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Bell Work: Day 1 In Notes or Pages, create a Family and Consumer Sciences Bell Work Document. Date each entry and write the question or statement before.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work: Day 1 In Notes or Pages, create a Family and Consumer Sciences Bell Work Document. Date each entry and write the question or statement before."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work: Day 1 In Notes or Pages, create a Family and Consumer Sciences Bell Work Document. Date each entry and write the question or statement before answering or providing feedback. Make sure to save all work consistently, for teacher checks. Entry 1: Student Profile-April 1st Welcome to 8th Grade FCS - Family and Consumer Sciences Complete Student Profile-hardcopy

2 Day 1: Continued Bell Work-Student Profile! Introductions & Seating Chart Course Rules, Expectations and PBIS (Syllabus & Matrix) 8th Grade FCS Letter and Signature Slip FCS Wiki Page - Directions “I Can” Statements --- Learning Targets Class baskets, buckets and Fire Drill Procedures

3 Bell Work: Day 2- April 2 Write what you currently know about each topic, listed: Nutrition: Tobacco Use: AODA Issues:

4 Bell Work: Day 3-April 3 Identify and explain the 2 of the components of wellness.

5 Bell Work: Day 4-April 4 How might someone use a food label to determine the nutritional content of a food product? (3 examples)

6 Bell Work: Day 5-April 5 Respond to 2 of the following quotes. (Write the quote, first!) Do you agree? Disagree? Why? “Beauty is only skin deep.” “Pretty is as pretty does.” “It’s what’s inside, that counts” “The mirror doesn’t lie.” “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” “Thin, is in”

7 Bell Work: Day 6-April 8 Explain the negative affects of a body image or eating disorder, on wellness.

8 Bell Work: Day 7-April 10 e/A000953.B9975/?report=objectonly Identify and describe how nicotine can affect three parts of the human body.

9 Bell Work: Day 8 co_051292 Read the first paragraph of the article “Limiting Tobacco Advertising to Youth”. The article implies that tobacco companies use subtle ways to advertise to teens. Answer the question: How are tobacco companies advertising to today’s teens? Is it working, why or why not?

10 Bell Work Check! Retrieve “Bell Work Assessment #1”. Write your name at the top. Make certain your bell work is ready to go!

11 Bell Work: Day 9-April 12 What’s in a drink demonstration: Examine the three types of alcoholic drinks. Explain which has the most amount, of alcohol.

12 Bell Work: Day 10-April 15 Explain 2 potential consequences of excessive alcohol use.

13 Bell Work- Not used QT4 Describe the potential impacts of alcohol use on each of the 3 components of wellness: Emotional Occupational Intellectual

14 Bell Work: Day 11-April 16 Using the website, from the QR code, examine the various “faces of meth”. Compare and contrast the before and after pictures. Describe the effects of crystal meth on the body, over time.

15 Bell Work: Day 12-April 17 Identify two drugs that were discussed in class. Share one negative affect on wellness, for each of the two identified drugs.

16 Bell Work: Day 13-April 18 In your own words define what a “healthy relationship” should look like.

17 Bell Work: Day 14-April 19 What are the 4 parts of the cycle of violence? Why is it considered a cycle?

18 Bell Work: Day 15-April 23 Describe the negative impacts of Shaken Baby Syndrome on members of a family.

19 Bell Work: Not Used Qtr. 4 Demonstration In your own words, describe what you saw. How might this demonstration relate to the topics of our current unit of study.

20 Bell Work: Day 16-April 24 In response to the video clip: What happens to an infant born to a woman that abuses drugs? What are two potential long-term consequences for a child born under these circumstances?

21 Bell Work Check! Retrieve “Bell Work Assessment #2”. Write your name at the top. Make certain your bell work is ready to go!

22 Bell Work: Not Used Qtr. 4 Describe two ways the health of a child can be diminished by, SBS List 3 ways that SBS can be avoided.

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