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Mn Fish by Families  Bowfin Bowfin  Bullhead Catfish Bullhead Catfish  Burbot Burbot  Drum Drum  Freshwater Eel Freshwater Eel  Gar Gar  Goby Goby.

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Presentation on theme: "Mn Fish by Families  Bowfin Bowfin  Bullhead Catfish Bullhead Catfish  Burbot Burbot  Drum Drum  Freshwater Eel Freshwater Eel  Gar Gar  Goby Goby."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mn Fish by Families  Bowfin Bowfin  Bullhead Catfish Bullhead Catfish  Burbot Burbot  Drum Drum  Freshwater Eel Freshwater Eel  Gar Gar  Goby Goby  Herring Herring  Killifish and Topminnow Killifish and Topminnow  Lamprey Lamprey  Livebearer Livebearer  Minnow Minnow  Mooneye Mooneye  Mudminnow Mudminnow

2 Mn Fish by Families  Paddlefish Paddlefish  Perch Perch  Pike Pike  Pirateperch Pirateperch  Sculpin Sculpin  Silverside Silverside  Smelt Smelt  Stickleback Stickleback  Sturgeon Sturgeon  Sucker Sucker  Sunfish Sunfish  Temperate Bass Temperate Bass  Troutperch Troutperch  Trout Trout

3 Bowfin  Bowfin

4 Bullhead Catfish  Black Bullhead

5 Bullhead Catfish  Brown Bullhead

6 Bullhead Catfish  Yellow Bullhead

7 Bullhead Catfish  Channel Catfish

8 Bullhead Catfish  Flathead Catfish

9 Bullhead Catfish  Blue Catfish

10 Bullhead Catfish  Tadpole Madtom

11 Bullhead Catfish  Stonecat

12 Burbot

13 Drum  Freshwater Drum

14 Eel  Freshwater Eel

15 Gar  Longnose Gar

16 Gar  Shortnose

17 Gar  Spotted Gar

18 Gobies  Round Goby

19 Gobies  Tubenose Goby

20 Herring  Alewife

21 Herring  Gizzard Shad

22 Herring  Skipjack Herring

23 Killifish and Topminnows  Banded Killifish

24 Killifish and Topminnows  Blackstripe Topminnow

25 Killifish and Topminnows  Starhead Topminnow

26 Lamprey  American Brook Lamprey

27 Lamprey  Northern Brook Lamprey

28 Lamprey  Chestnut Lamprey

29 Lamprey  Sea Lamprey- non native

30 Lamprey  Silver Lamprey

31 Lamprey  Southern Brook Lamprey

32 Liverbearers  Western Mosquitofish

33 Minnows  Western Blacknose Dace

34 Minnow  Finescale Dace

35 Minnow  Longnose Dace

36 Minnow  Northern Redbelly Dace

37 Minnow  Pearl Dace

38 Minnow  Redside Dace

39 Minnow  Southern Redbelly Dace

40 Minnows  Bigmouth Shiner

41 Minnow  Blackchin Shiner

42 Minnow  Blacknose Shiner

43 Minnow  Bluntnose Shiner

44 Minnow  Channel Shiner

45 Minnow  Common Shiner

46 Minnow  Emerald Shiner

47 Minnow  Ghost Shiner

48 Minnow  Golden Shiner

49 Minnow  Ironcolor Shiner

50 Minnow  Mimic Shiner

51 Minnow  Pallid Shiner

52 Minnow  Pugnose Shiner

53 Minnow  Red Shiner

54 Minnow  Redfin Shiner

55 Minnow  River Shiner

56 Minnow  Rosyface Shiner

57 Minnow  Sand Shiner

58 Minnow  Spotfin Shiner

59 Minnow  Spottail Shiner

60 Minnow  Striped Shiner

61 Minnow  Weed Shiner

62 Minnow  Brassy Minnow

63 Minnow  Bullhead Minnow

64 Minnow  Suckermouth Minnow

65 Minnow  Pugnose Minnow

66 Minnow  Ozark Minnow

67 Minnow  Mississippi Silvery Minnow

68 Minnow  Fathead Minnow

69 Minnow  Common Carp

70 Minnow  Grass Carp

71 Minnow  Silver Carp

72 Minnow  Bighead Carp

73 Minnow  Central Stoneroller

74 Minnow  Largescale Stoneroller

75 Minnow  Creek Chub

76 Minnow  Gravel Chub

77 Minnow  Hornyhead Chub

78 Minnow  Lake Chub

79 Minnow  Silver Chub

80 Minnow  Shoal Chub

81 Minnow  Rudd

82 Mooneye  Goldeye

83 Mooneye  Mooneye

84 Mudminnow  Central Mudminnow

85 Paddlefish  Paddlefish

86 Perch  Banded Darter

87 Perch  Blackside Darter

88 Perch  Bluntnose Darter

89 Perch  Crystal Darter

90 Perch  Fantail Darter

91 Perch  Gilt Darter

92 Perch  Iowa Darter

93 Perch  Johnny Darter

94 Perch  Least Darter

95 Perch  Mud Darter

96 Perch  Rainbow Darter

97 Perch  River Darter

98 Perch  Slenderhead Darter

99 Perch  Western Sand Darter

100 Perch  Orangethroat Darter

101 Perch  Ruffe

102 Perch  Yellow Perch

103 Perch  Logperch

104 Perch  Walleye

105 Perch  Sauger

106 Walleye or Sauger  Sauger is smaller than the Walleye, Often with dark splotches  Has spots in dorsal fin


108 Pike  Northern Pike

109 Pike  Muskellunge

110 Northern or Musky



113 Pike  Grass Pickeral

114 Pirate Perch  Pirate Perch

115 Sculpin  Deepwater Sculpin

116 Sculpin  Mottled Sculpin

117 Sculpin  Slimy Sculpin

118 Sculpin  Spoonhead Sculpin

119 Silversides  Brook Silverside

120 Smelt  Rainbow Smelt

121 Stickleback  Brook Stickleback

122 Stickleback  Ninespine Stickleback

123 Stickleback  Threespine Stickleback

124 Sturgeon  Lake Sturgeon

125 Sturgeon  Shovelnose Sturgeon

126 Sucker  Bigmouth Buffalo

127 Sucker  Black Buffalo

128 Sucker  Smallmouth Buffalo

129 Sucker  Black Redhorse

130 Sucker  Golden Redhorse

131 Sucker  Greater Redhorse

132 Sucker  Shorthead Redhorse

133 Sucker  River Redhorse

134 Sucker  Silver Redhorse

135 Sucker  Blue Sucker

136 Sucker  Longnose Sucker

137 Sucker  Northern Hog Sucker

138 Sucker  Spotted Sucker

139 Sucker  White Sucker

140 Sucker  Creek Chubsucker

141 Sucker  Lake Chubsucker

142 Sucker  Highfin Carpsucker

143 Sucker  River Carpsucker

144 Sucker  Quillback

145 Sunfish  Black Crappie

146 Sunfish  White Crappie

147 Sunfish  Bluegill

148 Sunfish  Green Sunfish

149 Sunfish  Longear Sunfish

150 Sunfish  Orangespotted Sunfish

151 Sunfish  Pumpkinseed

152 Sunfish  Also numerous hybrids of these past five fish

153 Sunfish  Warmouth

154 Sunfish  Largemouth Bass

155 Sunfish  Smallmouth Bass

156 Large or Smallmouth Bass

157 Sunfish  Rock Bass

158 Temperate Bass  White Bass

159 Temperate Bass  Yellow Bass

160 Temperate Bass  Striped Bass

161 Temperate Bass  White Perch

162 Troutperch  Troutperch

163 Trout  Atlantic Salmon

164 Trout  Rainbow Trout or Steelhead

165 Rainbow Trout  Brown or black spots (not red), especially profuse on the tail and adipose fins  Caudal fin broad but not long, moderately forked  8-12 principal rays in caudal fin  Lateral line with 100-150 pored scales

166 Trout  Brook Trout

167 Brook Trout  Tail fin not forked  Body with wavy dark lines on back (vermiculations)  Sides with some reddish spots often encircled by light blue  Spots on head and body light cream, pink, or red on darker background  Pelvic and anal fins with snow-white leading edges

168 Trout  Brown Trout

169 Brown Trout  More than 120 scales in lateral line  Usually many spots on gill cover  Rusty-red spots often on margin of adipose fin and sides of body  Red/orange adipose fin  No pink stripe down side

170 Brown Trout  No radiating rows of black spots on tail fin, which is usually entirely without spots  Reddish brown spots on sides of body except in large lake-run individuals  Pelvic and anal fins usually without white edging  Usually 10 branchiostegal rays

171 Trout  Lake Trout

172 Lake Trout  Tail fin forked (v-notched hind margin)  Body and head predominantly gray with many small light spots  Pelvic and anal fins may have some white leading edges  Eight to ten major rays in anal fin


174 Trout  King or Chinook Salmon

175 King or Chinook Salmon  Spots on both upper and lower parts (lobes) of tail  Black lower gums  Spots small and round to oval (no larger than half diameter of eye or about size of pupil of eye)  Anal fin rays 14-19

176 Trout  Silver or Coho Salmon

177 Silver or Coho Salmon  Spots only on upper half (lobe) of tail  Variously gray lower gums  Spots small and round to oval (no larger than half diameter of eye or about size of pupil of eye)  Rays in anal fin ranging from 11 to 15

178 Trout  Pink Salmon

179 Pink Salmon  Spots large and elongate (largest as big as diameter of whole eye) and appearing on back and both halves of tail  Scales in lateral line 147-205  Gill rakers on first arch 24-35


181 Trout  Cisco (Tullibee)

182 Trout  Shortjaw Cisco

183 Trout  Lake Whitefish

184 Trout  Round Whitefish

185 Trout  Bloater

186 Trout  Kiyi

187 List of Minnesota Fish

188 Fish Taxonomic Key Pictures courtesy of

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