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Why do we need the subjunctive? Subordinate/Dependent Clauses.

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we need the subjunctive? Subordinate/Dependent Clauses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do we need the subjunctive? Subordinate/Dependent Clauses

2 Mood  Latin has three moods: indicative, imperative, and subjunctive.  The indicative is used in main clauses and refers to the six tenses, active and passive, that you have already learned.  The imperative is used for commands.  The subjunctive is mainly used in subordinate clauses.

3 Clauses  A clause is a group of words containing a verb.  There are two types of clauses: main, or independent; and subordinate, or dependent.  Main clauses can stand alone as complete sentences.  Subordinate clauses can’t stand alone but must accompany a main clause.

4 Subordinate Clauses  In Latin, many subordinate clauses use the subjunctive mood.  So far, you have seen three types:  1) Cum circumstantial (cum=when)  Ex.: Cum quattuor diēs navigāvissēmus, subitō maxima tempestās coorta est.  2) Cum causal (cum=since, because)  Ex.: Magister nāvis, cum valdē timēret, suōs vetuit nōs adiuvāre.

5 Indirect Questions  The third type of clause is an indirect question.  Direct question: Quī estis? (Who are you?)  Indirect question: Pīrātae rogābant quī essēmus. (The pirates asked who we were.)  A direct question can use quotation marks, while an indirect question does not.

6 Translations for you to try  Grammaticus Sextum rogāvit ubi esset Hesperia.  Cum prope rīvum ambulārēmus, Cornēliam et Flāviam clāmantēs audīvimus.  Cum neque cibum neque aquam habērent, aegerrimī erant.

7 In summary  There are three moods with Latin verbs: indicative, imperative, and subjunctive.  The subjunctive is most commonly used in subordinate clauses.  You have seen three subordinate clause types: cum circumstantial, cum causal, and indirect question.

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