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LTSC Report 6 – February - 2007. LTSC Status No significant change Next meeting (plenary): March co-located with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 and CEN/ISSS TC-Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "LTSC Report 6 – February - 2007. LTSC Status No significant change Next meeting (plenary): March co-located with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 and CEN/ISSS TC-Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 LTSC Report 6 – February - 2007

2 LTSC Status No significant change Next meeting (plenary): March co-located with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 and CEN/ISSS TC-Learning Technology Work plan: –Update to 1484.12.1 - 2002 (Learning Object Metadata) –Work on competency standards –Collaboration with other organizations

3 LETSI Interested organizations are invited to participate in the formation of a future-oriented, global collaboration to advance the interoperability of technical systems enabling learning, education and training (LET) through the use of reference models based on de jure standards. The working name for the proposed organization is The International Federation for Learning-Education-Training Systems Interoperability (LETSI). The anticipated participants are government agencies, organizations developing LET specifications or standards, and organizations representing LET communities of practice.

4 Background SCORM = Sharable Content Object Reference Model –Reference Model = A collection of profiles of specs and standards –Uses five specifications & standards. Three are IEEE standards. Two are IMS Global Learning Consortium specifications –Maintained by the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative –ADL is a U.S. DoD Initiative –Costs $2M+ per year to maintain (help desk, documentation, test suites, Web site, community, “Plugfests,” conferences, and overhead) –Adopted by commercial learning technology vendors –Adopted world-wide (biggest single adopter is Korean K-12 system) For global “stewardship” it is better to have neither U.S. nor DoD. ADL is focused on leading edge research (on one hand) and DoD applications (on the other hand) – not stewardship No single organization is suitable. Need representation from many verticals, market segments, regions, etc. Hence an “organization of organizations” focused on catalyzing rather than doing standards.

5 Why This Matters US Training & Education Industry Stats –2 nd largest industry behind Healthcare –Almost $1 Trillion per year –90% in pre-K through Higher Ed (formal education) –“e-learning” penetration: 2% in education, 20% - 40% in other segments. CAGR of 25% –Corporate e-learning industry: $6 Billion in 2006 to grow to $25 Billion in 2010 –2% of payroll is spent on training (!) THIS SPELLS “OPPORTUNITY” –Huge, growing industry with societal benefits –On the beginning of the standards curve

6 What’ Next LETSI will have an organizational series of workshops and meetings in London in March –Restricted to serious potential organizational participants –No fee for being at the table, but requires a “good faith” commitment to contribute $10K when chartered (assuming the charter is acceptable) Propose that –The IEEE Computer Society participate as a founding organization –Potentially: Pending the identification of a sponsor to fund participation Notes: –This is not just of interest to standards. It is also of interest to electronic publications! –Robby Robson will be at the meeting representing the LTSC. However, could represent both, or could send another representative –There may be no fee for certain organizations (e.g. the LTSC) that have contributed to the existing reference model (SCORM).

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