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BAB 303 Marketing: An Introduction. Outline Class Syllabus Schedule Role of Marketing in Business.

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Presentation on theme: "BAB 303 Marketing: An Introduction. Outline Class Syllabus Schedule Role of Marketing in Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 BAB 303 Marketing: An Introduction

2 Outline Class Syllabus Schedule Role of Marketing in Business

3 Class Syllabus: Leverage the TA’s! All questions and issues are to be directed through the TA’s Course TA’s contact info: – Peter Sashin ( Room 423 Bus Bldg Office Hours Monday 1pm-5pm – Steve Christensen ( Room 423 Bus Bldg Office Hours Friday 8am-12pm

4 Class Syllabus - Exams Three online tests taken in 210 & 211 Keller each worth 33% of your final grade BRING YOUR PSU ID!!!! Register online via the junior core website Make-up requests filed at the junior core office at 202 Business Building E-testing review – Wednesday, Sept. 7 th 6:30pm at 100 Thomas Building

5 Class Syllabus - Other Opportunity to earn up to 2 extra credit points – 1 point awarded for each successfully completed study (1% added to final grade) Lectures posted to Angel prior to class

6 MARKETING: AN INTRODUCTION 7/E by Armstrong & Kotler Course: BA 303, Principles of Marketing Professor: John Liechty This text is a crucial resource for: Test Preparation Homework assignments Reading assignments

7 Special ValuePack for Penn State Text + Custom Student CD ISBN: 053610395X Priced LOWER than a used book at the campus bookstore! New text + Student CD: $82.95 Used text: $84.00

8 Text & Video Tips On: Using your textbook Navigating freshman year Choosing a major Writing term papers Juggling finances in college Career guidance And more! Featuring content written by students for students! www.etipsforAgrades

9 Role of Marketing Delivering Value to customers Figuring out what customers need and meeting that need –Feel they have good value –Economically Viable

10 Role of Marketing Products – Developing new products Placement – Distribution, how to get products to customers Price – What can you charge? Promotion – Communicating the Value Proposition

11 Other Areas Finance Accounting Information Systems Management Logistics/Supply Chain Management Manufacturing/Engineering

12 Finance Getting the money (capital/resources) to run various projects – capital budgeting, equity and debt issues Dealing with the pension problem Secondary Markets – raising money and buying and selling financial securities

13 Accounting Keeping track of assets and liabilities What do you own and what do you owe? Tax Accounting – assets, liabilities and income from the Government’s perspective Managerial Accounting – assets, liabilities and income from the perspective of managing the company.

14 Information Systems Creating and effectively using the computer systems (computers, networks, databases, …) Underlying and connecting every aspect of the business

15 Management Leading people and making strategic decisions Recruiting, hiring, assessing and firing. Motivating – providing direction, vision, resources and incentives Deciding where to place resources and where to not place resources

16 Logistics Transportation, scheduling, inventory management Keeping track of lots of things and getting them to where they are supposed to go in an optimal fashion

17 Manufacturing Physically creating the product Design and Engineering

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