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Lecture 7 Circuits Chp. 28 Cartoon -Kirchoff’s Laws Opening Demo- transmission lines Physlet Topics –Direct Current Circuits –Kirchoff’s Two Rules –Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 7 Circuits Chp. 28 Cartoon -Kirchoff’s Laws Opening Demo- transmission lines Physlet Topics –Direct Current Circuits –Kirchoff’s Two Rules –Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 7 Circuits Chp. 28 Cartoon -Kirchoff’s Laws Opening Demo- transmission lines Physlet Topics –Direct Current Circuits –Kirchoff’s Two Rules –Analysis of Circuits Examples –Ammeter and voltmeter –RC circuits Demos –Ohms Law –Power loss in transmission lines –Resistivity of a pencil –Blowing a fuse Warm-up problems

2 Transmission line demo

3 Direct Current Circuits 1.The sum of the potential charges around a closed loop is zero. This follows from energy conservation and the fact that the electric field is a conservative force. 2. The sum of currents into any junction of a closed circuit must equal the sum of currents out of the junction. This follows from charge conservation.

4 Example (Single Loop Circuit) No junction so we don’t need that rule. How do we apply Kirchoff’s rule? Must assume the direction of the current – assume clockwise. Choose a starting point and apply Ohm’s Law as you go around the circuit. a.Potential across resistors is negative b.Sign of E for a battery depends on assumed current flow c.If you guessed wrong on the sign, your answer will be negative Start in the upper left hand corner.

5 Put in numbers. Suppose: amp Suppose: amp We get a minus sign. It means our assumed direction of current must be reversed. Note that we could have simply added all resistors and get the R eq. and added the EMFs to get the E eq. And simply divided. amp Sign of EMF Battery 1 current flows from - to + in battery +E 1 Battery 2 current flows from + to - in battery -E 2 In 1 the electrical potential energy increases In 2 the electrical potential energy decreases

6 Example with numbers Quick solution: Question: What is the current in the circuit? Write down Kirchoff’s loop equation. Loop equation Assume current flow is clockwise. Do the batteries first – Then the current.

7 Example with numbers (continued) Question: What are the terminal voltages of each battery? 12V: 2V: 4V:

8 Multiloop Circuits Kirchoff’s Rules 1. in any loop 2. at any junction Find i, i 1, and i 2 Rule 1 – Apply to 2 loops (2 inner loops) a. b. Rule 2 a. We now have 3 equations with 3 unknowns. multiply by 2 multiply by 3 subtract them Find the Joule heating in each resistor P=i 2 R. Is the 5V battery being charged?

9 Method of determinants for solving simultaneous equations For example solve for i You try it for i 1 and i 2. See Appendix in your book on how to use Cramer’s Rule.

10 Another example Find all the currents including directions. Loop 1Loop 2 multiply by 2 i = i 1 + i 2 Loop 1 Loop 2 ii i i i1i1 i2i2 i2i2

11 Rules for solving multiloop circuits 1.Replace series resistors or batteries with their equivalent values. 2.Choose a direction for i in each loop and label diagram. 3.Write the junction rule equation for each junction. 4.Apply the loop rule n times for n interior loops. 5.Solve the equations for the unknowns. Use Cramer’s Rule if necessary. 6.Check your results by evaluating potential differences.

12 How does a capacitor behave in a circuit with a resistor? Charge capacitor with 9V battery with switch open, then remove battery. Now close the switch. What happens?

13 Discharging a capacitor through a resistor V(t) Potential across capacitor = V = just before you throw switch at time t = 0. Potential across Resistor = iR at t > 0. What is the current I at time t?

14 Time constant = RC

15 What is the current? Ignore - sign RC

16 How the charge on a capacitor varies with time as it is being charged


18 Ohmmeter

19 Ammeter

20 Voltmeter

21 Warm up set 7 Warm up set 7 Due 8:00 am Tuesday 1. HRW6 28.TB.05. [119859] In the context of the loop and junctions rules for electrical circuits a junction is: where a wire is connected to a battery where three or more wires are joined where a wire is bent where a wire is connected to a resistor where only two wires are joined 2. HRW6 28.TB.18. [119872] Two wires made of the same material have the same length but different diameter. They are connected in parallel to a battery. The quantity that is NOT the same for the wires is: the electric field the electron drift velocity the current the current density the end-to-end potential difference 3. HRW6 28.TB.26. [119880] The emf of a battery is equal to its terminal potential difference: only when there is no current in the battery only when a large current is in the battery under all conditions under no conditions only when the battery is being charged

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