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E ATING D ISORDERS. W HAT ARE EATING DISORDERS ? An eating disorder is a change in one’s normal eating habits which can cause a drastic change in weight.

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2 W HAT ARE EATING DISORDERS ? An eating disorder is a change in one’s normal eating habits which can cause a drastic change in weight loss or gain. This usually occurs when a person had a distorted body image. Eating disorders include: anorexia, bulimia, binge eating (etc).

3 W HO GETS EATING DISORDERS AND HOW COMMON ARE THEY ? Eating disorders are commonly linked to women aged 12 to 25. However, there are exceptions. About 10% of the male population has some form of eating disorder. Many of those who develop eating disorders have struggled or are struggling with anxiety, depression and/or impulse control. It is estimated that about 8 million Americans have some type of eating disorder.

4 S YMPTOMS OF A NOREXIA N ERVOSA Dieting despite already being thin Obsession with calories and fat grams Pretending to eat Dramatic weight loss Obsession with body image Excessive exercising Change in menstrual cycle Sore throat

5 S YMPTOMS OF B ULIMIA N ERVOSA Lack of control over eating Secrecy surrounding eating Vomiting after meals Alternating between over eating and fasting Frequent significant changes in weight Eating large amounts of food Weakness and Dizziness Tooth decay Swollen cheeks Ruptured stomach

6 W HAT ARE THE PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS ? Someone with anorexia or bulimia may struggle with depression from constantly believing that they have a poor outer appearance. Mood swings are frequently seen in those with eating disorders. Often very weak due to lack of nutrition. Most likely struggle with numerous health issues. Loneliness. Fear of disapproval from others.

7 W HAT TYPE OF TREATMENT IS AVAILABLE ? Treating anorexia and/or bulimia involves three steps: getting back to a healthy weight, starting to develop healthy eating habits, and changing how you think about yourself. One can start by receiving: Medical treatment – for addressing and treating serious health issues Nutritional Counseling – a nutritionist or dietician can teach you about healthy eating habits and nutrition. Therapy – a therapist can help you to regain a positive body image.

8 W HAT OTHER KINDS OF SUPPORT CAN HELP PEOPLE WITH EATING DISORDERS RECOVER ? Those struggling with eating disorders need support from family and friends. These are the ones who influence their thinking the most. If someone you know is dealing with anorexia or bulimia it is important to offer your love and compassion, avoid insults, and set a good example.

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