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Presentation on theme: "H. M.-L. Miller 2005 APPLYING to GRADUATE SCHOOL in ANTHROPOLOGY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Applying to Graduate School Seminar Outline Why graduate school? Which program, which university? Graduate supervisor? Making contact Components of an application Funding Extra questions?

3 Why graduate school? Academic career vs. non-academic career MA versus PhD Anthropology or something else? Identify your interests: if anthropology, which subfield? Narrow further…

4 What are your interests?  identify more specific topics of interest -- e.g. for biological anthro: health & nutrition skeletal biology paleoanthropology forensic anthropology e.g. for archaeology: faunal analysis hunter-gatherers states also, choice of world area!  definitely pick subfield cultural/social linguistics archaeology biological medical  identify what it is about the subject you like

5 Which programs, which universities? Research programs and people BEFORE you make contact! Use internet for research on programs, ask faculty here at UT American Anthropological Assn. website Dr. David Smith’s website: “Archaeology WWW Pages” for universities in Canada“Archaeology WWW Pages” Canada, the US, Britain/Europe, etc. The people or the program (MA vs PhD) The question of supervisor (next)

6 Looking for a Potential Grad Supervisor and/or Program  Look for supervisors / programs whose broad research areas match your interests Check university websites for research interests  Check association websites and member directories Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, American Assoc. for Physical Anthro Society for American Archaeology, Canadian Archaeological Association American Anthropological Association, CASCA (Canadian Anthropology Society)  Attend conferences to see current research & meet people  Check department website for information about program and supervisor BEFORE emailing

7 Contacting a Potential Grad Supervisor  E-mail to confirm s/he is taking students $75 + per application! Tell them your interests & include a brief CV (see info on CVs, below) Indicate that you have checked the department website for program info, but ask if there are other expectations that the prof has for his/her students  Second emailing Thank them for their time! If they are not taking students, ask if they can recommend any colleagues  Meet the person Can you work with this person for 2 years - or longer?  Talk to current grad students What do they think of supervisor?

8 How to apply  Check Department Requirements AND Graduate School Requirements (both websites!!) Grades: minimum & recommended Any Entrance Exams sometimes need for scholarships, if not for admittance e.g., Graduate Record Exams (= GREs) in U.S. Statement / Letter of Interest (...  more) Curriculum Vitae (CV) (...  more) Letters of Recommendation(...  more) Academic work (papers, etc.), if requested  Funding opportunities (dept., grad school, outside) (...  more)

9 Writing the statement of interest  Research interests General statement e.g. skeletal biology with an interest in past populations (bioarchaeology) e.g. archaeology of complex societies, particularly the Maya Particular research topics e.g. sex determination, growth and development e.g. faunal analysis, landscape studies, origins of social complexity  Your goals Immediate academic goals (grad school), and beyond How does degree desired relate to goals?  Ask faculty member to review & provide comments (allow PLENTY of time for this)

10 Writing a CV (Curriculum Vitae)  Name (on every page)  Address, Phone & Email --be sure to give summer addresses too!  Education --highest degree 1st Then remaining sections (see list to right), as appropriate. Order depends on which are your strongest sections - put these first. Be sure to have your name & page numbers (1 of 3, etc.) on every page of your CV! Possible sections: Scholarships Awards (academic or otherwise) Publications or Reports Presentations, Talks (Conferences, etc. -- NOT in classes) Field Experience Lab Experience Other Volunteer/Work Experience related to Anthro Volunteer/Work Experience not related to Anthro Papers for Independent Projects (in classes or outside of them) Anthro Organizational Affiliations (CAPA, OAS, CAA, etc.) Skills (computer, languages) Research Interests (topics, etc.)

11 Letters of Recommendation  Who to ask: Someone who knows your best work, in class and/or in field Can provide examples of your insight, judgment, abilities, (teamwork) Ask if they can provide a good reference  Ask AT LEAST 2 WEEKS in advance (especially for 1 st letter) Remind them by email or phone a few days before letter must be sent  Provide for your letter writer (IN WRITING): Specific Date Due and What is Needed (letter? form?) Information provided from institutions about letters of recommendation PROVIDE URLs for on-line forms Your CV (Curriculum Vitae) Statement of Intent of some kind - preferably a draft of application statement ?Past work done for them (essays, etc., to remind them of your work)

12 Canadian Governmental Funding  OGS (Ontario Graduate Scholarship) $15,000 12 months  SSHRC-CGS (Canada Graduate Scholarship) Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council MA/MSc $17,500 for 12 months ALSO  NSERC-CGS (Canada Graduate Scholarship) Natural Sciences & Engineering (for some bio anth )  CHIR - Masters (for medical anth)  All have Internal deadlines – must apply through this university See U of T Graduate website - important dates & deadlines

13 Canadian Govt. Funding Deadlines apply fall 2011 if starting fall 2012 ScholarshipDue Date to UT ANT NSERC-CGS (Masters) Oct. 4, 2011 OGS - Master Oct. 17, 2011 SSHRC-CGS (Masters) Nov. 7, 2011 CHIR - Masters Nov. 9, 2011 Must submit to ANT Graduate Office at St. George!!

14 University-Based Funding  Check web site for department!  Talk to the Grad Secretary  Entrance scholarships some apply with entrance application some apply after acceptance  Check website for School/Dean of Graduate Studies ( if still have questions, call their inquiries number) other scholarships many small scholarships specific to university

15 Good luck!

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