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Patriot Offense 07-08. Play Call: The QB will address the huddle and say the following: Formation, Backfield, Motion, Play Ex: “Razor Billy Zoom 43 Iso”

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Presentation on theme: "Patriot Offense 07-08. Play Call: The QB will address the huddle and say the following: Formation, Backfield, Motion, Play Ex: “Razor Billy Zoom 43 Iso”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Patriot Offense 07-08

2 Play Call: The QB will address the huddle and say the following: Formation, Backfield, Motion, Play Ex: “Razor Billy Zoom 43 Iso” Cadence: We will use a non-rhythmic cadence. The QB will come up to the line and get under center or line up ready to receive the snap and say: “State” + 3-Digit Number, “State” + 3-Digit Number, Set, Hit, Hit, Snap Count: If play is on “1”, the QB could use the following cadence at the L.O.S. “Missouri, 288” + “Missouri, 288” + “Set”, “Hit” If play is on “2”, the QB could use the following cadence at the L.O.S. “Missouri, 288” + “Missouri, 288” + “Set”, “Hit”, “Hit” If play is on “Quick”, the QB would use the following cadence at the L.O.S. “Set” HUDDLE: RGRT ATE CLGLT Z QB L.O.S. BX 5 yards

3 24681357 Numbering: 0 The right side of the formation is even numbered holes and odd numbered holes to the left side. Hole numbering will NOT flip with the formation. Backfields: QB ٭“Gun” – QB will line up 4.5 yards deep behind C. B (FB) ٭“I” – 3 yards off the heels of QB ٭“Billy” – 3 yards off the heels of LG ٭“Bronco” – 3 yards off the heels of RG ٭“Down” – 1 x 1 off end man on line of scrimmage (left) ٭“Up” – 1 x 1 off end man on line of scrimmage (right) ٭“Gun” – 5 yards deep behind G A (TB) ٭“I” – 7 yards off the heels of QB ٭“Weak” – 3 yards deep on the outside heel of T-away from TE ٭“Strong” – 3 yards deep on the outside heel of T-toward TE ٭“Gun” – 5 yards deep behind G ٭“South” – 1 x 1 off end man on line of scrimmage (left) ٭“North” – 1 x 1 off end man on line of scrimmage (right)

4 Motion: B (FB) ٭Backfield ٭“Bax” – toward “X” side of formation ٭“Bat” – toward “TE” side of formation ٭“Baz” – toward “Z” side of formation ٭L.O.S. ٭“Bax” – to a position outside of “X” ٭“Bat” – to a position outside of “TE” (split distance between outside WR and TE) ٭“Baz” – to a position outside of “Z” A (TB) ٭Backfield ٭“Ax” – toward “X” side of formation ٭“At” – toward “TE” side of formation ٭“Az” – toward “Z” side of formation ٭L.O.S. ٭“Ax” – to a position outside of “X” ٭“At” – to a position outside of “TE” (split difference between outside WR and TE) ٭“Az” – to a position outside of “Z” ٭“Angle” – to a position behind FB in backfield ٭Z ٭“Zoom” – go across formation ٭“Zin” – toward the ball, but not past OT ٭“Zorro” – go in motion and return to original position before snap of ball

5 Formations XT Z 1 3 4 Right Positions T - goes to call side. X - split opposite the T. Z - referred to as #2; line up depending on formation call. QB - is referred to as #1. B - is referred to as #3. A - is referred to as #4. H – is combo B and T. X T Z Left 1 3 4 XT Z 1 3 4 Rens

6 Formations X T Z Razor 1 3 4 Lazor z x T 1 3 4 X T Z Lens 1 3 4 XT Z 1 3 4 Rens “Open” X T Z Lens “Open” 1 3 4 4yds

7 Formations X TZ 4 1 34yds Rocket X T Z4 Locket 1 3 4yds X TZ 4 Rocket open 1 3 4yds X T Z4 Locket 1 3 4yds T Z X 1 3 4 Rips 4yds

8 Formations Lips Z XT 1 4 3 4yds T Z X 1 3 4 Rips “Open” 4yds T X Z 4 Runch 1 3 10yds T X Z 4 Lunch 1 3 10yds Lips “Open” Z XT 1 4 3 4yds10yds

9 Formations X Z 4 Runch “Open” 1 3 T 10yds T X Z4 Lunch “Open” 1 3 10yds T X Z 4 Runch “Tight” 1 3 T X Z 4 Lunch “Tight” 1 3 Rambo XT Z 1 3 4

10 Formations Lambo XT Z 1 3 4 XT Z 1 3 4 Ram XT Z 1 3 4 Lamb Duece 2/T ZX 1 3 4 * Always Deuce Right * Motion TO and AWAY pertain to 2/T and 3. * Strong and Weak is for 4. X Z T 1 3 4 Rot

11 Formations X Z T 1 3 4 Lot X Z T 1 3 4 Rot open X Z T 1 3 4 Lot open T Z 1 3 4 Ratchet X X T Z 1 3 4 Latchet

12 Run Blocking Calls “Denver”- guard and center block A gap player to backside linebacker. “Denver”- guard and center block A gap player to backside linebacker. “Dallas”-guard and tackle block B gap player to backside linebacker. “Dallas”-guard and tackle block B gap player to backside linebacker. “Detroit”-tackle and TE block C gap player to playside linebacker. “Detroit”-tackle and TE block C gap player to playside linebacker. “G”-play side tackle down block on B gap player and playside guard fold outside to linebacker. “G”-play side tackle down block on B gap player and playside guard fold outside to linebacker. “Gator”-play side tackle down block on B gap player and playside guard kick out or log B or C gap player. “Gator”-play side tackle down block on B gap player and playside guard kick out or log B or C gap player. “Bama-block first man inside. “Bama-block first man inside. “Fan”-block first man outside. “Fan”-block first man outside. “Rip”-go under DL and block first linebacker inside. If DL attempts to cross face wash him down. “Rip”-go under DL and block first linebacker inside. If DL attempts to cross face wash him down. “Buck”-play side guard “gator” and back side guard lead block through the whole. “Buck”-play side guard “gator” and back side guard lead block through the whole. “Drive”-everyone blocks man across from them “Drive”-everyone blocks man across from them “Sooner”-trap block on B gap player. “Sooner”-trap block on B gap player. “Tulsa”-trap block on C or wider gap player.“Tulsa”-trap block on C or wider gap player. “Tin”-T will fold inside of G to block ILB“Tin”-T will fold inside of G to block ILB

13 “Veer” – Read 1 st defender head up or outside OT for Give/Keep and D gap player for Keep/Pitch“Veer” – Read 1 st defender head up or outside OT for Give/Keep and D gap player for Keep/Pitch “Trap” - backside guard pulls and trap DL B gap or wider“Trap” - backside guard pulls and trap DL B gap or wider “Iso” – double team at point of attack and FB lead thru hole“Iso” – double team at point of attack and FB lead thru hole “Power” - FB kicks out D gap player and backside guard pulls and leads through hole.“Power” - FB kicks out D gap player and backside guard pulls and leads through hole. ‘CTR X’ – Backside G kicks out D gap player and back leads through hole.‘CTR X’ – Backside G kicks out D gap player and back leads through hole. “Shovel” – Same as “Power” except we read D gap player and backside guard pulls and leads through hole“Shovel” – Same as “Power” except we read D gap player and backside guard pulls and leads through hole “ Fly sweep ” – “ Fly sweep ” – “Sweep” - “Sweep” - “Draw” – “Draw” – Run Blocking Calls Pass Blocking Calls “90’s” –“90’s” – “Sprint” – Sprint out protection, where QB will be out of pocket and attacking L.O.S.“Sprint” – Sprint out protection, where QB will be out of pocket and attacking L.O.S. “Green” –“Green” – “Boot” – OL will Waggle block: QB will boot opposite the play fake“Boot” – OL will Waggle block: QB will boot opposite the play fake

14 PST“RIP” Block PSG“Denver” Block C BSG“Dallas” Block BST“Dallas” Block T Stalk block-Alley fill player (FS/SS or LB over top of you) Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Read dive key(E) to pitch read(F). Get down hill.Attack. 3/B Slide step. “I”: Aiming point – butt crack PSG. Gun: Aiming point – butt crack PSG. Stay behind double team--Slide step get vertical. 4/A Counter step--maintain 5 by 1 pitch relationship. $ T X NTEE WMSFC C 3 1 4 Rt. I 31 Veer LT

15 PST“Dallas” Block PSG“Dallas” Block C“Denver” Block BSG“Denver” Block BST“Rip” Block T “Rip” Block-Alley fill player (FS/SS or LB over top of you) Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Read dive key(E) to pitch read(S). Get down hill.Attack. 3/B Slide step. “I”: Aiming point – butt crack PSG. Gun: Aiming point – butt crack PSG. Stay behind double team--Slide step get vertical. 4/A Counter step--maintain 5 by 1 pitch relationship. Z T X NTE WMS $ F C CE 3 1 4 Lt. I 31 Veer

16 1 3 3 4Z TX 1 3 3 4Z TX C EE T OB T FS IB OB IB C Runch 31 Veer 31 Veer Variations

17 X Z C C T NT EE WM $FS 3 1 4 PST“Dallas” Block PSG“Dallas” Block C“Denver” Block BSG“Denver” Block BST“Rip” Block T “Rip” Block-Alley fill player (FS/SS or LB over top of you) Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Read dive key(E) to pitch read(S). Get down hill.Attack. 3/B Slide step. “I”: Aiming point – butt crack PSG. Gun: Aiming point – butt crack PSG. Stay behind double team--Slide step get vertical. 4/A Counter step--maintain 5 by 1 pitch relationship. Razor I 32 Veer

18 PST“Rip” Block PSG“Denver” Block C BSG“Dallas” Block BST“Dallas” Block T “Rip” Block-Alley fill player (FS/SS or LB over top of you) Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Read dive key(E) to pitch read(S). Get down hill.Attack. 3/B Slide step. “I”: Aiming point – butt crack PSG. Gun: Aiming point – butt crack PSG. Stay behind double team--Slide step get vertical. 4/A Counter step--maintain 5 by 1 pitch relationship. Z T X NTE W M $FC C E S 3 1 4 Lazor I 32 Veer

19 32 Veer Variations

20 PST“Dallas” Block PSG“Dallas” Block C“Down” Block BSG“Pull & Lead” Block BST“Squeeze” Block – Look for any “B” gap run thru T “Down” Block – 1 st man inside Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Reverse out and give ball to 4/A as deep as possible & pass set behind PG 3/B “Kick-Out” Block – End Man on L.O.S. 4/A Playside Step – Aiming point is inside leg of PT. X Z C C T T EE WMSF3 1 4 N $ Rt. I 46 Power

21 PST“Down” Block –possible “Dallas” block PSG“Down” Block – possible “Dallas” block C“Squeeze” Block – Look for any “A” gap run thru BSG“Pull & Lead” Block BST“Squeeze” Block – Look for any “B” gap run thru T “Rip” Block – No one crosses your face Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Reverse out and give ball to 4/A as deep as possible & pass set behind PG 3/B “Kick-Out” Block – End Man on L.O.S. 4/A Playside Step – Aiming point is inside leg of PT. Z C C T N EE SMWF3 1 4 T $ X Lt. I 46 Power

22 46 Power Variations

23 PST“Down” Block – Possible “Dallas” vs 3 tech. PSG“Down” Block – Possible “Dallas” vs 3 tech. C“Squeeze” Block – Look for any “A” gap run thru. BSG“Pull & Lead” Block BST“Squeeze” Block – Look for an “B” gap run thru. T “Rip” Block Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Reverse out and give ball to 4/A as deep as possible & pass set behind PG 3/B “Kick-Out” Block – End Man on L.O.S. 4/A Playside Step – Aiming point is inside leg of PT. X C C T T EE WMSF3 1 4 N $ Z Rt. I 45 Power

24 PST“Down” Block – Possible “Dallas” vs 3 tech. PSG“Down” Block – Possible “Dallas” vs 3 tech. C“Squeeze” Block – Look for any “A” gap run thru. BSG“Pull & Lead” Block BST“Squeeze” Block – Look for an “B” gap run thru. T “Rip” Block Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Reverse out and give ball to 4/A as deep as possible & pass set behind PG 3/B “Kick-Out” Block – End Man on L.O.S. 4/A Playside Step – Aiming point is inside leg of PT. Z C C T N EE SMWF3 1 4 T $ X Lt. I 45 Power

25 45 Power Variations

26 PST“Dallas” Block PSG“Dallas” Block C“Denver” Block BSG“Denver” Block BST“Squeeze” Block – Look for any “B” gap run thru T “Fan” Block Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Reverse out and give ball to 4/A as deep as possible & pass set behind PG 3/B “Lead” Block – play side ILB 4/A Playside Step – Aiming point is inside leg of PT. Rt. I 44 Iso X Z C C T T EE WMSF3 1 4 N $

27 PST“Fan” Block PSG“Denver” Block C BSG“Dallas” Block BST“Dallas” Block T “Rip” Block Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Reverse out and give ball to 4/A as deep as possible & pass set behind PG 3/B “Lead” Block – play side ILB 4/A Playside Step – Aiming point is inside leg of PT. Z C C T T EE SMWF3 1 4 N $ X Lt. I 44 Iso

28 44 Iso Variations

29 PST“Down” Block – Possible “Dallas” vs 3 tech. PSG“Down” Block – Possible “Dallas” vs 3 tech. C“Squeeze” Block – Look for any “A” gap run thru. BSG“Pull & Lead” Block BST“Squeeze” Block – Look for an “B” gap run thru. T “Rip” Block Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Reverse out and give ball to 4/A as deep as possible & pass set behind PG 3/B “Lead” Block through hole 4/A Playside Step – Aiming point is inside leg of PT. Z X C C TT EE WMS F3 1 4N $ Rt. I 43 Iso

30 43 Iso Variations

31 PST“Down” Block PSG“Down” Block C BSG“Pull” Block-trap 1 st defender past guard BST“Squeeze” Block T “Rip” Block Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Carry out Veer fake and give ball to 3/B. 3/B Slide step. “I”: Aiming point – pulling guard. Gun: Aiming point – pulling guard. 4/A Carry out Veer fake E X Z C C T T E WMSFN $ 3 1 4 Rt. I 32 Trap

32 PST“Down” Block PSG“Down” Block C BSG“Pull” Block-trap 1 st defender past guard BST“Squeeze” Block T “Rip” Block Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Carry out Veer fake and give ball to 3/B. 3/B Slide step. “I”: Aiming point – pulling guard. Gun: Aiming point – pulling guard. 4/A Carry out Veer fake Z X C C T T EE WMSFN $ 3 1 4 Rt. I 32 Trap

33 32 Trap Variations

34 PSTBlock first ILB head up to outside PSGBlock first ILB head up to inside C“Denver” Block with BSG to backside ILB/OLB BSG“Denver” Block with C to backside ILB/OLB BST“Squeeze” Block T “Arc” release and block flat defender Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Read dive key (T) to pitch read (E). Get down hill. Attack. 3/B Straight Ahead. Aiming point playside “cheek” of C 4/A Carry out Pitch--maintain 5 by 1 pitch relationship. Z X C C TT EE WMS F N $3 1 4 Rt. I 32 Mid Line

35 32 Mid Line Variations

36 PST“Dallas” Block to backside ILB PSG“Dallas” Block to backside ILB C“Down” Block – responsible for backside A gap defender BSG“Pull” and “Log” EMOL – “Kick out” box defender BST“Squeeze” Block T Responsible for C gap defender Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Fake dive, spin and carry out Pitch – “Kick out” block is an automatic keep 3/B Fake dive opposite the hole called - 4/A Take jab step towards fake side, then carry out Pitch responsibility Rt. I 32 Counter Option Z X C C TT EE WMS F N $3 1 4

37 32 Counter Option Variations

38 PST“Arc” release and block D gap defender PSG“Denver” Block to backside ILB C BSG“Dallas” Block to backside ILB BST“Dallas” Block to backside ILB T “Squeeze” Block Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Reverse out and toss ball to 4/A 3/B Take lateral step and fill backside A gap 4/A Take lateral step, catch football and get vertical Rt. Weak 47 Quick Pitch Z X C C T T EE WMSFN $ 3 1 4

39 Quick Pitch Variations

40 PST“Fan” Block PSG“Base” Block 1 st to 2 nd Level C“Down” Block – responsible for backside A gap defender BSG“Down” Block – responsible for backside B gap defender BST“Tin” Block to ILB T Responsible for C gap defender Z Stalk block-corner over you X QB Reverse out and give ball to 4/A as deep as possible & pass set behind PG 3/B “Kick-Out” Block – End Man on L.O.S. 4/A Playside Step – On 3 rd step, plant and drive through backside A gap Rt. I 43 Iso Cut Z X C C TT EE WMS F N $3 1 4

41 43 Iso Cut Variations Variations

42 “Green” –“Green” – “Sprint” –“Sprint” – “Boot” –“Boot” – “Bubble” – our 1 step screen blocking scheme. Used for bubbles and quicks.“Bubble” – our 1 step screen blocking scheme. Used for bubbles and quicks. “Screen” – our screen game.“Screen” – our screen game. We will call the play in the same manner as a run with the following differences: *we will call the blocking scheme before the routes. *If we are running a play action pass, we will call the blocking scheme (Green or Boot) then the play to fake, followed by the routes. For example: *If we want a 3-step drop: “Rocket 4994 on …” Blocking Schemes: Pass Game Play Call Play Call: XT Z A B “4” “9” “2” “9”

43 Parkway South Passing Tree 01 10 yds 3 4 2 5 yds 5 6 7 8 9 12 yds “EVEN” IN – “ODD” OUT EXCEPT A 7 ROUTE!! ROUTES 0 - STRAIGHT GO ROUTE. 1 - STRAIGHT ROUTE AIMING AT 6 YARDS ON SIDELINE. 2 - 2 STEP SLANT AT 45DEGREE ANGLE. 3 - 5 YARD OUT 4 - 5 YARD STOP 5 - 10 YARD OUT 6 - 10 YARD STOP 7 - 10 YARD DIG 8 - 12 YARD POST 9 - 12 YARD FLAG

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