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END MARKS.!? BY: RILEY AND JESSE 8H. THE PERIOD A period is used at the end of three types of sentences: Declarative sentence Imperative sentence Indirect.

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Presentation on theme: "END MARKS.!? BY: RILEY AND JESSE 8H. THE PERIOD A period is used at the end of three types of sentences: Declarative sentence Imperative sentence Indirect."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE PERIOD A period is used at the end of three types of sentences: Declarative sentence Imperative sentence Indirect questions

3 DECLARITIVE SENTENCE Is a sentence that makes a statement. It’s the kind of sentence you use when you want to tell something. Ex. My brother delivers newspapers.

4 IMPERATIVE SENTENCE A sentence asking or telling someone to do something. EX. Please close the door.

5 INDIRECT QUESTION An indirect question is the part of a statement that tells what someone asked, but that does not give the exact words of the person who asked the question. EX. She asked us whether we like strawberries. ( Do NOT use a question mark in a indirect question.)

6 WHAT KIND OF SENTENCE WOULD THIS BE Pass me the salsa. Imparative sentence My mother asked me to take the garbage out. Indirect Question I took the garbage out while eating salsa. Declaritive sentence

7 THE PERIOD Periods are also used after an abbreviation or after an initial. Examples: Mr. Mrs. Periods are left out in some abbreviations. Examples: RCMP FM radio

8 THE PERIOD Periods are also used in between numerals to separate dollars and cents. EX. $18.90 $20.00

9 QUESTION MARK Use a question mark at the end of an interrogative sentence An interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks a question. EX. has anyone seen my dog? The above sentence gives the exact words of the person who asked the question. It is called a direct question. A question mark is used only with a direct question.

10 EXCLAMATION POINT Use an exclamation point at the end of a exclamatory sentence. EX. Tim, look out!

11 EXCLAMATION POINT Use an exclamation point after an interjection or after any other exclamatory expression. An interjection is a word or group of words used to express strong feeling. It may be a real word or simply a group of letters used to represent a sound. It is one of the eight parts of speech. EX. Hurrah! Wow!

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