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1. 2 People in the Presence of God Chapter 2 New Testament Principles ©2010Barry Liesch Biola University La Mirada, California ©2010Barry Liesch Biola.

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2 2 People in the Presence of God Chapter 2 New Testament Principles ©2010Barry Liesch Biola University La Mirada, California ©2010Barry Liesch Biola University La Mirada, California

3 3 Doxological Goal: the glory of God NT Principles of Worship Ephesians Ephesians  That we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of his glory (1:6, 12, 14) Philippians Philippians  Therefore God has highly exalted him (2:9) Westminster Confession Westminster Confession  The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever Frame Frame  Redemption is the means  Worship is the goal

4 4 Transcendence, Immanence Two Poles of Worship What is immanent worship? Immanence = closeness, nearness  God’s presence, indwelling, intimacy I no longer call you servants…I have called you friends John 15:15 I no longer call you servants…I have called you friends John 15:15 I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you John 14:20 I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you John 14:20 Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart Heb 10:22 Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart Heb 10:22

5 5 Transcendence, Immanence Two Poles of Worship How does Scripture convey transcendence? How does Scripture convey immanence? Transcendence  Fire, lightening, smoke (Mount Sinai)  Pillar of fire, cloud of smoke (Wilderness wanderings)  Violent, rushing wind and tongues of fire (Acts 2) Immanence  Christ, God in human flesh  Christ, tempted on all points like we are  Christ, talking personally to Samaritan woman Should worship services convey both?

6 6 Worship Principles Focus on God’s Holiness/Transcendence’ ….especially Holiness Synonym for all of God’s attributes Synonym for all of God’s attributes  Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness  Be holy as I am holy  Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty  Triple emphasis on “holy” (not “love”) Engraved on priest’s turban Engraved on priest’s turban  Holy to the Lord To separate, keep apart To separate, keep apart  Israel was God’s chosen possession

7 7 In OT Holy things were set apart Holy things were set apart  Clean from unclean  Unblemished from blemished Holiness laws Holiness laws  Thought to be related to hygiene, morality But, more comprehensive Wholeness, completeness, light, purity Wholeness, completeness, light, purity  Unblemished animals, priests project wholeness Worship Principles Focus on God’s Holiness/Transcendence’ ….especially

8 8 Holy of Holies: Graduated Taboo Prohibition on approach touch, sight Prohibition on approach touch, sight People forbidden beyond the altar People forbidden beyond the altar People forbidden to touch holy things People forbidden to touch holy things  “Or they will die”  Uzzah struck down for touching Ark People forbidden to look at holy things People forbidden to look at holy things  “Lest he see and die” Worship Principles Focus on God’s Holiness/Transcendence’ ….especially

9 9 Priests forbidden to touch non-priests while officiating Priests forbidden to touch non-priests while officiating Contact with altar made one “holy” Contact with altar made one “holy” Implications for us today? Reverence Reverence Purity Purity Set apartness Set apartness Holiness transmittable, contagious? Worship Principles Focus on God’s Holiness/Transcendence’ ….especially

10 10 The Veil Blockade to Holy of Holies Blockade to Holy of Holies Only priest could enter Only priest could enter Only one day a year Only one day a year Torn open at Christ’s death Torn open at Christ’s death Worship Principles Focus on God’s Holiness/Transcendence’ ….especially

11 11 Implications of torn veil? Prohibitions gone? (approach, sight, touch) Prohibitions gone? (approach, sight, touch) New status as priests? New status as priests?  But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood (I Peter 2:9) No dichotomy of clergy, laity? No dichotomy of clergy, laity? Jesus touches the unclean, outcasts, blind, maimed. Jesus touches the unclean, outcasts, blind, maimed. Worship Principles Focus on God’s Holiness/Transcendence’ ….especially

12 12 Holiness in Paul’s Writings Believers: temple of God Believers: temple of God  Don’t you know you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?  As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Worship Principles Focus on God’s Holiness/Transcendence’ ….especially

13 13 Worship Principles Offer Worship that Costs Something Burnt sacrifice Burnt sacrifice  No meat left for fellowship meal Shedding of blood Shedding of blood  Daubed on altar, priests, vestments  Thrown (sprinkled) over the people  This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you Ex 24:8 Shedding of blood (Lord’s Table) Shedding of blood (Lord’s Table)  Drink from it, all of you. This is the blood of the covenant that is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins Matt 26:27-28

14 14 Worship Principles Offer Worship that Costs Something David: Acquires site for temple David: Acquires site for temple  I will not sacrifice to the Lord that which costs me nothing 2 Sam 24:24 Widow: Two copper coins Widow: Two copper coins  They gave out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in everything--all she had to live on Mk 12:44 Paul: Present your bodies Paul: Present your bodies  I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship Rom 12:1

15 15 Worship Principles Offer Worship that Costs Something Jesus: Reconciliation before Worship Jesus: Reconciliation before Worship  If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar.  First go and be reconciled with your brother; then come and offer your gift. Matt 5:23,24

16 16 Worship Principles Offer Worship that Costs Something Practical Applications? Discuss What ways can we make worship more costly? Turn radio off Turn radio off Invest energy in solo, harmonization Invest energy in solo, harmonization Kneel, lift hands Kneel, lift hands Sing that high note Sing that high note Take initiative in resolving differences Take initiative in resolving differences

17 17 Worship Principles Focus on character of God Character of God--> Unchanging Which attributes are emphasized?  Which receive weight and repetition in your weekly selection of hymns/choruses? Through your singing, a concept of God is being formed

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