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Board Work (in notes) What is the protein that is found in skin and hair? –Keratin What is the function of sweat? –It cools the body through evaporation.

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Presentation on theme: "Board Work (in notes) What is the protein that is found in skin and hair? –Keratin What is the function of sweat? –It cools the body through evaporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board Work (in notes) What is the protein that is found in skin and hair? –Keratin What is the function of sweat? –It cools the body through evaporation to help maintain a constant body temperature

2 Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday-STUDY

3 How Living Things Are Organized Objective—we will study the connective, muscle and nervous tissue.

4 Plan for Today Notes on connective tissue Ligaments inquiry (answer questions in notes) HW-reduce and summarize notes

5 Connective Tissue tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone are types of connective tissue gives the body support and structure

6 Ligaments connect bones to other bones

7 Tendons connect muscles to bones example, Achilles tendon that connects your heel to your lower calf muscle

8 Cartilage tough, flexible material found in tip of nose, your outer ear and the ends of most bones

9 Bone rigid tissue adults humans have about 206 bones hardness from calcium and phosphorous filled with bone marrow-where red blood cells are made

10 Nervous tissue Made of neurons Taste, sight, hearing, and feeling pain are all functions of nervous tissue

11 Muscle Tissue Skeletal Smooth cardiac

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