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TATION AARHUS UNIVERSITY Agriculture and Nature Panel Istanbul 2013 Nick Hutchings, Barbara Amon and Rainer Steinbrecher 1.

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Presentation on theme: "TATION AARHUS UNIVERSITY Agriculture and Nature Panel Istanbul 2013 Nick Hutchings, Barbara Amon and Rainer Steinbrecher 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 TATION AARHUS UNIVERSITY Agriculture and Nature Panel Istanbul 2013 Nick Hutchings, Barbara Amon and Rainer Steinbrecher 1

2 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 2 ›Report on selective Guidebook updating ›Suggested changes to reporting codes ›N sources and emissions in Turkey ›Agriculture and Nature/EPMAN/EPNB meeting ›Work programme for next year Agenda

3 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 3 ›4B Manure Management  New NMVOC emission factors – Tier 1 and Tier 2  Update PM emission factors – Tier 1 and Tier 2 ›4D Crop production and agricultural soils  Updated the NMVOC emission factor – Tier 1  Consistency of PM emission factor  Updated NH 3 emission factors from mineral fertiliser – Tier 1 and Tier 2 ›4F Field burning of agricultural wastes  New/updated NMVOC emission factors - Tier 1 and 2 Revised chapters

4 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 4 ›NMVOC - No existing default emission factors ›Few European data ›Large study undertaken in USA  mainly cattle, poultry and pigs  housing not manure storage or field application ›Extrapolate to European conditions ›Likely to be a significant source ›Acceptance of emission factors but need for clearer presentation in Guidebook 4B Animal husbandary/manure management

5 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 5 ›PM emissions  Incorrect references  Incorrect emission factors  Some missing emission factors ›Corrected errors ›Provided additional emission factors ›Accepted 4B Animal husbandary/manure management

6 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 6 ›PM emissions  Error in emission factors ›Corrected errors ›Black carbon and copper – new Tier 1 and 2 emission factors ›Accepted 4F Field burning of agricultural wastes

7 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 7 ›NMVOC emissions  Incorrect reference and units (Tier 1) ›Corrected error – new Tier 1 emission factor ›Accepted 4D Crop production and agricultural soils

8 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 8 ›Ammonia emissions from fertilisers  Undocumented emission factors ›Literature review of ammonia emissions in the field ›No effect of temperature ›Effect of soil pH on ammonium sulphate and ammonium phosphate only ›Calculated new emission factors from data collated ›Significant decreases and increases in emission factors ›Large impact 4D Crop production and agricultural soils

9 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 9 ›Accepted but need for  Some clarification concerning calculation of emission factors – email  Some improvements in description of methodologies  Follow-up concerning ‘out-of-scope’ issues ›Incorporate in revised text or added to workplan Revised chapters

10 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 10 › Proposed changes would result in aggregation/lack of detail ›Strategy:  Use the new CRF codes but add detail  Retain the current structure as far as possible  Require some clarification concerning details of CRF codes Suggested changes to reporting codes

11 AARHUS UNIVERSITY Current Proposed

12 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 12 ›See presentation on TFEIP website (Agriculture and Nature Expert Panel) ›Good activity data for agriculture N source and emissions in Turkey

13 AARHUS UNIVERSITY 13 › Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN)  Expert Panel on Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrogen (EPMAN)  Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets (EPNB) ›TFRN expert panels contain experts in nitrogen emissions - source of expertise for TFEIP › Maintain collaboration  Barbara Amon co-chair of Expert Panel on Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrogen Agriculture and Nature/EPMAN/EPNB meeting

14 AARHUS UNIVERSITY Workplan 2013-2014  Follow-up on discussions at Emission Inventory Compilers and Users Workshop  Ammonia emissions from crops  Continue discussion on harmonisation with revised reporting codes  Ensure that out-of-scope comments from selective GB revision are included in revised GB or added to workplan 14

15 AARHUS UNIVERSITY Workplan 2013-2014 (cont)  Continue and intensify the collaboration with TFRN/EPMAN  Provide guidance on reporting emissions from anaerobically digested manure  Intensify the communication with EECCA countries on inventory preparation and mitigation options  Investigate better use of Emission Factor Database 15

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