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 Government  Expands the Frankish kingdom and unites Western Europe  Crowned Holy Roman Emperor  Divides Empire into counties headed by a count.

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2  Government  Expands the Frankish kingdom and unites Western Europe  Crowned Holy Roman Emperor  Divides Empire into counties headed by a count

3  Spreads Christianity › Spread by force or through education Education Promoted learning to educate clergy and government officials Schools were for nobles’ children taught by monks Scholars produced readable Bibles

4  A social and political system that developed after Rome fell  Alliances between vassals based on ownership of land  Characteristics: loyalty, service, protection, and power structure  Kings/lords/nobles give land to lesser nobles  They become his vassals  Vassals swore an oath of loyalty, fought battles acted as the lord’s advisors

5  Knights were from the noble class  Training › Age seven “page” learned manners, weaponry › Age twelve “squire” cared for horse, weapons, and armor Fights between lords and vassals for power and land Peasants suffer hardships. The church steps in to help them.

6  The accused would be brought before the lord for trial  Trial by battle, Trial by compurgation or oath taking  Trial by ordeal Example: Hot iron or boiling water

7  Manors were large estates that included farms and fields  Grew their own food and made everything they needed. “ Self sufficient”  Lord holds 1/3 of land  Peasants work 2/3 of land.  They could not leave the land without permission  Nobles lived in castles built on hills for defense  Marriage was seen as a way to advance fortunes

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