

55 55 Promotional banners for merchandizing CL Home Product Detail Page Large: 2000px x 380px (<75 kb) Medium: 960px x 380px Medium: 960px x 380px (<50 kb) (<50 kb) Small: 281px x 281px (<15 kb) (<15 kb) Extra small: 188px x 188px Extra small: 188px x 188px (<10 kb)

56 56 Promotional banners for merchandizing Decision page banner large Large: 2000px x 380px (<75 kb) Medium: 960px x 380px (<50 kb) Small: 281px x 281px (<15 kb) Extra small: 188px x 188px (<10 kb) Decision page banner small (filter) Large: 220px x 360px (15 kb) Medium: 220px x 360px (15 kb) Small: 155px x 155px (10 kb) Extra small: 155px x 155px (10 kb)

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