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AIR FORCE ADVANCED INSTRUMENT SCHOOL Procedures & Techniques I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e.

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1 AIR FORCE ADVANCED INSTRUMENT SCHOOL Procedures & Techniques I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e



4 PROCEDURES & TECHNIQUES Objectives Review Instrument Cross-check HUDs Reintroduce 60 - 1 Rule Apply to Climbs and Descents Apply to Turns and Intercepts Introduce Other Applications References: 11-217v1 (ch 1 & 20) & 2 (ch 6), 11-202v3

5 BASICS   “An aircraft is flown in instrument flight by controlling the attitude and power as necessary to produce the desired performance.” AFM 11-217v1, para 1.1

6 Control Instruments Display immediate attitude & power Performance Instruments Navigation Instruments Aircraft’s actual performance Aircraft’s position relative to station or fix

7 Control & Performance Concept 1. Establish attitude/power setting on control instruments 2. Trim out control pressures 3. Crosscheck performance instruments 4. Adjust – make corrections as required

8 HEAD-UP DISPLAYS 2.6.1. Flight Instrumentation. Primary flight instrumentation must provide full-time display of attitude, altitude, and airspeed information and the capability to recognize, confirm, and recover from unusual attitudes. Information must be positioned and arranged in a manner enabling an effective pilot crosscheck. AFI 11-202v3

9 HEAD-UP DISPLAYS Single Medium Displays. Some single medium displays, including many HUDs, do not provide sufficient attitude cues to enable a pilot to maintain full-time attitude awareness or recover from some unusual attitudes. In addition to meeting the instrumentation requirements of paragraph 2.6.1., single medium displays must also receive HQ USAF/A3O endorsement as a PFR before they are used as the stand-alone reference for instrument flight. AFI 11-202v3

10 HEAD-UP DISPLAYS   NOTE: Unless your HUD is endorsed as a PFR, do not use it when spatially disoriented, for recovery from an unusual attitude, or during lost wingman situations Use the head down display anytime an immediate attitude reference is required. Typically, head down displays are inherently easier to use in these situations due to the larger attitude coverage, color asymmetry between the ground and sky, and reduced interference from the outside visual scene (glare, optical illusions, etc.). For this reason, even if your HUD is endorsed as a PFR, current Air Force guidance requires the head down display be available to the pilot with not more than one hands-on switch action.   AFM 11-217,

11 HUD’s Currently Endorsed No RestrictionsRestrictionsOngoingPending C-130J F-16 C/DF-35F-16 (Blk 60) C-37A (G5)C-17 C-130 AMPVC-25 U-2F-22B-1BE-3 T-38CC-12E-8 RC-135A-10 Source: AFFSA, AF Research Laboratory




15 Instrument Interpretation Factors Pilot ability

16 Instrument Interpretation Factors Pilot ability Complexity of maneuver Cockpit layout Instrument design



19 COMMON PROBLEMS Fixation Omission Fast Scan Inadequate Trimming

20 Improving Fundamental Skills and Correcting Fundamental Errors Slow down cross-check Know what to change and by how much Known pitch/power settings Know interplay between control & performance corrections Small corrections Set…Trim…Crosscheck…Adjust

21 60-1 RULE WHY USE IT? Refined Control and Performance Reduces workload Precision flying without guess-work Allows you to teach rules vice trying to teach “experience” AFM 11-217v2, Chapter 6

22 WHEN to USE 60-1 Pitch changes Gradients to meet restrictions Lead turns Wind Corrections Approaches Holding Entries, Teardrop Penetrations

23 WHAT IS 60-1? 1° = 1 NM at 60 NM or 1° = 100 FT at 1 NM

24 60-1 DERIVATION 60 NM 1°1° CIRCUMFERENCE = 2  r = 2 x 3.1416 x 60 = 376.99 or ≈ 360 1 NM

25 60-1 DERIVATION 30 NM 60 NM 3000 ft 1° 1° = 100 Ft/NM (actual measurement is 6362.7 ft./degree) 6000 ft

26 GRADIENT or FT/NM 3° 300 ft 3000 ft 1 NM10 NM 300 KIAS 90 KIAS 450 ft/min 1500 ft/min

27 60-1 APPLICATION ASSUMPTIONS TAS is based on Nautical miles per minute You are flying a fixed-wing aircraft Problems are no wind Your FMS is broken

28 FORMULAS TAS = IAS + [5kts per 1000 ft] TAS = IAS + Flight Level/2 TAS = IAS + [(2% * IAS) per 1000’] NM/Min = TAS/60 = Mach x 10 VVI = TAS in NM/Min X Ft/NM (Pitch)

29 EXAMPLE 1  TAS = IAS + Flight Level 2  TAS in NM/Min  6 deg pitch change =  VVI = NM/Min X Ft/NM = 6 NM/Min X 600 Ft/NM An aircraft makes a 6 deg pitch change from level flight at FL 240. What does the VVI indicate if the IAS is 240 kts? = 240 + 240 = 240 + 120 = 360 TAS 2 = 360 = 6 NM/Min 60 600 Ft/NM = 3600 Ft/Min

30 EXAMPLE 2 ATC tells you to climb to FL 250 in 10 NM. You are at FL 200 indicating.6 MACH. What minimum pitch change is necessary? What should your VVI indicate? 5000 ft to climb = 10 NM to climb 500 Ft/NM = 100 Ft/NM VVI = NM/Min X Ft/NM = 6 NM/Min X 500 Ft/NM 500 Ft/NM 5 deg pitch change = 3000 Ft/Min

31 EXAMPLE 3 You’re at FL 330 proceeding direct to ABC TACAN and are told to descend to 1000 ft by 10 DME prior to ABC. You are at 90 DME indicating.6 MACH. What is the initial minimum pitch change and VVI required?

32 EXAMPLE 3 80,000’ 40,000’ 32,000’ / 4.0° ±

33 EXAMPLE 3 33,000 ft - 1,000 ft = 90 DME - 10 DME = 4 deg pitch change VVI = NM/Min X Ft/NM You’re at FL 330 proceeding direct to ABC TACAN and are told to descend to 1000 ft by 10 DME prior to ABC. You are at 90 DME indicating.6 MACH. What is the initial minimum pitch change and VVI required? 32,000 Ft 80 NM = 400 Ft/NM = 6 NM/Min X 400 Ft/NM = 2400 Ft/Min

34 EXAMPLE 3 80,000’ 40,000’ 32,000’ / 1° ±

35 EXAMPLE 4 Same questions as before… You’re at FL 330 proceeding direct to ABC TACAN. You are told to descend to 1000 ft by 10 DME prior to ABC. You are at 90 DME indicating.6 MACH. What is the initial minimum pitch change and VVI required? Except… - You slow to.5 MACH prior to descent. Now what initial pitch is required? - What happens to VVI?

36 EXAMPLE 4 VVI = 5 NM/Min X 400 Ft/NM = 2000 Ft/Min Note: You still must descend 400 Ft/NM, which is still a 4 deg pitch change (from the NEW level flight picture) i.e. Your level flight pitch attitude is higher at.5 MACH than.6 MACH, but your descent pitch attitude from level flight will not change. (still 400 Ft/NM )


38 WINDS How do winds affect the gradient? Will it affect the VVI?

39 EXAMPLE 6 Same question as before…. You’re at FL 330 proceeding direct to ABC TACAN. You are told to descend to 1000 ft by 10 DME prior to ABC. You are at 90 DME indicating.5 MACH. What is the initial minimum pitch change and VVI required? (4 degrees pitch, 2000 ft/min VVI) Except… You pick up a 120 Kt tailwind.

40 EXAMPLE 6 New ground speed = 5 NM/Min + 120 kts tailwind = 7 NM/Min VVI = 7 NM/Min X 400 Ft/NM = 2800 Ft/Min To approximate the pitch attitude change to hold this VVI, we need to determine the Ft/NM descent gradient based on the NM/Min through the air mass (TAS) versus that of your groundspeed. Ft/NM = 2800 Ft/Min = 560 Ft/NM 5 NM/Min = About 6 deg pitch Now what initial VVI and Pitch required?

41 GOOD RULE OF THUMB Add/subtract one degree of pitch for every 60 knots of tailwind/headwind

42 CALCULATING LEAD TURNS RADIUS Lead Point For Turn 90° TURN RADIUS = distance to turn 90° @ 30° AOB 123R x

43 Figure 20.7. General Turning Performance (Constant Altitude, Steady Turn) (para 20.5).

44 AIRCRAFT TURN RADIUS MACH squared... TR = (NM/Min) 2 or (Mach) 2 x 10 10 or… MACH - 2... TR = TAS in NM/Min - 2 or Mach - 2 Both work…How do they compare... Using 30° of bank - two good methods...


46 EXAMPLE 7 You are proceeding direct to the ABC VORTAC at 10,000 ft and 250 KIAS. At what DME would you begin a turn onto the 15 DME ARC? or… Lead = (NM/Min) 2 / 10 = 5 2 / 10 = 2.5 NM TAS = KIAS + FL = 2 300KTAS / 60 = 5 nm/min NM Lead for 90 deg turn = NM/Min - 2 Turn at 18 DME or 17.5 DME 250 + 50 = 300 KTAS = 5 nm/min - 2 = 3NM

47 TURNS THAT ARE NOT 90° RADIUS Lead Point For Turn 60° 123R x

48 TURNS OTHER THAN 90 DEG Degrees to Turn Fraction of Turn Radius 180 ° 2 150 ° 1 5/61.8333 135 ° 1 2/31.6666 120 ° 1 1/21.5 90 ° 1 60 ° 1/2.5 45 ° 1/3.3333 30 ° 1/6.1666

49 ARC TO RADIAL TURNS TR = turn radius 60 = Radials per NM ARC TR X Radials per NM = # radials reqd for turn

50 TR = NM/Min - 2 Number of lead RADIALS = TR X 60 ARC EXAMPLE 9 You are at 240 KTAS and want to intercept a RADIAL from the 15 DME ARC. How many lead RADIALS should you use? = 240 - 2 = 4 - 2 = 2 NM turn radius 60 (or.4² x 10 = 1.6nm) = 2 X 60 = 2 X 4 15 = 8 Radials (or 1.6nm x 4 rad/nm = 6.4 rad lead point)

51 MAINTAINING THE ARC Bank Angle to = TR X 30 maintain an ARC ARC What is the problem with using this method?

52 VISUAL DESCENT POINT Height Above Touchdown (HAT) Glide Slope x 100 “Gus wears a Hat”

53 VORTAC 2500 4000 273 JACKK 2.4 NM.2 MISSED APPROACH Go Home CATEGORY S-27 CIRCLING 2200/24 411 (500-1/2) 2200/40 411 (500-3/4) 2200/50 411(500-1) 2280-1 491 (500-1) 2280-1 1/2 491 (500-1 1/2) 2340-2 551 (600-2) 2400-2 1/4 611 (700-2 1/4) Assume: CAT C, 3° glideslope What is the VDP from the end of the runway? EXAMPLE 10 A B C D E

54 VORTAC 2500 4000 273 JACKK 2.4 NM.2 MISSED APPROACH Go Home CATEGORY S-27 CIRCLING 2200/50 411(500-1) 2280-1 491 (500-1) 2280-1 1/2 491 (500-1 1/2) 2340-2 551 (600-2) 2400-2 1/4 611 (700-2 1/4) VDP = HAT GS X 100 EXAMPLE 10 A B C D E 411 = 1.37 NM from runway 300 2.6 - 1.4 = 1.2 DME VDP 2200/24 411 (500-1/2) 2200/40 411 (500-3/4)

55 BE CAREFUL THOUGH… Why would the TERPster not depict a VDP? Bottom line: After departing the MDA, obstacle clearance is pilot’s responsibility!

56 PROCEDURES & TECHNIQUES Instrument Cross-check 60 - 1 Rule Climbs and Descents Turns and Intercepts Other Applications Sources: AFMAN 11-217v1, Chapter 1 & Chapter 20 (all) AFMAN 11-217v2, Chapter 6 (all) AFI 11-202v3: 2.6 –

57 QUESTION Control Instruments: A. indicate actual aircraft performance in relation to the air mass B. are the ADI, power indicator, altimeter, and airspeed indicator C. display immediate attitude and power indications D. indicate the position of the aircraft in relation to a selected navigation fix

58 QUESTION Your departure procedure requires a climb gradient of 400 ft/nm and your planned climbout speed is 300 KTAS. What minimum pitch change should you use and what would be the resulting VVI? A. 6 Degrees, 1800 Ft/Min B. not enough information is given C. 4 Degrees, 1200 Ft/Min D. 4 Degrees, 2000 Ft/Min

59 QUESTION You are cruising at 360 KTAS and begin a 6 degree descent to meet an altitude restriction. What will your initial rate of descent be? A. 600 Feet/Minute B. 6000 Feet/Minute C. not enough information is given D. 3600 Feet/Minute

60 QUESTION You are cruising at.6 Mach and ATC tells you to descend 5000 feet in the next 10 DME. What is the gradient and rate of descent required to make the restriction? A. 5 Degrees and 3000 Feet/Minute B. 10 Degrees and 5000 Feet/Minute C. not enough information is given D. I don’t do math, so I’ll just use idle and boards

61 QUESTION In order to be approved as a Primary Flight Reference (PFR), a HUD must provide full-time display of: A. attitude, altitude and airspeed B. the weather channel C. the capability to recognize, confirm and recover from unusual attitudes D. both A and C.


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