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B RYNDAN K IDD Ultimate Basketball Quiz Gaming I.

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1 B RYNDAN K IDD Ultimate Basketball Quiz Gaming I

2 P URPOSE OF M Y G AME The purpose of my game was to ask trivia questions about the NBA. I didn’t want it to be just an average trivia game. I wanted it to have a lot of flash dedicated to make it seem like the user was actually out there on the court, and had to pass to the correct player in order to score a basket.

3 G AME P ITCH Learning Topic- My game was going to teach an inadvertent lesson in geometry by looking at the defense and finding the open player, which would be the correct answer to the trivia question. Audience- My audience was going to be any sports junkie that feels as if they know useless NBA trivia. Game play- The player of the game sees four offensive players so it’s sort of like the player is the point guard. The player also sees 5 defenders. Each scene is going to be set up with all the players on the floor in different locations, and the users job is to find the open player which is always the correct answer. Fun factor- The trivia makes the game fun for the player. Its hard to get the answer wrong when the open player is always the correct answer. Smart Factor- The player will learn how specific angles on the court can lead to a basket. Thus teaching that the right angle will always lead to an advantage or in this case a basket. Style Factor- The animation I wanted to use is a basketball being passed from the user of the game to one of the players on the court. If its passed to the correct player then a basket is scored and the crowd cheers. If its passed to the incorrect player then a basket will be missed and the crowd will boo in dismay of the miss. Originality Factor- I’ve never seen a sports trivia game that uses the same concepts that I wish to use for a basketball game, which will make it fun to learn trivia.


5 H OW T O WIN / LOSE In my game there really isn’t a way to loose unless you don’t understand angles. If a defender is to far from you’re teammate to reach them in time then that’s the person you need to pass to in order to get the questions right that was asked before the scene. If you get the question wrong then you will have an opportunity to try the question again until you get it right.

6 T ITLE S CREEN You will see a basketball player at the foul line ready to shoot a free throw. There will be a shoot to start button at the bottom of the screen. This will cause the player to shoot at the basketball goal and then start the game. Above the player will be the title of the game. The Ultimate Basketball Quiz. The crowd will cheer right after the shoot is made and before the game goes to the next scene.

7 S CENE 1 The game starts off by asking the user a trivia question. No characters will be on this scene. Some NBA themed music may be playing in the background. Who was the first player in his career to miss 5000 free throws? There will be a continue button to the bottom right of the screen. Allowing the user to move on to the next scene.

8 S CENE 2 The users teammates along with the defense will be visible on the screen. Above each of the teammates there will be a name. In the case of the previous question there will be. Shaquille O’neal, Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Laimbeer, and Rick Barry. The answer is Wilt Chamberlain so his defender will be a fairly good distance away from him, indicating that he’s the correct answer. Once you click on Wilt, he will either shoot a basket or dunk the ball depending upon how close he is to the basket. Which will result in you hearing fans cheer. If the user gets the answer wrong, and clicks on the incorrect player, that player will miss the shot, or dunk. Resulting in the crowd to boo, but you will be able to try again.

9 C ONCLUSION The game will continue to follow this format, until I get tired of making up questions or the user gets tired of playing the game.

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