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Presentation on theme: "Abortion."— Presentation transcript:

1 abortion

2 what is abortion? “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy through the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus” - New Oxford American Dictionary

3 abortion is makruh.

4 “Whosoever has spared the life of a soul, it is as though he has spared the life of all people. Whosoever has killed a soul, it is as though he has murdered all of mankind. ” Qur’an 5:32

5 life begins at conception - it is at 120 days that the foetus receives ensoulment - ensoulment of foetus makes definitive that it is a person - once 120 days impregnated, the foetus is eligible to equal rights to mother. “ The creation of each of you is brought together in your mother’s belly for forty days in the form of a seed, then you are a clot of blood for a like period, then a morsel of flesh for a like period, then there is sent to you an angel who blows the breath of life in you. ” Aborting after 120 days is haram as it is- according to Islam- manslaughter! Although aborting in itself is believed as immoral, under some circumstances is it allowed.

6 for abortion common reasons risk factors mothers physical health,
(excusable within four months) unwanted pregnancy rape, contraceptive failure fear of failure as a parent financial incompetence risk factors mothers physical health, defect in child

7 unwanted pregnancy child as a result of rape - mother is psychologically detrimented, - so much so that the childs upbringing would be impaired “ Allah desires your ease. He does not desire hardship for you.” Qur’an 2: 185

8 unwanted pregnancy contraceptive failure - The birth of a baby is living proof of ones faith in Allah - Aborting a baby is seen as tampering Allahs plans for you “ When a husband and wife share intimacy it is rewarded and a blessing from Allah.” Hadith

9 financial incompetence
failure as a parent financial incompetence - “We who provide for them and for you” refers to Zakaat (third Pillar of Islam) which is advocated by Allah “ Kill not your offspring for fear of poverty; it is We who provide for them and for you. Surely, killing them is a great sin.” Qur’an 17:31

10 risk factors mothers physical health
- linked to Allahs most highest of 99 names, Al Rahman Rahman meaning compassionate - Allah and his Word are models for life “ No person is charged with more than his capacity. No mother should be harmed through her child and no father through his child. ” Qur’an 2:233

11 risk factors defect in child - abortion is halal if deformity is indubitable (bound to happen) this is concluded through professional medical clinics avoids hardships of that of the family, the foetus in its upbringing and society “Allah desires your ease. He does not desire hardship for you.” Qur’an 2:233

12 it limits the ability for the adherents to control family structure
promotes the idea presented in the Qur’an that life is paramount decisive of the life hereafter, whether to be in Jannah (Paradise) or Juhannum (Hell) and if one has passed Allahs tests of good deed

13 thank you

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