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Laboratory 8 Fitness Testing 2 By Brady, Jemima, Cuz and Matt.

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1 Laboratory 8 Fitness Testing 2 By Brady, Jemima, Cuz and Matt

2 Chronic adaptations to exercise Cardiovascular Improves stroke volume, (amount of blood pumped with each heart beat). Therefore the heart beats at a slower rate and get’s more rest. Increased heart size therefore being able to pump more blood around the body. This increase has an affect on the left ventricle allowing more blood to pass through it. Regular to moderate exercise will not lead to an increase in the hypertrophy of the heart, but endurance athletes may experience this change after years of vigorous exercise At rest muscles may receive about 20% cardiac output but during intense exercise they can receive about 90% of their cardiac output.

3 Respiratory Improves lung capacity in two ways –By reducing residual volume (The amount that is left unventilated during exercise) –Increasing the inspiratory reserve and the vital capacity. Improves tidal volume, which is maximum amount of air you can breathe per minute, so fewer breathes are needed to inhale the same amount of air Improves lung capacity in two ways –By reducing residual volume (The amount that is left unventilated during exercise) –Increasing the inspiratory reserve and the vital capacity. Improves tidal volume, which is maximum amount of air you can breathe per minute, so fewer breathes are needed to inhale the same amount of air

4 Muscular Muscular Adaptations Muscular hypertrophy refers to increase in muscle size that occurs with long term resistance training. Reflects actual structural changes in the muscle that can result from increase in size of existing fibres (Fibre hypertrophy), in number of muscle fibres (fibre hyperplasia) or both. Individual muscle fibre hypertrophy from resistance training appears to result from a net increase in muscle protein synthesis

5 Physiological benefits of exercise for cardiovascular health The internal dimensions of the left ventricle increase. Left ventricular wall thickness and mass also increase, allowing for greater contractility. Resting heart rate decreases as a result of endurance training. Blood flow to muscles is increased by endurance training. Resting blood pressure is generally reduced by endurance training in those with borderline hypertension. Blood volume increases as a result of endurance training. Red blood cell volume also increases, but the increase in plasma volume is typically higher. Increases plasma volume decreases blood viscosity, which can improve circulation and oxygen availability

6 Physiological benefits of exercise for diabetes Regular exercise helps with the management of diabetes. A regular exercise program for people with diabetes helps reduce their chances of suffering many of the vascular complications associated with diabetes. Regular exercise can decrease insulin requirements sometimes as much as fifty percent. For some people with Type II diabetes who need to use insulin, starting an exercise program may reduce or even replace the need for extra insulin. Hence, exercise is a key component of the long term treatment of diabetes. A physically active lifestyle can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

7 Physiological benefits of exercise for asthma Asthma is a chronic condition that when managed well can allow participation in most activities; however, its severity does vary. With continuous and graded exercise, people with asthma can develop greater respiratory muscle tone, which can lead to a decrease need for medication. Cardiovascular exercise is the preferred option for people with asthma. Resistance training exercises can be prescribed to help strength the respiratory muscles (e.g. bench press and pull over’s).

8 Referencing Egger, G, Champion, N, Bolton, A 1998, The Fitness Leaders Handbook, 4th ed, Kangaroo press, NSW. Sharkey, B, 1979, Physiology of Fitness, Human kinetics publishing. Wilmore, J, Costill, D, Kenney, L, 2008, Physiology of sport and Exercise, 4th ed, Human Kinetics, Champaigne Acute and chronic adaptations to exercise [online] Available – www.ncib,nlm.nih.govwww.ncib,

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