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Understanding by Design From the work of Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe The 3 Stages of UBD Developing a Common Language - What is a Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding by Design From the work of Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe The 3 Stages of UBD Developing a Common Language - What is a Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding by Design From the work of Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe The 3 Stages of UBD Developing a Common Language - What is a Unit

2 Backwards Design You need to know where you are going before you can figure out how to get there…

3 Three Stages of Backwards Design Stage 1. Identify desired results. Stage 2. Determine acceptable evidence. Stage 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction.

4 Stage 1 – Identify desired results This is “the What” What do you want the audience to understand? In 10 years from now? The Big/ Macro Idea! Also known as the Enduring Understanding What is the particular content? (micro) What are the skills?

5 Stage 1 – Questions Still “the What” Essential Questions Big Idea into a question Merge it with your theme – better yet Focusing Questions List of Content becomes focusing questions Focusing Questions vs. Aims Synonyms Big ideas, Essential understandings, Macro concepts Content specific, focusing questions, aims, micro concepts

6 Unit Exploration– Stage 1 On what pages can you find stage 1? Where did the content come from? Can you add another big idea/ macro concept to the list? Evaluate the Essential Question. Would you modify it? Connect the big idea to your theme. Modify the essential question to incorporate your theme.

7 Stage 2 – Determine Acceptable Evidence a.k.a. Assessment How do you know if they got it? The assessment allows for the participants to demonstrate their understanding of ‘the what’ The Assessment answers the Essential Question The Culminating Project assesses the enduring Understandings and the standardized exams assess the micro understandings This is what we mean by backwards design the assessment is created before the lessons

8 More about Stage 2 There is nothing wrong with teaching to the assessment if the assessment is good! Rigor vs Activity Multiple Assessments: ongoing, standardized exams and projects Synonyms – Assessment, Test, Culminating activity, Project, Project based learning

9 Unit Exploration – Stage 2 Where in the packet can you find evidence of stage 2? Evaluate the rigor of the assessment. Does the project allow for the students to demonstrate their knowledge of the macro concepts/ enduring understandings? Do the students answer the Essential Question in the Culminating Project If the EQ was modified to address your theme, what changes would you make to the unit assessment?

10 Stage 3 – Learning Experiences How do you take people from stage 1 of what you want them to know TO Stage 2 – Where they demonstrating their knowledge. Yes, this is the lesson plans The lessons can be different for each teacher The Goal is the same - How do you plan the learning experiences so that they lead the learner to success. Scaffold the assessment – Teach to your test or Project!!!

11 Stage 3 – Learning Experiences Here is where differentiation comes in Here is where a certain type of instruction comes in – such as inquiry, IB method, technology infusion Synonyms – Lesson plans Learning experiences

12 Unit Exploration – Stage 3 On which pages can you find evidence of stage 3? How do the lesson plans scaffold the content? Evaluate the extent to which the lessons scaffold the necessary content and skills required in the project. Look at a lesson plan, can you see the 3 stages of UBD in the lesson itself. Explain.

13 Reflections In table groups, discuss how the 3 stages of UbD are reflected in curriculum design. What are your thoughts on the Unit format?

14 Infusing a School’s Theme Is your theme content based or process based? Content Based it will most likely appear in the Essential Question Process / Performance Based it will appear in the culminating Project See Handout on Theme Theme the sample unit

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