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Library of Labs Co-funded by the Community programme eContentplus 15 questions & answers about LiLa LiLa – Library of Labs Dissemination of Remote and.

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Presentation on theme: "Library of Labs Co-funded by the Community programme eContentplus 15 questions & answers about LiLa LiLa – Library of Labs Dissemination of Remote and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library of Labs Co-funded by the Community programme eContentplus 15 questions & answers about LiLa LiLa – Library of Labs Dissemination of Remote and Virtual Laboratories for Natural Sciences and Engineering May 2009 – May 2011

2 Library of Labs 1. What is LiLa? LiLa is an acronym for ‘Library of Labs’, an initiative of eight universities and three companies, which aims at developing an integrated platform for remote experiments and virtual laboratories. LiLa is committed to enhancing the learning experience of science and engineering students all over Europe. LiLa is co-funded by the eContentplus programme of the European Commission.

3 Library of Labs 2. What is a remote experiment? Experiments are performed on equipment that is controlled by an operator in a remote location via the internet.

4 Library of Labs 2. What is a remote experiment? The Cambridge Reactor Weblab The reactor – a key unit in many chemical plants – can be fed with three liquids. The reaction is monitored and controlled remotely...... for instance, at the University of Newcastle.

5 Library of Labs 3. Why do we need remote experiments? Many universities are challenged by large numbers of students demanding access to laboratories during their training. However, laboratory capacity is limited and scarcely extendable due to financial and other constraints. Especially, equipment for advanced or graduate students becomes more and more expensive, but is used only occasionally. Remote experiments tackle these problems: they are accessible 24 hours per day, and might even be used without supervision. At the same time, they provide students with insights into how processes are controlled in today’s industry.

6 Library of Labs 4. What is a virtual laboratory? A virtual laboratory uses the metaphor of a real laboratory, namely to setup a large variety of experiments from pre-designed components. These components are computer programs that either simulate physical processes or theoretical models.

7 Library of Labs 4. What is a virtual laboratory? An example: The friction simulator at Nano-World (University of Basel) enables students to simulate friction phenomena on an atomic scale.

8 Library of Labs 5. Why do we need virtual laboratories? Experiments can be designed for the student‘s needs. Experiments are easily reproducible. Setups are more variable than in real experiments. Simulations provide experiments not observable in reality. Real experiments might be too complex and/or expensive. Real experiments might be too dangerous.

9 Library of Labs 6. Why do we need LiLa? Remote experiments are very cost-intensive, yet seldom used to full capacity. By linking existing remote experiments & virtual labs all over Europe, LiLa will provide means for a better utilization of resources. LiLa will enhance a student‘s learning experience by integrating a tutoring system and traditional learning materials. LiLa will enable online collaboration by integrating remote experiments & virtual labs into a collaborative environment. LiLa will help teachers to find remote experiments and virtual labs and integrate them into their courses.

10 Library of Labs 7. What will LiLa look like? LiLa will provide an integrated web portal enabling users to find remote experiments and virtual laboratories, gain access to them, use the accompanying tutoring system and find complementary learning materials. Moreover, LiLa is engaged in creating a 3D environment for the collaborative use of remote experiments and simulations, based on Sun Microsystems's ‘Wonderland’.

11 Library of Labs 8. How do students benefit from LiLa? LiLa enables students to find experiments and related material by indexing and cataloguing widespread resources. LiLa integrates experiments and labs from all over Europe, thus offering a wide and attractive choice of experiments. By providing access to remote and virtual experiments alike, LiLa allows students to easily compare results of simulations and real experiments side by side. LiLa enables the collaborate use of remote and virtual experiments, thus enhancing the student‘s learning experience.

12 Library of Labs 9. How will lecturers benefit from LiLa? LiLa will assist lecturers in developing courses by providing: a central starting point for finding remote experiments & virtual labs. supplementing material. didactical assistance. a tutoring system. use cases. Lecturers can: offer a practical and realistic experience to more students. share setups and materials.

13 Library of Labs 10. What are the main objectives of LiLa? create a technical and organizational framework for the mutual exchange of experiments across Europe. build a portal for access to virtual laboratories, remote experiments and other media. make them accessible via a retrieval system. exploit them with an access control and booking system. guide users with a tutoring system. integrate labs into a virtual 3D-world and provide a framework for online collaboration. disseminate the network across Europe. LiLa will:

14 Library of Labs 11. What are the components of the technical architecture? Meta 3D-World VirtLab C VirtLab A VirtLab B LAB - D LAB - E LAB - F Cooperative use of experiments and devices Group Management & Acess Control Content & Service Discovery Tier 2 Tier 1 Tutoring System Tier 3 Java InterfaceWeb Browser Tier 4 Media A Media B Media C

15 Library of Labs 12. Who is working on LiLa? Eight European universities and three enterprises have united to work on LiLa. Each participant offers specialised expertise in one or more of the following fields: content (virtual laboratories & remote experiments). access control and booking systems. 3D modelling. meta data development. e-learning pedagogics.

16 Library of Labs 12. Who is working on LiLa? Universität Stuttgart (Coordinator)‏Germany Technische Universität BerlinGermany Sun MicrosystemsGermany Technische Universiteit DelftNetherlands Linköpings UniversitetSweden Universität BaselSwitzerland Universidad Politécnica de MadridSpain Aristotle University of ThessalonikiGreece University of CambridgeUK Computational Modelling Cambridge LtdUK MathCore Engeneering ABSweden

17 Library of Labs 13. What are the work packages of LiLa? Project Administration 3DVirtual World PrototypeTesting&Debugging Task DefinitionInterfacesCourse CreationModels/Testing Meta Data Defin.2D & Annotation3D Embed.Testing Criteria DefinitionTechnical Eval.Didactical Eval. Dissemin. PlanWebPubl.Training Material & Embedding, Confer. May 2009May 2011

18 Library of Labs 14. Can others participate in LiLa? LiLa is open for further participation. It is designed for integrating additional content – virtual laboratories and remote experiments. LiLa will assist content providers by supplying: interface definitions. contract templates. ‘best practice’ documentation for curricular integration. standard definitions for online courses. Interested parties are welcome to contact LiLa at any time.

19 Library of Labs 15. How can I contact LiLa? Project CoordinatorDr. David Boehringer Technical CoordinatorDr. Thomas Richter Project ManagerTilmann Robbe Project Website:

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