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Ch. 6.3 Types of Social Interaction. Five types of Group Social Interaction – (Robert Nisbert) Cooperation – combining of effort to reach some goal. –

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 6.3 Types of Social Interaction. Five types of Group Social Interaction – (Robert Nisbert) Cooperation – combining of effort to reach some goal. –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 6.3 Types of Social Interaction

2 Five types of Group Social Interaction – (Robert Nisbert) Cooperation – combining of effort to reach some goal. – Survivors of a plane crash, kids agreeing to the rules of a game Conflict – interaction aimed at defeating an opponent – What are the Societal benefits of Conflict? The promotion of cooperation and unity w/in opposing groups (Simmel) Draws attention to social inequities – Ex. Civil Rights protestors Can lead to a change in norms, beliefs, and values

3 Social Exchange – a voluntary action performed in the expectation of getting a reward in return – The basis of an exchange relationship is reciprocity, the idea that you should do for others as they have done for you – The difference in cooperation and social exchange? _________________________________________________________ _ How can we reach our Goal? Or What’s in it for me? Coercion – interaction in which individuals or groups are forced to behave in a particular way Coercion – The central element is domination – Ex. Parents curfews, guards having more power than prisoners, speed limits

4 Conformity – behavior that matches group expectations – Churches, families, universities, governments, or culture – Do most people Conform? ___________________________________________________ – What is groupthink? Self-deceptive thinking that is based on conformity to group beliefs, and created by group pressure to conform

5 Ch. 6.4 Formal Organizations Formal Organization – a group deliberately created to achieve on or more long-term goals Ex. High schools, colleges, corporations, government agencies, and hospitals Bureaucracy – a formal organization based on rationality and efficiency Not all formal organizations are bureaucracies

6 Major Characteristics of bureaucracies – A division of labor based on the principle of specialization Each member is responsible for a certain function – Hierarchy of authority Authority is the exercise of legitimate power These organization’s authority structure is like a pyramid – A system of rules and procedures Rules and procedures for how work is to be done and provide a framework for decision making – Written records of work and activities Written records are made and kept on file – Promotion on the basis of merit and qualifications Norm is equal treatment to all

7 Max Weber and Bureaucracy Weber was the first to analyze the nature of bureaucracy Advantages? – Steadiness – Precision – Continuity – Speed – Efficiency – Minimum cost – Rationalization – the mind-set emphasizing knowledge, reason, and planning Designed to protect individuals

8 Informal Structure within organizations Informal organization – groups w/in a formal organization in which personal relationships are guided by norms, rituals, and sentiments that are not part of the formal organization – Exist to meet needs ignored by the formal organization Offer personal affection, support, humor, or protection

9 Iron Law of Oligarchy – theory that power increasingly becomes concentrated in the hands of a few members of any organization (Robert Michels) Ex. Chinese governmentChinese government 3 organizational factors encourage oligarchy – Organizations need a hierarchy of authority to delegate decision making – The advantages held by those at the top allow them to consolidate their power – Other members of the organization tend to defer to leaders



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