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SHELL: A Distributed and Oblivious Heap with Applications for Robust Information Systems and Heterogeneous Peer-to-Peer Networks Christian Scheideler Stefan.

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Presentation on theme: "SHELL: A Distributed and Oblivious Heap with Applications for Robust Information Systems and Heterogeneous Peer-to-Peer Networks Christian Scheideler Stefan."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHELL: A Distributed and Oblivious Heap with Applications for Robust Information Systems and Heterogeneous Peer-to-Peer Networks Christian Scheideler Stefan Schmid Network Algorithms Summer 2008

2 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 20082 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING Prof. Scheideler an Konferenz Deshalb: Spezialprogramm Shell - Baut auf gelerntem auf! - Ongoing work...  Keine Unterlagen  Hat noch Lücken, ev. auch Fehler  / Slides auf Englisch damit auch sonst mal gebrauchbar! Offen für Inputs / Ideen! Bevor wir SHELL anschauen...

3 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 20083 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING Today, still many challenges in distributed systems (e.g., the Internet) E.g., viruses, spam, DoS attacks, selfish users, etc. Very active research For example, peer-to-peer computing - Dynamics / churn: Peers join and leave frequently - In 1,000,000 network where peer sessions are around 60 minutes, there are hundreds of membership changes every second! - Peer-to-peer based on contributions of participants: problematic if users are selfish! - E.g., BitThief free-rides in BitTorrent - Heterogeneity: peers have different Internet connections, different CPUs, run different operating systems, etc. Motivation

4 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 20084 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SHELL = our overlay architecture Basically, a distributed heap Refresher: min heap - children have larger key than parent - e.g., useful for priority queues (fast removeMin()) SHELL Overview slide from GAD lecture 2008...

5 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 20085 Heap Refresher Heap in GAD...

6 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 20086 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING What is a distributed heap? We assume that peers have a key / order / rank / id - for example: time when peer joined (Min-) heap property: Peers only connect to peers of lower order - for example: peers only connect to older peers - Shell constructs a directed overlay (however, backward edges, see later) A Distributed Heap? 28 23 21 26 18 17 20 19 16 9 10 3

7 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 20087 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING What is an oblivious distributed heap? Oblivious = overlay topology only depends on set of currently active peers (and their IDs / orders) in the network - but not on history, e.g., on time when these peers joined! - example: if at join time, a new peer is inserted at the end of a list of peers, the resulting topology is not oblivious - example: if a new peer is inserted in a list of peers with respect to the peer‘s order, the topology is oblivious An Oblivious Distributed Heap? (1)

8 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 20088 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING An Oblivious Distributed Heap? (2) Why is oblivious good? - the oblivious property is useful when it comes to fault-tolerance - e.g., desktops may crash temporarily, and will then rejoin - if topology is oblivious, peers can „remember“ their old contacts, and when an old contact reappears, it can be integrated immediately (instantaneous rejoin) Many systems today are oblivious - e.g., Pastry, Chord, etc. - but not: e.g., Pagoda - many systems in practice are not: Gnutella, BitTorrent, etc.

9 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 20089 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING Primary goal: dynamic and robust overlay In particular: - maintaining heap property - low peer degree, low network diameter, low congestion - fast join / rejoin / leave - peers can simply crash Objectives of Shell Applications - i-SHELL: A distributed information system robust to Sybil attacks - h-SHELL: A peer-to-peer system for heterogeneous environments

10 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200810 How to achieve these goals? Overlay based on continuous-discrete approach - basically a de Bruijn graph Overlay Graph (1) Refresher: continuous-discrete approach - peers in cyclic [0,1)-interval - connected to peer responsible for continuous position x/2 and (x+1)/2

11 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200811 Our distributed heap has larger peer degree Space is divided into different partitions - partition i = 2 i intervals of size 1/2 i - global partition renders analysis simpler („same views“) Overlay Graph (2)

12 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200812 Peer connects to all peers of lower order in - Level-i home interval (interval which includes position x of peer) - Adjacent level-i intervals to home - de Bruijn intervals: intervals which include position x/2 and (x+1)/2 What is level i? - Level i chosen such that there are c log n p peers in interval - n p = total number of peers in system with lower order - n p can be estimated, in the following we assume it is given Overlay Graph (3)

13 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200813 In order to ensure connectivity when many peers leave, interval size must be increased over time (peer upgrades to larger partition) Similarly, if many peers of lower order join in interval, peers needs to downgrade In addition to these forward edges, peers store incoming edges - called backward edges Overlay Graph (4)

14 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200814 These edges are already sufficient for Shell However, in order to speed-up changes between levels, peer additionally store pointers to peers it would connect to if it upgraded - to „funnel“ to which peer would connect - of course, peer only connects to these lower order peers once they are on the corresponding level - requires notification mechanism Overlay Graph (5) Level i Level i-1 Level i-2 Level 1... In the following, we will not consider funnel edges in further detail!

15 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200815 Implication: Monotonicity From this construction, we can already derive some properties For instance, Shell features a monotonicity property: If two peers p and p‘ are connected to the same interval I and if p is of larger order than p‘, then p knows strictly more peers in I - because peers only connect to lower order peers in an interval

16 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200816 Distributed Order...: A Simplification In the following, we will assume that peers have distinct IDs E.g., assigned at join time by network entry point Otherwise: in case of multiple joins close in time, peers may not be able to decide which is older => need to introduce blackout zones, etc. In the following, we will not consider this issue in more detail

17 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200817 Analysis of Degree (1) Topological description allows to analyze the peer degree Peers employ the following strategy: if number of neighbors falls below c log n_p in at least one interval, all intervals are doubled According to Chernoff bounds, it holds that if one interval contains c log n peers, there is no interval of size larger (1+d) c log n for any d > 0, with high probability. Therefore, degree is in O(log n) w.h.p. - with funnel edges, the degree is log square

18 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200818 Analysis of Degree (2) What about incoming / backward edges?

19 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200819 Routing (1) The Shell overlay allows peers to route messages Similarly to continuous-discrete routing (adjusting one bit after another) Routing operation route(x) consists of two phases Phase 1: Route along forward edges to peer of lower order which is closest to x (or: to a lower order peer whose home region contains position x) Phase 2: Descent along backward edges to peer which is closest to x Implication: If a peer wants to send a message to a peer of lower order, only Phase 1 is necessary, and the message will not traverse any higher order peers!

20 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200820 Routing (2) Observe that in our overlay, peers have multiple neighbors which could be used for the next de Bruijn routing hop (log n neighbors per interval) This can be exploited in order to minimize congestion Routing policy: peer p always forwards packets to its neighbor which is of largest order among the eligible peers (lower order than p) This alleviates load on very low order peers

21 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200821 Routing (3) Visualization of routing towards higher order peers Messages travel towards lower order peers But on each hop, as high order peer as possible is taken

22 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200822 Routing (4) Analysis of Phase 1 - accoring to continuous-discrete routing, at most log n hops are needed to destination - we make the following observation: towards higher order peers prob that all peers of order lower than p but higher than n_p-l_1 are in other interval prob that this peer is located in the corresponding interval

23 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200823 Routing (5) Generally for i-th hop: towards higher order peers Summing up, after some lines of calculation, the probability that the final peer reached is of order n p /2 or smaller is at most O(n p -c ) for some constant c With high probability, in first phase of routing, request travels to peer of order at least n p /2.

24 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200824 Routing (6) Definition of congestion: towards higher order peers So what is the congestion in the first routing phase?

25 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200825 Routing (7) towards higher order peers So what is the congestion in the first routing phase? At most k peers can send via p, routing path is of length log 2k and probability that it enters interval on one of these hops is c log k / k See our argument before...

26 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200826 Routing (8) Theorem: First phase of routing terminates in logarithmic time and yields congestion of asymptotically log 2 n p.

27 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200827 Routing (9) Routing phase 2: descent along backward edges to higher order peers - idea: binary search which exploits monotonicity property - higher order peers know more about interval - on each level i, go to highest order peer which is located in interval which includes final position x - terminates in logarithmic time - logarithmic congestion: in each hop, a peer forwards at most one request

28 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200828 Join and Leave Join: similar to lookup, find highest order peer in final interval, get integrated Leave: peers can even crash, not particular operation Change of level in time O(1), update cost induced at other peers in O(log 2 n)

29 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200829 Application 1: i-Shell i-Shell is a distributed information system Idea: data management through consistent hashing approach Generalized to multiple levels: on each level, data is stored on peer closest to x - on each hop during insertion, a replica is placed Order of peers: time-stamps (assigned by network entry point) Thus: peers only connect to older peers

30 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200830 i-Shell Therefore: - we immediately get that two peers p and p‘ can communicate on paths which include only peers which are of peers at least their age - this renders the communication independent of younger peers Side benefit: measurement studies have shown that older peers typically have a longer remaining session time - renders topology more stable Shells imply rebustness to various attacks E.g., Sybil attack

31 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200831 Sybil Attack (1) Sybil attack - big problem in Internet - e.g., spam - Sybil: book by Flora Rheta about person with 16 identities Attacker seeks to acquire many identities - e.g., to control large fraction of network Countermeasures - virutal identities: captchas etc. - real identities? botnet? - Douceur has shown that issue is difficult to deal with in distributed environments...

32 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200832 Sybil Attack (2) Shell is resilient to Sybil attacks of any scale! Model: Sybil attack starts at some time t 0 Theorem: traffic of old peers independent of Sybil attack Techniques - Admission control - Rate control 3 4 7 5 10 8 9 12 21 14 15 11 attack originates from lower peers higher peers can perform a rate control algorithm traffic between older peers unaffected

33 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200833 Application 2: h-Shell Alternatively, IDs could represent inverse of the peers‘ capabilities Therefore: peers only connect to peers with stronger capabilities Interesting architecture for heterogeneous systems Corollary: paths between strong peers only include strong peers Interesting, e.g., for multi-quality live-streaming

34 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200834 Conclusion Distributed heap based on continuous-discrete appraoch Oblivious for highly transient environments Robustness to Sybil attacks of arbitrary scale Alternatively, useful for heterogeneous environments Work in progress...

35 Stefan Schmid @ TU München, 200835

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