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1 Managing Multiple Teamcenter Engineering Client Versions on One System By: Daniel Cortez J et Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Managing Multiple Teamcenter Engineering Client Versions on One System By: Daniel Cortez J et Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Managing Multiple Teamcenter Engineering Client Versions on One System By: Daniel Cortez J et Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

2 Overview  Identify Problem with having multiple Teamcenter Engineering installations and NX/Manager  v 8.x / 9.x  v 2005.x / 2007.x  Identify Startup and Configuration Profiles for:  Teamcenter Engineering  NX/Manager  Create a common startup for all installed Teamcenter Engineering clients

3 Problem with Multiple installations  When more then one installation of Teamcenter Engineering client is performed, the application system parameters will point to the new install.  More specifically the installation is going to overwrite the common registry key ‘ugmportalfile’, common to all client installs.  Any previous clients used after this point will use the new launch command for NX/Manager  This prevents Sys Admins from configuring TcEng client with a test environment for new NX version installs

4 Teamcenter Eng and NX Environment 1 TcEng + 1 NX Teamcenter Engineering ver: 9.1.x Launch NX: 4.0 Launch NX: 5.0 Teamcenter Engineering ver: 2007.1 CLIENT - ACLIENT - B

5 Teamcenter Eng and NX Environment: 2 TcEng + 2 NX on 1 Client Teamcenter Engineering ver: 9.1.x Launch NX: 4.0 Launch NX: 5.0 Teamcenter Engineering ver: 2007.1 CLIENT - A REDIRECTED FAILS

6 The More We Know… Teamcenter Eng Configuration Files  During an installation several parameters are written to startup files and Registry keys. The files we are going to review here are important to understanding how Teamcenter Engineering starts up and initializes.  Startup and Initialization Files:  TcEng 2005/2007  portal\Portal.bat  server_configs\Start_ServerName.bat  Portal\start_nxmanager.bat  Registry Key: ugmportalfile\Shell\OPEN\Command  TcEng 8.x/9.x  portal.bat  server_configs\Start_ServerName_PortalServer.bat  Start_ugmanager.bat  Registry Key: ugmportalfile\Shell\OPEN\Command

7 Common Configuration  All Teamcenter Engineering and NX configuration have a common configuration parameter in the windows registry  The registry parameter is used by Teamcenter Engineering Portal to locate and initialize the NX/Manager session.  This registry parameter is create or modified during and installation or configuration setup for NX

8 The Registry Start -> Run… -> regedit Go to key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ugmportalfile\Shell\OPEN\Command

9 9 Registry Key: UGMPORTALFILE  Common TcEng Registry Key  \ugmportalfile\Shell\OPEN\Command  ‘client_portal_dir’\start_ugmanager.bat ( v8 / v9 )  ‘client_portal_dir’\start_nxmanager.bat (v2005/v2007)  Note: It can only be one or the other, but both.  The ugmportalfile command identifies the CAD MANAGER configuration file for NX/Manager session.  TcEng 8.x / 9.x  start_ugmanager.bat  TcEng 2005 / 7  start_nxmanager.bat

10 Sample Scenario: 2 TcEng Portals / 2 NX installs (Same Workstation) Production Configuration:  Teamcenter Eng 9.1.3  NX Manager Session:  NX 4 New Dev/Test Configuration:  Teamcenter Eng 2007  NX Manager Session:  NX 5 The following scenario will be used as a test case to demonstrate the customization options for running different Teamcenter Clients and NX Manager sessions.

11 Teamcenter Eng and NX Environment: 2 TcEng + 2 NX on 1 Client Teamcenter Engineering ver: 9.1.x Launch NX: 4.0 Launch NX: 5.0 Teamcenter Engineering ver: 2007.1 CLIENT - A

12 Secret to Starting TcEng + NX sessions: Batch File Scripting  Teamcenter Engineering and the NX manager sessions all use batch file scripting to initialize and startup the applications  Batch File scripts have extension: ‘.bat,.cmd’  Non-compiled, clear text program files  Run line by line commands  Example:  Portal.bat – used to launch Teamcenter Engineering  start_ugmanager.bat – used by the Teamcenter engineering client to launch and connect to the NX Manager session.

13 STEPS TO RECONFIGURE STARTUP:  Customize each Teamcenter client to dynamically reset the NX Manager Startup configuration.  Modify ‘ugmportalfile’ Registry key to Create Common Cad Manager startup file for all Teamcenter clients.  Modify Portal.bat for each Client  Each time Teamcenter Eng is started it will replace the common NX manager file with a copy of its own session file. Example: C:\MCAE\JPL_CUSTOM \TCENG\Start_NXManager_JPL.bat

14 Modify the Registry Key: UGMPORTALFILE…COMMAND Start -> Run… -> regedit Go to key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ugmportalfile\Shell\OPEN\Command C:\MCAE\JPL_CUSTOM \TCENG\Start_NXManager_JPL.bat

15 Sample: Custom Portal.bat (P1)  Teamcenter Engineering 9.1.3 @echo off (content removed) rem $HISTORY$ rem rem IPR is short for IMAN_PORTAL_ROOT to reduce command line length set IPR=C:\MCAE\UGS\LSE0913 set PVR=C:\MCAE\UGS\PORTAL~1\9_1\java :: !JPL Dan Cortez – reset NX Manager startup file for this session. :: The command will replace the startup UG Manager file defined in the registry :: the registry key -> ugmportalfile command. SET JPL_CUSTOM_DIR=C:\MCAE\JPL_CUSTOM\TCENG Copy %IPR%\start_ugmanager.bat %JPL_CUSTOM_DIR%\start_nxmanager_jpl.bat rem OTWPlaceholdersetPVR rem IDR is short for IMAN_DEPOT_ROOT to reduce command line length too. set IDR=%IPR% (content removed) @echo Your Teamcenter Engineering Portal Session has ended.

16 Sample: Custom Portal.bat (P2)  Teamcenter Engineering 2005/2007 @echo off (content removed) rem TPR is short for TC_PORTAL_ROOT to reduce command line length title Teamcenter Rich Client set TPR=C:\MCAE\UGS\TC2007~1\portal :: !JPL Dan Cortez – reset NX Manager startup file for this session. :: The command will replace the startup UG Manager file defined in the registry :: the registry key -> ugmportalfile command. SET JPL_CUSTOM_DIR=C:\MCAE\JPL_CUSTOM\TCENG Copy %TPR%\start_nxmanager.bat %JPL_CUSTOM_DIR%\start_nxmanager_jpl.bat rem OTWPlaceholdersetPVR if not defined FMS_HOME set FMS_HOME=C:\MCAE\UGS\TC2007~1\fcc set FCC_HOME=%TPR% set PATH=C:\MCAE\UGS\TC2007~1\bin;%FMS_HOME%\bin;%FMS_HOME%\lib;%TPR%;%PATH% set JAVA_HOME=C:\MCAE\UGS\TC2007~1\portal\jre (content removed) @echo Starting Teamcenter Rich Client... start Teamcenter.exe %*

17 Auto Reconfigure Startup NX/Manager Temcenter Eng 9.x Temcenter Eng 2007 Common startup manager file start_nxmanager_jpl.bat start_nxmanager.bat start_ugmanager.bat start_nxmanager_jpl.bat Launch NX/Manager Copy / Replace File

18 Success  With the custom changes you can now run any Teamcenter Engineering client and the keep original configured connection with NX  The program will dynamically update the NX Manager startup

19 Program Flow: Teamcenter Eng to NX/Manager Portal.bat Start Teamcenter start_nxmanager_jpl.bat Launch NX/Manager ugmportalfile\command: %COMMON_DIR%\start_nxmanager_jpl.bat Launch NX/Manager (Get Registry value) Copy and Replace start_nxmanager_jpl.bat Switch NX/Manager Startup Launch NX

20 20 Questions Daniel Cortez

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