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Presentation on theme: "AS-6 DEPRECIATION ACCOUNTING JONLEN J.R. DESA M.COM 1 R/M.COM-11-06."— Presentation transcript:


2 P RESENTATION P ATH Meaning & Definition Features & Causes of Depreciation Depreciable Assets Applicability of AS-6 Calculation of Depreciation Methods of Depreciation Change in method of Depreciation Important points of AS-6

3 M EANING Depreciation means decline in the value of fixed assets on a/c of use & effluxion of time. Depreciation is a gradual, continuous & permanent decrease in the value of an asset. It was issued in 1982 by ICAI & later on revised in 1994.

4 D EFINITION AS-6,Depreciation Accounting defines depreciation as a measure of the wearing out consumption or other loss of value of a depreciable asset arising from use, effluxion of time or obsolescence through technology or market changes.

5 F EATURES & C AUSES Features of Depreciation Depreciation is a part of operating cost. It is a reduction in the value of an asset. The decrease in the value of an asset is gradual & continious. Causes of Depreciation Physical wear & tear Physical Deterioration Expiry of legal rights Obsolescence

6 D EPRECIABLE A SSETS Depreciable Assets are those assets which: 1. are expected to be used for more than 1 accounting period. 2. Have a limited useful life. 3. Are held for the purpose of production of goods & services.

7 A PPLICABILITY OF AS-6 AS-6 is applicable to all depreciable assets, except the following: i. Forests, Plantation ii. Wasting Assets, Minerals iii. Expenditure on R & D iv. Goodwill v. Live-stock cattle, Animal Husbandry

8 C ALCULATION OF D EPRECIATION The amount of Depreciation is calculated as under: 1) Historical cost of the asset. 2) Estimated useful life of depreciable asset. 3) Estimated residual/scrap value of depreciable assets.

9 M ETHODS OF D EPRECIATION 1. Fixed Installment Method 2. Reducing Balance Method 3. Sinking Fund Method 4. Insurance Policy Method 5. Sums of the digit Method 6. Revaluation Method 7. Depletion Method 8. Machine Hour Rate Method 9. Replacement Method

10 C HANGES IN D EPRECIATION M ETHOD Change in method of Depreciation is done in the following conditions: For compliance of status For compliance of AS’s For more appropriate presentation of the financial statement

11 The Dep method used, the total dep for the period, gross amt of dep of each class has to be disclosed in the Fin. Statements. If the asset is revalued, the prov for dep is based on the revalued amount. A change in method of depreciation is treated as change in an accounting policy. Accumulated Depreciation for each class of asset

12 DEPRICIABLE AMOUNT Depreciable Amt= Historical Cost- ERV E.g: Cost of asset=500000, ERV=25000 Depreciable Amt = H.C –ERV =500000-25000 = 475000. Depreciable amount is allocated over the estimated useful life of depreciable asset.

13 D EPRECIATION ON A DDITION / E XTENSION Any addition or extension becomes an integral part of the existing asset. Hence it is depreciated over the remaining useful lifeof the asset. Depreciation on Items Below Rs 5000/- Sch 6 of Co’s Act 1956, individual items of fixed assets below Rs 5000 should be depreciated @ 100%.

14 O THER POINTS OF AS 6 When the dep asset is disposed off,discarded, demolished,destroyed; the net surplus or defecit is charged to P/L A/C. The useful life of a depreciable asset shld be estimated after considering factors like wear & tear, obsolescence etc. The useful life of major depreciable assets may be periodically reviewed.

15 C HANGE IN H ISTORICAL C OST Increase or Decrease in long term liability on account of exchange fluctuations, price adjustments etc, the depreciation should be provided prospectively. But when there is a change in historical cost due to revaluation, dep should be charged on the basis of revalued amount & on the estimat of the remaining useful life of such assets.

16 B IBLIOGRAPHY References: 1) Students Guide to Accounting Standards-D.S Rawat 2) Auditing – Aruna Jha 3) Financial Accounting-Chopde & Choudri Internet WIKIPEDIA WWW.GOOGLE.COM



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