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Attention Deficit Disorder Milena Teen Health 8 Definition:   A disorder that may include 9 specific symptoms of inattention and 9 symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity.

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2 Attention Deficit Disorder Milena Teen Health 8

3 Definition:   A disorder that may include 9 specific symptoms of inattention and 9 symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity

4 4 Types: 1.) Inattentive type 2.) Hyperactive/ impulsive 3.) Combined type 4.) Not otherwise specified

5 Cause: Children can inherit a biochemical condition, which may allow ADHD symptoms to appear. abnormal fetal development can effects parts of the brain that control attention and movement.

6 Symptoms: ~ Inattentive ~ A.) Fails to pay close attention to details or makes careless mistakes B.) Difficulty sustaining attention C.) Does not appear to listen D.) Struggles to follow through on instructions

7 Symptoms (Continued) : E.) Difficulty with organization F.) Avoids or dislikes requiring sustained mental effort G.) Often loses things necessary for tasks H.) Easily distracted I.) Forgetful in daily activities

8 Symptoms (Continued): ~ Hyperactive/ impulsive ~ ~ Hyperactive/ impulsive ~  Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat.  Difficulty remaining seated  Runs about or climbs excessively (in adults it may be limited to feelings or restlessness)  Difficulty engaging in activities quietly

9   Acts as if driven by a motor   Talks excessively   Blurts out answers before questions have been completed.   Difficulty waiting in turn taking situations   Interrupts or intrudes upon others Symptoms (Continued):

10 ~ Combined type ~ When someone meets both lists of criteria - for attention and hyperactivity/ impulsivity.

11 Symptoms (Continued): ~ Not otherwise specified ~ When someone shows some characteristics but not enough symptoms to reach a complete diagnosis.   Symptoms disrupt everyday life.

12 Prognosis:   School failure (for children)   Emotional difficulties   Negative adult outcome (compared to others their age) Children can overcome many of the barriers if the problem is found and treated early

13 Pictures: This is Kevin and Sarah. They both have ADHD.

14 Kevin and his sister Melissa

15 Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison are thought to have had ADHD.

16 Heredity:


18 Research Evaluation: Pharmaceutical companies:   Making new medications   Longer acting medicine

19 Important Facts:   5 to 7 times more common in boys   Occurs in people of every level of intelligence   Tends to run in families   Asthma may be more likely to occur in children with ADHD

20 Treatment: 1.) Medication 2.) Therapy/ counseling 3.) A.D.D. Coaching for adults

21 Medication: 1. Stimulants A.) Short acting ritalin B.) Sustained release ritalin C.) Dexedrine D.) Cylert (pamoline)

22 Medication (Continued): 2. Antidepressants A.) Tricyclic antidepressant B.) SSRI C.) Atypical antidepressant 3. Clonidine

23 Bibliography: Http://additudemag.Com/ Http://www.Lehigh.Edu/~rjv2/essay4.Html Http://www.Edutechsbs.Com/adhd/00020/htm Http://www.Chadd.Org/facts/add_facts01.Htm Http://www.Chadd.Org/content/abc/ Factsheet.Htm

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