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Jesus worshipped regularly (Luke 4:16) “as his custom was” Paul worshipped regularly (Acts 11:26; 17:2) “they assembled with the church” “as his custom.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus worshipped regularly (Luke 4:16) “as his custom was” Paul worshipped regularly (Acts 11:26; 17:2) “they assembled with the church” “as his custom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus worshipped regularly (Luke 4:16) “as his custom was” Paul worshipped regularly (Acts 11:26; 17:2) “they assembled with the church” “as his custom was”

2 “Do I Have To Be At Every Church Service?” Work obligations School obligations Family obligations

3 “Do I Have To Be At Every Church Service?” Personal Choices Friendships Plans to Relax Time to Recuperate

4 “Do I Have To Be At Every Church Service?” Young Christians Older Christians The Discouraged Those in Love with the World

5 What does it mean if we “have to” do something? We are forced to do something. We are under moral obligation. We should do something. We face consequences if we don’t.

6 In matters of faith God does not force us to do anything. 1. God can “give us over” to sin (Psalm 81:11,12; Romans 1:28). 2. We must “choose for ourselves” (Joshua 24:14,15)

7 “Do I Have To Be At Every Church Service?” 1. No — We can choose not to “con- sider one another” (Heb 10:23-25). 2. No — We can choose not to “obey those who rule over” us (Heb 13:17). 3. We can choose not to “desire the pure milk of the word” (I Pet 2:1-3). 4. We can choose not to “submit ourselves to God” (James 4:7,8).

8 Remember what it means to “have to” do something. We are forced to do something. We are under moral obligation. We should do something. We face consequences if we don’t.

9 What do we mean by – “every church service?” 1. NT Christians met every day (Acts 2:46) & Sunday (Acts 20:7; I Cor 16:1,2). 2. These were opportunities to “do one’s share” (Ephesians 4:11-16). 3. These were occasions to “build-up” one another (I Corinthians 14:26). 4. Occasions to grow (Col 2:18,19) and help guard one another (Rev 3:1,2).

10 To “have to” do something can also mean… We are forced to do something. We are under moral obligation. We should do something. We face consequences if we don’t.

11 “Do I Have To Be At Every Church Service?” Does God “take roll” to determine salvation? — No. 1. Will I go to hell for missing a single service? — Not necessarily. 2. Will I miss what God commands me to help me avoid sin & go to heaven? — Yes. 3. Can I be right with God and refuse to obey His commands? — No. (Rom 14:22).

12 “Do I Have To Be At Every Church Service?” Should I be at every service? — Yes. (James 4:17). 1. Am I under moral obligation to be at every service? — Yes (to God & brethren). 2. Will I face consequences if I don’t attend every service? — Yes. 3. Will I forfeit benefits if I don’t attend every service? — Yes.

13 What Influences Us More? The Church – 4 hours Computers Movies Television Music Radio Friends How can we afford to surrender the little influence the church has on our lives?

14 “Do I Have To Be At Every Church Service?” Should I be at every service? — Yes. (James 4:17). 3. Will I forfeit benefits if I don’t attend every service? — Yes. (I Peter 5:8,9). 4. Will we be following the example of Paul, the other Apostles and Jesus Himself if we are regular in worship? Yes

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