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The things that keep me awake at night III & What we can do about it Richard Caulfield Chief Exec VSNW.

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Presentation on theme: "The things that keep me awake at night III & What we can do about it Richard Caulfield Chief Exec VSNW."— Presentation transcript:

1 The things that keep me awake at night III & What we can do about it Richard Caulfield Chief Exec VSNW

2 Current issues Cuts Office for Civil Society Growth Payments by Results Welfare reform Future of Infrastructure Our National Voice Young people Debt Big Lottery The ‘F’ Word NHS Reform Choice Quasi-Quangos Talking to Government Work Programme London Centricism Big Society Accountability Local Enterprise partnerships Environment

3 CUTS Still the prevailing wisdom What did Transition Fund achieve? Looking worse than expected for Local Gov ‘Graph of Doom’

4 The Barnet Graph of Doom

5 Office for Civil Society *new* What impact do they have across departments? What have they done for the sector? – National Citizen Service – Community First – Community Organisers Forget Full cost recovery!

6 Growth *new* Economic – ‘Economic equivalent of war today’ – ‘forget about crossing every ‘t’ and dotting every ‘i’ Within VCS – Is growth always good?

7 Payments by Results *new* Another prevailing logic… but: What is the true impact? Can the diverse range of the sector engage? Will naturally create certain behaviours – (see ‘The Junior Apprentice’)

8 Welfare Reform *new* Should probably be first? Universal Credit trialled in NW first… – Oldham, Tameside, Warrington & Wigan Impact on vulnerable people Growth in homelessness Deserving & undeserving poor in policy Redefining words: ‘homeless’ & ‘poverty’ Impact on VCS Services

9 Future of Infrastructure *update* Transforming Local Infrastructure hardly transformational: set up to fail BIG setting policy direction with approach What will impact of Assist be? The end of free services? What is the role of the private sector?

10 ‘Our’ National Voice ? *new* NCVO on SERCO and National Citizen Service: "We are pleased to see our draft guidance being used as the basis for this tender. It’s vitally important that we get the relationship right between the voluntary sector and the private sector." What other voice? ACEVO & NAVCA?

11 Young People *updated* Youth Unemployment Is youth contract delivering? Still seeing reduction in services Do we understand impact of loss of EMA & rise in tuition fees? Impact of benefit changes

12 Debt *no change* Cut government debt but increase: – Personal debt Student loans in Fe & HE Removal of EMA – Private Sector debt Payments by results will lead to huge borrowing – Local Authority debt General power of competence – Voluntary sector debt Loans, Loans, Loans Social Impact Bonds

13 Big Lottery *updated* Government’s puppy? – some blurring of lines between OCS and BIG ‘Building Capabilities…’ paper – dangerous They are not simply ‘another funder’ ‘programme’ methods have been divisive Still key to future of VCS!

14 ‘The F word’ *updated* Public Sector working more towards ‘compliance’ rather than tackling issues Is there any point to Equality Impact Assessments ‘The Act’ seemingly more and more irrelevant – Virgin/Devon Health contract

15 NHS Reform *updated* Changing Geographies Checks and balances on clinicians – Do they ‘get’ the sector? Financial allocations – ACRA impact on NW

16 Local Area Teams ‘LATs’



19 NHS North Commissioning Support Units


21 Public Health England 4 Regions + 15 Centres

22 Healthwatch *update* Doing more than LINks for less or same £ Fluctuating advice – little consistency Variety of approaches to ‘tendering’ Different answers in different place! Too little guidance or unclear guidance?

23 What about Public Health? *update* How long will ring fence last? Problem of ACRA formula Novating contracts - Why not put everyone on notice? Communication & Engagement Role in shaping the market

24 Health & Wellbeing Boards *no change* The place where it all comes together? Majority in NW lack VCS engagement Healthwatch has statutory place Range of interpretation of role

25 Choice *new* Choice of user or choice of commissioner? Do we really want choice? Is it a misnomer?

26 Quasi – Quangos? *new* 9 RDAs to 39 LEPs 0 to 152 Healthwatch 9 regions + Centre to 4 regions, 27 LATs + NCB 152 PCTs to 212 CCGs 0 to 12 clinical senates 0 to 1 National Citizen Service 1 DH to DoH + Public Health England + 4 Regions + 15 centres

27 Talking to Govt *update* ‘Nonsultation’ Increasingly unproductive? Who should we talk to anyway?

28 Work Programme *update* Any evidence it is working? Lack of transparency Lack of choice No real sector engagement in delivery at Tier 2 Sector still too quiet about issues

29 ‘London Centricism’ *update* Is Centricism a word? Cost of events! Lack of willingness to engage with regions Nationals starting to play local One size fits all view of sector


31 Accountability *updated* ‘The Market decides’ The Prime contractor model Police Commissioners Elected Mayors Is there really any accountability?

32 Local Enterprise Partnerships *update* What have they achieved thus far? Still not inclusive Regional Growth Fund – any use? Recognition of need for ‘pan LEP’ working! May be useful tool for keeping ERDF Regional

33 The Environment *update* Will Local Nature Partnerships have an impact? Impact of changes in planning? Windfarms!!

34 So what can we (VCS) do?

35 Start with some myths Sustainability is key Merger – that’s the way forward Big is Better Diversify your income We need to be a ‘Social Enterprise’/have a trading arm we are too dependent on public sector Consortia – that’s the answer!

36 What can we do? Community Budgets Collaboration Co-production Create locally Do what we do best Campaign!

37 Community Budgets Keep an eye on the pilots – Whole place Greater Manchester and Cheshire West & Chester – Neighbourhood Chance to pool budgets Opportunity to invest ‘upstream’

38 Collaboration Find collaborators May not be usual suspects Look to private sector as well as VCS/Public S Get someone to support collaboration

39 Co-production Need to Push for changing in commissioning processes See public sector colleagues as part of the solution Work collaboratively within the sector with mutual trust Celebrate those commissioners who truly engage

40 Create Locally Give local businesses a route to connect Be creative about opportunities in the community Be focused upon what you want to achieve Keep grants on the agenda!


42 Do what we do best… Respond to need – Fill the gaps Focus energy on the people and places that need it Provide a platform for the voice of those who need support Don’t let anyone fall below the radar

43 Campaign "Now is not the time to hold your tongue just because you need that government grant or contract. Now is the time to speak out openly and truthfully about how these changes affect your beneficiaries." Debra Allcock Tyler Chief Executive Directory of Social Change

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