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Creating ontology Hands on! universAAL Training Day Barcelona, Spain 16 January 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Creating ontology Hands on! universAAL Training Day Barcelona, Spain 16 January 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating ontology Hands on! universAAL Training Day Barcelona, Spain 16 January 2014

2 Agenda universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

3 Agenda  This is going to be a practical session…  …you will create a simple ontology that different applications can use for exchanging their data universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

4 Agenda Getting Ready universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

5 Getting Ready  Assumption: all of you have successfully installed…  Eclipse Modeling Tools Indigo 3.7  Java 6 JDK (the JRE is not sufficient)  The universAAL tools (“AAL Studio”)  …or have you? universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

6 Getting Ready  We have provided you with a ZIP-file named Training_Context  Unzip the file to somewhere and then copy the folder Training_Context into your universAAL folder (which should result in the folder c:\universAAL\Training_Context)  Start Eclipse and select this folder as your new workspace folder  Note: this is so later we have everything in same workspace universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

7 Workspace inspection!  Select: File->Switch Workspace->Other.. universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on! Source:

8 Troubleshooting... o Error: "No AALSpace default configuration found on the path: configurations/etc/„  Solution Go to: Training_Context\rundir\configurations\services Open „” Set absolute path for – aalSpaceConfigurationPath=configurations/etc – aalSpaceSchemaURL=configurations/etc E.g.: – aalSpaceConfigurationPath=C:/universAAL/Training_Context/rundir/configurations/etc – aalSpaceSchemaURL=C:/universAAL/Training_Context/rundir/configurations/etc universAAL Training – Hands on!

9 Agenda Hands on! Creating Lighting ontology universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

10 Hands on!  AAL Studio -> Create a new Ontology Project universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

11 Hands on!  Ontology name:  LightingTrainingOntology  Maven version:  2.0.0 universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

12 Hands on!  Uncheck: „Use derived values”  Project name:   Maven name (same):  universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

13 Hands on!  Ontology name:  LightingTrainingOntology  Uncheck: „Use derived values”  Project name:   Maven name (same as):   Maven version:  2.0.0 universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

14 Hands on!  Import most common ontologies (as maven dependencies)  Select „Finish” universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

15 Hands on!  project is created  Open pom.xml.. universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

16 Hands on!  View pom.xml as xml universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

17 Hands on!  Maven artefact info: (unique description of our ontology artefact)  group id  artifact id  version universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

18 Hands on!  Open LightingTrainingOntology.di universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

19 Hands on! universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

20 Hands on!  Delete Device and MyDevice (will not neeed it in our ontology)  Right click -> Delete Selected Element  Note: pressing Delete only hides the object in this (Papyrus) view universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

21 Hands on!  Rename:  MyConcept->LightSource  MyService->Lighting  Add datatypeProperty to LightSource universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

22 Hands on!  Right click datatypeProperty and Show Properties View universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

23 Hands on!  Right click datatypeProperty and Show Properties View  Name: brightness  Type: Integer universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

24 Hands on!  LightingTrainingOntology-> Package import org.universaal.ontology.phThing-> Package import org.universaal.ontology.datatypes-> Integer universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

25 Hands on!  Name: brightness  Type: Integer universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

26 Hands on!  Association: From A) Lighting to B) LightSource Note: 1st click Association then Lighting then LightSource universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

27 Hands on! universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!  Result

28  Important: Save changes!! universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

29 Hands on!  Right click LightingTrainingOntology.uml  AAL Studio-> Transform UML ontology to Java universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

30 Hands on!  Mw compliance 2.0.0 universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

31 Hands on!  Java code now generated (no need for any modification) universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

32 Hands on! universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!  Build universAAL application  (alternative: Run As -> Maven install)

33 Hands on! universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!  Result

34 Hands on! universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!  Our (ontology) artefact is now built and installed into our local maven repository

35 Thanks! universAAL Training – Creating ontology hands on!

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