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Membership Growth Opportunities Program MGO Heart of America Leadership Seminar Zones 30-31 Gardendale, AL July 10, 2015 Co-facilitated by RC Glen Vanderford,

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Presentation on theme: "Membership Growth Opportunities Program MGO Heart of America Leadership Seminar Zones 30-31 Gardendale, AL July 10, 2015 Co-facilitated by RC Glen Vanderford,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Membership Growth Opportunities Program MGO Heart of America Leadership Seminar Zones 30-31 Gardendale, AL July 10, 2015 Co-facilitated by RC Glen Vanderford, Project Lead Greg Yank, ARCs Nancy Madru and Tom Mann

2 Rotary’s Essence Statement Rotary JOINS LEADERS from all continents, cultures and occupations We EXCHANGE IDEAS, bringing our expertise and diverse perspectives to help solve some of the world’s toughest problems We TAKE ACTION to bring lasting change to our communities and the world

3 Strategic Thinking 3

4 Conducted 160+ interviews Analyzed 20,162 surveys Reviewed 400+ documents institute meetings Participated in 5 Obtained comprehensive feedback from Rotarians in 167 countries Visited 20 clubs and attended the 2012 International Convention

5 SURVEY RESULTS Never Heard of Rotary Know Name Only Some Familiarity

6 PRIMARY REASONS PEOPLE JOIN ROTARY… Why did you initially join Rotary? To positively impact my community Friendship and fellowship Professional networking/ business development opportunities To have a positive impact globally Potential for personal/ professional recognition Development and training opportunities 10% 0% 30% 20%

7 …ARE THE SAME REASONS THEY STAY ROTARIANS Why do you stay with Rotary? To positively impact my community Friendship and fellowship Professional networking/ business development opportunities To have a positive impact globally Potential for personal/ professional recognition Development and training opportunities 10% 0% 30% 20%

8 ®

9 Membership Statistics Zone 30-31 May 31, 2015 Zone 30613 Clubs 32,207 +297 over 7/1/2014 Zone 31689 Clubs 31,698 +513 over 7/1/2014 Totals1302 Clubs 63,905 +810 0ver 7/1/2014 Goal for 6/30/2015 is 64,000 Rotarians in Zones 30 and 31 Goal for 6/30/2016 is 65,000 Highest number of Rotarians in last12 years was in 2003 at 74,000 Zone 30 = 38,000 with 7 districts hitting their high water mark Zone 31 = 36,000 with 9 districts hitting their high water mark







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