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Welcome Back! Make sure you grabbed your science notebook on your way into class! On a new page in your notebook, begin setting up a table that includes.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Make sure you grabbed your science notebook on your way into class! On a new page in your notebook, begin setting up a table that includes."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome Back! Make sure you grabbed your science notebook on your way into class! On a new page in your notebook, begin setting up a table that includes 3 columns and 9 Rows

3 132 Heterotroph Decomposer Carnivore Omnivore Herbivore Abiotic Trophic Autotroph Biotic TERMDEFINITION VISUAL


5 Symbiosis Classify each of the following as mutualism, commensalism, predation, parasitism, or competition: 1.A cattle egret eats the insects disturbed when the cattle forage 2.A tapeworm eats partially digested food from another organism, depriving that organism of nutrients 3.A shrimp digs a hole that it lives in with a Goby fish – the Goby fish alert shrimp when danger is near 4.A Lion tracks, kills, and eats a zebra 5.Lions and Cheetahs both seek to hunt zebra, therefore they are negatively affected by the presence of one another

6 Population Ecology: Predation

7 Population Ecology: Competition

8 18 PRODUCERS (100%) Primary Consumers (10%) Secondary Consumers (1%) Tertiary Consumers (0.1%)



11 Prove It! #1

12 Prove It! #2 - #5 #2: Identify 2 carnivores #3: Identify the producers #4: What % of the sun’s energy is eventually received by the marmot? #5: Name 2 organisms competing for the same resources

13 Adaptations & Variations We have seen that ecosystems are a delicate place for all organisms. Predation, aboitic and biotic factors, and non-native species can all “throw off” an ecosystem. With that in mind, how do organisms survive in a changing environment?


15 Golden Toad

16 Photo by Theuerkauf





21 Adaptations of Predators



24 Prove It! Adaptations How does the snowshoe rabbit’s adaptation (white fur) help it in it’s environment?

25 Prove It! Adaptation Describe an adaptation this tree has likely had to make in order to survive in it’s desert environment

26 Prove It! Adaptation Why do plants on the forest floor have large leaves?

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