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Kindergarten DTC Webinar We will begin promptly at 9:00am 1.Please assure that you are logged in and viewing the session online This session will have.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten DTC Webinar We will begin promptly at 9:00am 1.Please assure that you are logged in and viewing the session online This session will have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten DTC Webinar We will begin promptly at 9:00am 1.Please assure that you are logged in and viewing the session online This session will have live polling and each participant is required to respond to polling questions 2.You can use this time to check your audio From the Control Panel, click the “+” to expand the Audio pane Click “Sound Check” to test your audio 3.Please mute your phone 1

2 Welcome to the Kindergarten Assessment District Test Coordinator’s Webinar Tuesday, August 18, 2015 2

3 Introductions Amber Helvie Office of Learning, Kindergarten Program Analyst Brad Lenhardt Student Services, Education Programs & Assessment-Alternate Assessment Specialist Holly Peterson Office of Learning, Kindergarten Specialist Kathleen Vanderwall Office of Learning, Manager of Test Design Michelle McCoy Office of Learning, Assessment Specialist Rudyane Rivera-Lindstrom Equity Unit, Education Specialist 3

4 Q & A Feature Guidelines Participants are encouraged to engage in the Q & A Feature Ask questions by typing into the “Questions” pane and click “Send” ODE staff will address participant questions after the structured presentation 4

5 Kindergarten DTC Webinar Overview All participants should have already reviewed the pre- recorded Kindergarten Assessment Test Administrator Training and the 2015-16 Preliminary Test Administration Manual (TAM), and the 2015-16 Preliminary Oregon Accessibility Manual The format of this webinar is designed to provide access to resources, answer questions and check your understanding of the administration of the Kindergarten Assessment There are six polling questions, to check for understanding. Each participant is required to respond to all the polling questions. 5

6 Check for Understanding We will be using an electronic polling feature to check for understanding. Please respond as we provide instruction. If you are not viewing the webinar from a computer, you will not be able to respond. Individuals must respond to all six “Check for Understanding” questions. This is a required feature of this training. We’ll start out with a practice question to make sure that everyone is able to use the polling feature. 6

7 Practice Question Who is participating today? a.District Test Coordinator (DTC) b.ESD Partner c.Other 7

8 Practice Question-Answer Who is participating today? a.District Test Coordinator (DTC) b.ESD Partner c.Other Slide #___ 8


10 Question 1 Before a TA can administer the KA, they must: a. Read the TAM b. Read the OAM c. Receive Annual TA and Test Security Training d. Sign an Assurance of Test Security Form e. All of the above 10

11 Question 1 Answer: E- All of the above 11 Test Administrators Must:  Read the Test Administration Manual  Receive annual test administration and security training  Sign an Assurance of Test Security form  Only provide students with Accessibility Supports listed in the Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM)  Read verbatim the student directions provided in the A2 Assessor Booklet (non-secure) Slide #12

12 Question 2 Secure Assessment Environment Requirements include: a.Small groups to take the assessment together b.Students taking assessment unsupervised c.Documents securely stored d.None of the above 12

13  A quiet environment, void of distractions and supervised by a trained test administrator  Student access to only universal tools  Student data is treated as confidential  All paper assessment materials securely collected and accounted for after each assessment event Do not leave the assessment environment unsupervised or allow untrained staff to enter the assessment environment Slide #17 13 Question 2 Answer: C-Documents securely stored

14 Question 3 Students officially identified as English Learners whose home language is Spanish are required to take: a.Early Spanish Literacy measure (Spanish Letter Sounds) b.Early English Literacy measures c.Early Math (Bilingual Version) d.All of the above 14

15 Question 3 Answer: D – All of the above  All entering Kindergarten students should have a completed Home Language Survey upon registration  English Learners should be identified within 30 days of enrollment at the beginning of the school year, or within 2 weeks of the student being enrolled after the first 30 days have passed  If the student is officially identified as an English Learner and the student’s primary language is identified as Spanish, the student is required to take the Early Spanish Literacy measure (Spanish Letter Sounds) in addition to the English Literacy, Early Math, and the Approaches to Learning Segments  The Early Spanish Literacy measure is not optional, it must be administered to all officially identified Spanish Speaking English Learners after they have been officially identified  Only officially identified Spanish Speaking English Learners are administered Early Spanish Literacy and the Early Math Spanish/English version. In addition, supplemental Spanish instructions are available for the two English literacy measures if the Spanish speaking English Learner chooses to hear the directions in Spanish. Slide #40 15

16 Question 4 For schools participating in a field test (FT) measure, administration will take an additional: a.Less than 1 min per student b.1.5min - 3 min per student c.5 min per student d.No additional time 16

17 Question 4 Answer: B-1.5min - 3 min 17  A direct fluency assessment that measures students' ability to produce common sounds associated with letters of the English alphabet and common digraphs  All students participate  Students are shown letters in a chart  Students have 60 seconds to name as many letter sounds as they can  TAs can plan on 1.5- 3 minutes administration time  Supplemental Spanish instructions are available only for officially identified Spanish-Speaking English Learners if the student chooses to hear the directions in Spanish Slides #44 & #56

18 Question 5 In Early Math, if a student verbalizes an answer, the assessment administrator may: a.Remind the student to point to the correct answer b.Record the verbalized response c.Correct the student if they choose the wrong answer d.All of the above 18

19  Circle the student’s selected answer on the Assessor Score Sheet  For each item, the three possible answers fall under columns A, B, C  New in 2015: verbal or pointed responses are accepted in the Early Math segment. If the student: Verbalizes their answer and doesn’t point, the verbalized answer is accepted. Points to an answer and doesn’t verbalize, the pointed answer is accepted. Verbalizes an answer and points to a different answer, prompt the student one time to point to their final answer, the pointed answer is accepted Verbalizes in either English or Spanish, or both intermittently, the bilingual answers are accepted (Officially identified Spanish speaking ELs only). Appears to verbalize an answer in a language other than English, prompt the student to point to their final answer.  If the student still does not know the answer or does want to select an answer, then select NA (no answer) and go to the next item Slides #89 & #93 Question 5 Answer: B- Record verbalized response 19

20 Question 6 Which segment(s) must be completed by student’s classroom teacher? a.Early Literacy b.Early Math c.Approaches to Learning d.None-the classroom teacher does not need to administer any segment of the KA 20

21 Question 6 Answer: C- Approaches to Learning 21 Approaches to Learning must be completed by the student’s classroom teacher Teachers need:  A writing utensil  The assessor booklet for Approaches to Learning (A1) Slide #103

22  Kindergarten Assessment Resource Webpage:  Test Administration Manual:  Oregon Accessibility Manual: Online Resources for the Oregon Kindergarten Assessment 22 Oregon Kindergarten Assessment Fall 2015

23 Questions? 23 Oregon Kindergarten Assessment Oregon Kindergarten Assessment Fall 2015

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