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بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم. Case presentation by : Zohre roozbahani.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم. Case presentation by : Zohre roozbahani."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

2 Case presentation by : Zohre roozbahani

3 Diagnosis Treatment plan Mechanotherapy history Chief complaint Clinical Examination Paraclinical Examination Cast analysis radiography Photography Medical Dental Extra oral Intraoral

4 14 years old girl Chief complaint : crowded teeth MH: - DH: - TMJ Exam: -

5 Bilateral symmetry facial height(long) Lips: * together at rest * normal lip tension Tooth show : - Mentolabial sulcus: normal Extra oral examination Concave profile (Max retrusion/ man protrusion) High nasolabial angle

6 Intraoral Examination Interarch relationship - AP: *right molar(cl 3) *left molar(cl 3) *right canine cl 1 *left canine cl 1 * anterior cross bite : 1mm 21 1 - vertical:* overbite ( 4mm) - transverse * midline( upper & lower ok) * post. Right Cross bite

7 * functional shift on closure : anteroposterior * tooth size/arch size : maxillary anterior crowding

8 Intraoral Examination Intraarch assessment _ stage : permanent _ no asymmetry in dental arches _ TS/AL: maxillary space deficiency _oral hygiene _ periodontal status _ restorative status

9 Panoramic Analysis

10 Cephalometric Analysis parameterMeanPatien t SNA82±1 67 SNB80±1 73 ANB2 -6 NA-Pog0-17 Facial angle88.7 89 S-N69±369 Body length73±5 78 Sagittal : class3 skeletal due to maxillary retrognatism and mild mandibular prognatim

11 Cephalometric Analysis Vertical : ParameterMeanPatient saddle>123±5 136 Articular>143±6 138 Gonial>130±7130 Sum of Bjork 396404 SN-Go.Gn3240 FMA2527 Y-axis6057 S-Ar35±327 Jaraback index 62-6556 Ramus height 43±541

12 * Vertical: long face vertical growth

13 Cephalometric Analysis parameterMeanPatie nt 1 to NA22 18 1 to NA4mm 9 1 to FH112110 1 to SN103100 upper : parameterMeanPatie nt 1 to NB2522 1 to NB4mm3 IMPA9087 FMIA6567 Inter incisal> 135 Lower : upper incisal retrusion lower incisal retrusion

14 interpretationpatientmeanparameter Lip retrusion8-1 to 4mmUpper lip to E-line Lip retrusion2-2 to 2mmLower lip to E-line

15 Mandibular space analysis - total space available: 64mm - total space required:64mm - discrepancy:0mm

16 Maxillary space analysis - total space available:66mm - total space required:71mm - discrepancy:-5mm

17 Bolton analysis : Discrepancy : ant. Ratio : 2.6 mm

18 class 3 skeletal long face upper ant. Teeth crowding and retrusion ( space deficiency : 5mm)

19 Non extraction anterior upper aligning and by protraction Face mask therapy Evaluation for fixed treatment and surgery

20 Thank you

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