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Page 1 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 Introduction and General HIPE changes that impact SPIRE Bernhard Schulz NHSC/IPAC on behalf of the SPIRE ICC.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 Introduction and General HIPE changes that impact SPIRE Bernhard Schulz NHSC/IPAC on behalf of the SPIRE ICC."— Presentation transcript:

1 page 1 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 Introduction and General HIPE changes that impact SPIRE Bernhard Schulz NHSC/IPAC on behalf of the SPIRE ICC

2 page 2 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 Webinar Agenda These are just guidelines. Feel free to ask questions at any point. This session is held for your benefit. We have up to 2h time available if needed. DurationSession leaderTopic 5 minB. SchulzIntroduction 20 minB. SchulzGeneral HIPE changes that impact SPIRE 20 minC. K. XuNew Features in SPIRE Photometry 20 minN. LuNew Features in SPIRE Spectroscopy 15 minB. SchulzQuestion and Answer Session

3 page 3 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 Some Selected HIPE Changes HCSS 10.0.0 (CIB 10.0.2747) was released Jan 22, 2013 Built with JRE Version 1.6.0_37. –Check your Java version. In some cases strange behavior was observed with a wrong minor version. Optimised registration and initialization of tasks. Image display improved in speed and memory usage. Direct editing of product data and metadata in dataset viewer enabled. The Product Browser was overhauled to be more userfriendly The Healpix library was included. Data fitting became more robust against outliers. Lots of documentation updates.

4 page 4 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 Direct Editing of Values Through right-click editing of data values or metadata can be enabled and disabled. This happens in memory. To keep such changes the product must be saved. Jython command shows in the console. Always remember Spiderman: –With great power comes great responsibility!

5 page 5 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 New Product Browser This is now rather an Observation Browser. The Data Source panel behaves now like a file explorer. –Only one pool is selected if clicked. –Several pools are selected while holding shift or ctrl keys. MyHSA is the gateway to the archive and can be run in on-line and off-line modes. Several actions on pools can now be conveniently accessed by right clicking the pool. The query result panel still needs some improvements, which should appear in HIPE 11. Note that script queries to “hsa” depend on the state of the “On-Line” button to be active. This is a “feature”. Deleting an observation without affecting the other observations in the same pool works now.

6 page 6 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 Variables View The Variables view was split into two parts, one for observation contexts and one for all other variables. The “Other Variables” panel can be filtered further to show only –products –datasets –numeric

7 page 7 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 HIPE 11 Outlook Update of Lucene indexing library will improve searching and affect pools. Results panel of Product Browser should remember last configuration.

8 page 8 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 Data Access Reference Sheet

9 page 9 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 5. Download Herschel observations: There are many ways to obtain Herschel data. We recommend any of the following three, which have proven to be most efficient and convenient: a)Download observations as tar-files directly from the Herschel Science Archive. b)Use the getObservation() task with useHSA=True. c)Use the Product Browser to interactively find and load your observations. 1. Find targets or observations of interest in one of these ways: a)Through the ESAC interface at b)Using the IRSA interface at c)Browsing the Observing Log at Note the observation identifiers (a 10 digit number) of observations you intend to work with for later. 2. Install the Herschel Interactive Processing Environment (HIPE): See 3. Obtain a Herschel User account: a)Register online at b)Start HIPE and enter your user name and password in the Herschel Science Archive view. c)Activate the Remember me tick-box. 4. HIPE setup: HIPE uses local databases where the observations are buffered for faster access (myHSA), and where results from your re-processing can be stored (Local Store). a)Configure the location of the Local Store in Preferences  Data Access  Local Store  Local Store directory. b)Configure the memory allocation for HIPE in Preferences  General  Startup&Shutdown  Maximum memory. c)(Optional) To use the myHSA buffer: Configure the location for myHSA in Preferences  Data Access  My HSA  MyHSA directory. In the Advanced tab of the My HSA panel click the Save data on-demand tick-box. d)Re-start HIPE. Data from the Herschel Science Archive I These notes describe three convenient ways to access Herschel data For more info visit: or join us on

10 page 10 PACS HSC SPIRE Webinar 6 th Mar 2013 5c. Use Product Browser: Select the Product Browser view  Observations  myHSA  On-Line Under Search parameters enter the observation identifier and choose one of “SPIRE”, “HIFI”, “PACS”. Other search criteria can be used as well. Click Run. This will display a list of observations that match the search criteria. Double-click on the corresponding entry to load the observation into HIPE. If the “Save data on-demand” tick-box is on, loaded products will be “remembered” across sessions in the myHSA buffer. Advantages: Only products that are actually requested are transferred across the web. The system does not load repeated products. Disadvantages: Only those products that were actually transferred will be saved in myHSA. To work with a missing product, an internet connection must be kept active. 5b. Use getObservation(): From the HIPE command line type: obs=getObservation(obsid=’XXX', useHsa=True, save=True) where XXX is the observation identifier. The observation is loaded into memory as variable obs and kept in the myHSA buffer. Saving the observation will take a long time, but it is optional. You can keep working while the observation is saved. Advantages: If saved, the entire observation is downloaded and kept in the myHSA buffer. The system does not load repeated products. Disadvantages: Saving takes a long time and requires a robust internet connection. 5a. Download the file from HSA: Use the HSA User Interface at hive.shtml to download the tarball file. hive.shtml Unzip/untar the file; Remove the original. In HIPE use the Navigator view to find the data directory. Double click on the file showing a thumbnail image of Saturn. The observation will be registered with the myHSA buffer. It can be found there with the Product Browser or with getObservation(). Advantages: Selection and retrieval of multiple observations is easy Conceptually similar to other observatories Disadvantages: Products that are common between several observations are transferred multiple times. The method cannot be scripted. Data from the Herschel Science Archive II For more info visit: or join us on

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